t = db.text_blogwild; t.drop(); t.save( { _id: 1 , title: "my blog post" , text: "this is a new blog i am writing. yay eliot" } ); t.save( { _id: 2 , title: "my 2nd post" , text: "this is a new blog i am writing. yay" } ); t.save( { _id: 3 , title: "knives are Fun for writing eliot" , text: "this is a new blog i am writing. yay" } ); // default weight is 1 // specify weights if you want a field to be more meaningull t.ensureIndex( { dummy: "text" } , { weights: "$**" } ); res = t.runCommand( "text" , { search: "blog" } ); assert.eq( 3 , res.stats.n , "A1" ); res = t.runCommand( "text" , { search: "write" } ); assert.eq( 3 , res.stats.n , "B1" ); // mixing t.dropIndex( "dummy_text" ); assert.eq( 1 , t.getIndexKeys().length , "C1" ); t.ensureIndex( { dummy: "text" } , { weights: { "$**": 1 , title: 2 } } ); res = t.runCommand( "text" , { search: "write" } ); assert.eq( 3 , res.stats.n , "C2" ); assert.eq( 3 , res.results[0].obj._id , "C3" ); res = t.runCommand( "text" , { search: "blog" } ); assert.eq( 3 , res.stats.n , "D1" ); assert.eq( 1 , res.results[0].obj._id , "D2" ); res = t.runCommand( "text" , { search: "eliot" } ); assert.eq( 2 , res.stats.n , "E1" ); assert.eq( 3 , res.results[0].obj._id , "E2" );