// This test creates a large projection, which causes a set of field names to // be stored in a StringMap (based on UnorderedFastKeyTable). The hash table // starts with 20 slots, but must be grown repeatedly to hold the complete set // of fields. This test verifies that we can grow the hash table repeatedly // with no failures. // // Related to SERVER-9824. var testDB = db.getSiblingDB('grow_hash_table'); var doTest = function(count) { print('Testing with count of ' + count); testDB.dropDatabase(); var id = { data: 1 }; var doc = { _id: id }; var projection = { }; // Create a document and a projection with fields r1, r2, r3 ... for (var i = 1; i <= count; ++i) { var r = 'r' + i; doc[r] = i; projection[r] = 1; } // Store the document testDB.collection.insert(doc); var errorObj = testDB.getLastErrorObj(); assert(errorObj.err == null, 'Failed to insert document, getLastErrorObj = ' + tojsononeline(errorObj)); // Try to read the document using a large projection try { var findCount = testDB.collection.find({ _id: id }, projection).itcount(); assert(findCount == 1, 'Failed to find single stored document, find().itcount() == ' + findCount); } catch (e) { testDB.dropDatabase(); doassert('Test FAILED! Caught exception ' + tojsononeline(e)); } testDB.dropDatabase(); jsTest.log('Test PASSED'); } doTest(10000);