// This test confirms that mongos interprets host names passed to it via the // --configdb command line argument *without* a port number as referring to // processes listening on the config server port (27019) rather than the default // mongod port of 27017. // // That is, mongos --configdb=localhost should look for a config server on port 27019, // not port 27017. // // The test confirms this behavior for 1-node config servers, SCCC config servers and // CSRS config servers. (function() { "use strict"; function getHostPart(hostAndPort) { return hostAndPort.substr(0, hostAndPort.lastIndexOf(':')); } var c1, c2, c3; // The config servers must support readConcern: majority to be run as a replica set, so // explicitly set storage engine to wiredTiger. c1 = MongoRunner.runMongod( {configsvr: "", port: 27019, replSet: "csrs", storageEngine: "wiredTiger"}); assert.commandWorked(c1.adminCommand("replSetInitiate")); c2 = MongoRunner.runMongod({configsvr: "", storageEngine: "wiredTiger"}); c3 = MongoRunner.runMongod({configsvr: "", storageEngine: "wiredTiger"}); assert(MongoRunner.runMongos({configdb: "csrs/" + getHostPart(c1.host)})); }());