// Runner for checkDBHashes() that runs the dbhash command on all replica set nodes // to ensure all nodes have the same data. 'use strict'; (function() { load('jstests/libs/discover_topology.js'); // For Topology and DiscoverTopology. load('jstests/libs/parallelTester.js'); // For Thread. function checkReplicatedDataHashesThread(hosts) { load('jstests/libs/override_methods/implicitly_retry_on_background_op_in_progress.js'); try { const excludedDBs = jsTest.options().excludedDBsFromDBHash; const rst = new ReplSetTest(hosts[0]); rst.checkReplicatedDataHashes(undefined, excludedDBs); if (TestData.checkCollectionCounts) { rst.checkCollectionCounts(); } return {ok: 1}; } catch (e) { return {ok: 0, hosts: hosts, error: e.toString(), stack: e.stack}; } } const startTime = Date.now(); assert.neq(typeof db, 'undefined', 'No `db` object, is the shell connected to a mongod?'); let skipped = false; try { const conn = db.getMongo(); const topology = DiscoverTopology.findConnectedNodes(conn); if (topology.type === Topology.kStandalone) { print('Skipping data consistency checks for cluster because we are connected to a' + ' stand-alone mongod: ' + tojsononeline(topology)); skipped = true; return; } if (topology.type === Topology.kReplicaSet) { if (topology.nodes.length === 1) { print('Skipping data consistency checks for cluster because we are connected to a' + ' 1-node replica set: ' + tojsononeline(topology)); skipped = true; return; } const excludedDBs = jsTest.options().excludedDBsFromDBHash; new ReplSetTest(topology.nodes[0]).checkReplicatedDataHashes(undefined, excludedDBs); return; } if (topology.type !== Topology.kShardedCluster) { throw new Error('Unrecognized topology format: ' + tojson(topology)); } const threads = []; try { if (topology.configsvr.nodes.length > 1) { const thread = new Thread(checkReplicatedDataHashesThread, topology.configsvr.nodes); threads.push(thread); thread.start(); } else { print('Skipping data consistency checks for 1-node CSRS: ' + tojsononeline(topology)); } for (let shardName of Object.keys(topology.shards)) { const shard = topology.shards[shardName]; if (shard.type === Topology.kStandalone) { print('Skipping data consistency checks for stand-alone shard: ' + tojsononeline(topology)); continue; } if (shard.type !== Topology.kReplicaSet) { throw new Error('Unrecognized topology format: ' + tojson(topology)); } if (shard.nodes.length > 1) { const thread = new Thread(checkReplicatedDataHashesThread, shard.nodes); threads.push(thread); thread.start(); } else { print('Skipping data consistency checks for 1-node replica set shard: ' + tojsononeline(topology)); } } } finally { // Wait for each thread to finish. Throw an error if any thread fails. const returnData = threads.map(thread => { thread.join(); return thread.returnData(); }); returnData.forEach(res => { assert.commandWorked(res, 'data consistency checks failed'); }); } } finally { if (!skipped) { const totalTime = Date.now() - startTime; print('Finished data consistency checks for cluster in ' + totalTime + ' ms.'); } } })();