// Check that dummy basic cursors work correctly SERVER-958. t = db.jstests_indexo; t.drop(); function checkDummyCursor( explain ) { assert.eq( "BasicCursor", explain.cursor ); assert.eq( 0, explain.nscanned ); assert.eq( 0, explain.n ); } t.save( {a:1} ); t.ensureIndex( {a:1} ); // Match is impossible, so no documents should be scanned. checkDummyCursor( t.find( {a:{$gt:5,$lt:0}} ).explain() ); t.drop(); checkDummyCursor( t.find( {a:1} ).explain() ); t.save( {a:1} ); t.ensureIndex( {a:1} ); checkDummyCursor( t.find( {$or:[{a:{$gt:5,$lt:0}},{a:1}]} ).explain().clauses[ 0 ] ); t.drop(); t.save( {a:5,b:[1,2]} ); t.ensureIndex( {a:1,b:1} ); t.ensureIndex( {a:1} ); // The first clause will use index {a:1,b:1} with the current implementation. // The second clause has no valid values for index {a:1} so it will use a dummy cursor. checkDummyCursor( t.find( {$or:[{b:{$exists:true},a:{$gt:4}},{a:{$lt:6,$gt:4}}]} ).explain().clauses[ 1 ] );