// Contains helpers for checking, based on the explain output, properties of a // plan. For instance, there are helpers for checking whether a plan is a collection // scan or whether the plan is covered (index only). load("jstests/libs/fixture_helpers.js"); // For FixtureHelpers. /** * Returns a sub-element of the 'queryPlanner' explain output which represents a winning plan. */ function getWinningPlan(queryPlanner) { // The 'queryPlan' format is used when the SBE engine is turned on. If this field is present, // it will hold a serialized winning plan, otherwise it will be stored in the 'winningPlan' // field itself. return queryPlanner.winningPlan.hasOwnProperty("queryPlan") ? queryPlanner.winningPlan.queryPlan : queryPlanner.winningPlan; } /** * Returns an element of explain output which represents a rejected candidate plan. */ function getRejectedPlan(rejectedPlan) { // The 'queryPlan' format is used when the SBE engine is turned on. If this field is present, // it will hold a serialized winning plan, otherwise it will be stored in the 'rejectedPlan' // element itself. return rejectedPlan.hasOwnProperty("queryPlan") ? rejectedPlan.queryPlan : rejectedPlan; } /** * Returns a sub-element of the 'cachedPlan' explain output which represents a query plan. */ function getCachedPlan(cachedPlan) { // The 'queryPlan' format is used when the SBE engine is turned on. If this field is present, it // will hold a serialized cached plan, otherwise it will be stored in the 'cachedPlan' field // itself. return cachedPlan.hasOwnProperty("queryPlan") ? cachedPlan.queryPlan : cachedPlan; } /** * Given the root stage of explain's JSON representation of a query plan ('root'), returns all * subdocuments whose stage is 'stage'. Returns an empty array if the plan does not have the * requested stage. if 'stage' is 'null' returns all the stages in 'root'. */ function getPlanStages(root, stage) { var results = []; if (root.stage === stage || stage === undefined) { results.push(root); } if ("inputStage" in root) { results = results.concat(getPlanStages(root.inputStage, stage)); } if ("inputStages" in root) { for (var i = 0; i < root.inputStages.length; i++) { results = results.concat(getPlanStages(root.inputStages[i], stage)); } } if ("queryPlanner" in root) { results = results.concat(getPlanStages(getWinningPlan(root.queryPlanner), stage)); } if ("thenStage" in root) { results = results.concat(getPlanStages(root.thenStage, stage)); } if ("elseStage" in root) { results = results.concat(getPlanStages(root.elseStage, stage)); } if ("outerStage" in root) { results = results.concat(getPlanStages(root.outerStage, stage)); } if ("innerStage" in root) { results = results.concat(getPlanStages(root.innerStage, stage)); } if ("shards" in root) { if (Array.isArray(root.shards)) { results = root.shards.reduce((res, shard) => res.concat(getPlanStages( shard.hasOwnProperty("winningPlan") ? getWinningPlan(shard) : shard.executionStages, stage)), results); } else { const shards = Object.keys(root.shards); results = shards.reduce( (res, shard) => res.concat(getPlanStages(root.shards[shard], stage)), results); } } return results; } /** * Given the root stage of explain's JSON representation of a query plan ('root'), returns a list of * all the stages in 'root'. */ function getAllPlanStages(root) { return getPlanStages(root); } /** * Given the root stage of explain's JSON representation of a query plan ('root'), returns the * subdocument with its stage as 'stage'. Returns null if the plan does not have such a stage. * Asserts that no more than one stage is a match. */ function getPlanStage(root, stage) { var planStageList = getPlanStages(root, stage); if (planStageList.length === 0) { return null; } else { assert(planStageList.length === 1, "getPlanStage expects to find 0 or 1 matching stages. planStageList: " + tojson(planStageList)); return planStageList[0]; } } /** * Returns the set of rejected plans from the given replset or sharded explain output. */ function getRejectedPlans(root) { if (root.queryPlanner.winningPlan.hasOwnProperty("shards")) { const rejectedPlans = []; for (let shard of root.queryPlanner.winningPlan.shards) { for (let rejectedPlan of shard.rejectedPlans) { rejectedPlans.push(Object.assign({shardName: shard.shardName}, rejectedPlan)); } } return rejectedPlans; } return root.queryPlanner.rejectedPlans; } /** * Given the root stage of explain's JSON representation of a query plan ('root'), returns true if * the query planner reports at least one rejected alternative plan, and false otherwise. */ function hasRejectedPlans(root) { function sectionHasRejectedPlans(explainSection) { assert(explainSection.hasOwnProperty("rejectedPlans"), tojson(explainSection)); return explainSection.rejectedPlans.length !== 0; } function cursorStageHasRejectedPlans(cursorStage) { assert(cursorStage.hasOwnProperty("$cursor"), tojson(cursorStage)); assert(cursorStage.$cursor.hasOwnProperty("queryPlanner"), tojson(cursorStage)); return sectionHasRejectedPlans(cursorStage.$cursor.queryPlanner); } if (root.hasOwnProperty("shards")) { // This is a sharded agg explain. Recursively check whether any of the shards has rejected // plans. const shardExplains = []; for (const shard in root.shards) { shardExplains.push(root.shards[shard]); } return shardExplains.some(hasRejectedPlans); } else if (root.hasOwnProperty("stages")) { // This is an agg explain. const cursorStages = getAggPlanStages(root, "$cursor"); return cursorStages.find((cursorStage) => cursorStageHasRejectedPlans(cursorStage)) !== undefined; } else { // This is some sort of query explain. assert(root.hasOwnProperty("queryPlanner"), tojson(root)); assert(root.queryPlanner.hasOwnProperty("winningPlan"), tojson(root)); if (!root.queryPlanner.winningPlan.hasOwnProperty("shards")) { // This is an unsharded explain. return sectionHasRejectedPlans(root.queryPlanner); } // This is a sharded explain. Each entry in the shards array contains a 'winningPlan' and // 'rejectedPlans'. return root.queryPlanner.winningPlan.shards.find( (shard) => sectionHasRejectedPlans(shard)) !== undefined; } } /** * Returns an array of execution stages from the given replset or sharded explain output. */ function getExecutionStages(root) { if (root.executionStats.executionStages.hasOwnProperty("shards")) { const executionStages = []; for (let shard of root.executionStats.executionStages.shards) { executionStages.push(Object.assign( {shardName: shard.shardName, executionSuccess: shard.executionSuccess}, shard.executionStages)); } return executionStages; } return [root.executionStats.executionStages]; } /** * Given the root stage of agg explain's JSON representation of a query plan ('root'), returns all * subdocuments whose stage is 'stage'. This can either be an agg stage name like "$cursor" or * "$sort", or a query stage name like "IXSCAN" or "SORT". * * If 'useQueryPlannerSection' is set to 'true', the 'queryPlanner' section of the explain output * will be used to lookup the given 'stage', even if 'executionStats' section is available. * * Returns an empty array if the plan does not have the requested stage. Asserts that agg explain * structure matches expected format. */ function getAggPlanStages(root, stage, useQueryPlannerSection = false) { let results = []; function getDocumentSources(docSourceArray) { let results = []; for (let i = 0; i < docSourceArray.length; i++) { let properties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(docSourceArray[i]); if (properties[0] === stage) { results.push(docSourceArray[i]); } } return results; } function getStagesFromQueryLayerOutput(queryLayerOutput) { let results = []; assert(queryLayerOutput.hasOwnProperty("queryPlanner")); assert(queryLayerOutput.queryPlanner.hasOwnProperty("winningPlan")); // If execution stats are available, then use the execution stats tree. Otherwise use the // plan info from the "queryPlanner" section. if (queryLayerOutput.hasOwnProperty("executionStats") && !useQueryPlannerSection) { assert(queryLayerOutput.executionStats.hasOwnProperty("executionStages")); results = results.concat( getPlanStages(queryLayerOutput.executionStats.executionStages, stage)); } else { results = results.concat(getPlanStages(getWinningPlan(queryLayerOutput.queryPlanner), stage)); } return results; } if (root.hasOwnProperty("stages")) { assert(root.stages.constructor === Array); results = results.concat(getDocumentSources(root.stages)); if (root.stages[0].hasOwnProperty("$cursor")) { results = results.concat(getStagesFromQueryLayerOutput(root.stages[0].$cursor)); } else if (root.stages[0].hasOwnProperty("$geoNearCursor")) { results = results.concat(getStagesFromQueryLayerOutput(root.stages[0].$geoNearCursor)); } } if (root.hasOwnProperty("shards")) { for (let elem in root.shards) { if (root.shards[elem].hasOwnProperty("queryPlanner")) { // The shard was able to optimize away the pipeline, which means that the format of // the explain output doesn't have the "stages" array. assert.eq(true, root.shards[elem].queryPlanner.optimizedPipeline); results = results.concat(getStagesFromQueryLayerOutput(root.shards[elem])); // Move onto the next shard. continue; } if (!root.shards[elem].hasOwnProperty("stages")) { continue; } assert(root.shards[elem].stages.constructor === Array); results = results.concat(getDocumentSources(root.shards[elem].stages)); const firstStage = root.shards[elem].stages[0]; if (firstStage.hasOwnProperty("$cursor")) { results = results.concat(getStagesFromQueryLayerOutput(firstStage.$cursor)); } else if (firstStage.hasOwnProperty("$geoNearCursor")) { results = results.concat(getStagesFromQueryLayerOutput(firstStage.$geoNearCursor)); } } } // If the agg pipeline was completely optimized away, then the agg explain output will be // formatted like the explain output for a find command. if (root.hasOwnProperty("queryPlanner")) { assert.eq(true, root.queryPlanner.optimizedPipeline); results = results.concat(getStagesFromQueryLayerOutput(root)); } return results; } /** * Given the root stage of agg explain's JSON representation of a query plan ('root'), returns the * subdocument with its stage as 'stage'. Returns null if the plan does not have such a stage. * Asserts that no more than one stage is a match. * * If 'useQueryPlannerSection' is set to 'true', the 'queryPlanner' section of the explain output * will be used to lookup the given 'stage', even if 'executionStats' section is available. */ function getAggPlanStage(root, stage, useQueryPlannerSection = false) { let planStageList = getAggPlanStages(root, stage, useQueryPlannerSection); if (planStageList.length === 0) { return null; } else { assert.eq(1, planStageList.length, "getAggPlanStage expects to find 0 or 1 matching stages. planStageList: " + tojson(planStageList)); return planStageList[0]; } } /** * Given the root stage of agg explain's JSON representation of a query plan ('root'), returns * whether the plan has a stage called 'stage'. It could have more than one to allow for sharded * explain plans, and it can search for a query planner stage like "FETCH" or an agg stage like * "$group." */ function aggPlanHasStage(root, stage) { return getAggPlanStages(root, stage).length > 0; } /** * Given the root stage of explain's BSON representation of a query plan ('root'), * returns true if the plan has a stage called 'stage'. */ function planHasStage(db, root, stage) { const matchingStages = getPlanStages(root, stage); // If we are executing against a mongos, we may get more than one occurrence of the stage. if (FixtureHelpers.isMongos(db)) { return matchingStages.length >= 1; } else { assert.lt(matchingStages.length, 2, `Expected to find 0 or 1 matching stages: ${tojson(matchingStages)}`); return matchingStages.length === 1; } } /** * A query is covered iff it does *not* have a FETCH stage or a COLLSCAN. * * Given the root stage of explain's BSON representation of a query plan ('root'), * returns true if the plan is index only. Otherwise returns false. */ function isIndexOnly(db, root) { return !planHasStage(db, root, "FETCH") && !planHasStage(db, root, "COLLSCAN"); } /** * Returns true if the BSON representation of a plan rooted at 'root' is using * an index scan, and false otherwise. */ function isIxscan(db, root) { return planHasStage(db, root, "IXSCAN"); } /** * Returns true if the BSON representation of a plan rooted at 'root' is using * the idhack fast path, and false otherwise. */ function isIdhack(db, root) { return planHasStage(db, root, "IDHACK"); } /** * Returns true if the BSON representation of a plan rooted at 'root' is using * a collection scan, and false otherwise. */ function isCollscan(db, root) { return planHasStage(db, root, "COLLSCAN"); } function isClusteredIxscan(db, root) { return planHasStage(db, root, "CLUSTERED_IXSCAN"); } /** * Returns true if the BSON representation of a plan rooted at 'root' is using the aggregation * framework, and false otherwise. */ function isAggregationPlan(root) { if (root.hasOwnProperty("shards")) { const shards = Object.keys(root.shards); return shards.reduce( (res, shard) => res + root.shards[shard].hasOwnProperty("stages") ? 1 : 0, 0) > 0; } return root.hasOwnProperty("stages"); } /** * Returns true if the BSON representation of a plan rooted at 'root' is using just the query layer, * and false otherwise. */ function isQueryPlan(root) { if (root.hasOwnProperty("shards")) { const shards = Object.keys(root.shards); return shards.reduce( (res, shard) => res + root.shards[shard].hasOwnProperty("queryPlanner") ? 1 : 0, 0) > 0; } return root.hasOwnProperty("queryPlanner"); } /** * Get the "chunk skips" for a single shard. Here, "chunk skips" refer to documents excluded by the * shard filter. */ function getChunkSkipsFromShard(shardPlan, shardExecutionStages) { const shardFilterPlanStage = getPlanStage(getWinningPlan(shardPlan), "SHARDING_FILTER"); if (!shardFilterPlanStage) { return 0; } if (shardFilterPlanStage.hasOwnProperty("planNodeId")) { const shardFilterNodeId = shardFilterPlanStage.planNodeId; // If the query plan's shard filter has a 'planNodeId' value, we search for the // corresponding SBE filter stage and use its stats to determine how many documents were // excluded. const filters = getPlanStages(shardExecutionStages.executionStages, "filter") .filter(stage => (stage.planNodeId === shardFilterNodeId)); return filters.reduce((numSkips, stage) => (numSkips + (stage.numTested - stage.nReturned)), 0); } else { // Otherwise, we assume that execution used a "classic" SHARDING_FILTER stage, which // explicitly reports a "chunkSkips" value. const filters = getPlanStages(shardExecutionStages.executionStages, "SHARDING_FILTER"); return filters.reduce((numSkips, stage) => (numSkips + stage.chunkSkips), 0); } } /** * Get the sum of "chunk skips" from all shards. Here, "chunk skips" refer to documents excluded by * the shard filter. */ function getChunkSkipsFromAllShards(explainResult) { const shardPlanArray = explainResult.queryPlanner.winningPlan.shards; const shardExecutionStagesArray = explainResult.executionStats.executionStages.shards; assert.eq(shardPlanArray.length, shardExecutionStagesArray.length, explainResult); let totalChunkSkips = 0; for (let i = 0; i < shardPlanArray.length; i++) { totalChunkSkips += getChunkSkipsFromShard(shardPlanArray[i], shardExecutionStagesArray[i]); } return totalChunkSkips; } /** * Given explain output at executionStats level verbosity, confirms that the root stage is COUNT or * RECORD_STORE_FAST_COUNT and that the result of the count is equal to 'expectedCount'. */ function assertExplainCount({explainResults, expectedCount}) { const execStages = explainResults.executionStats.executionStages; // If passed through mongos, then the root stage should be the mongos SINGLE_SHARD stage or // SHARD_MERGE stages, with COUNT as the root stage on each shard. If explaining directly on the // shard, then COUNT is the root stage. if ("SINGLE_SHARD" == execStages.stage || "SHARD_MERGE" == execStages.stage) { let totalCounted = 0; for (let shardExplain of execStages.shards) { const countStage = shardExplain.executionStages; assert(countStage.stage === "COUNT" || countStage.stage === "RECORD_STORE_FAST_COUNT", `Root stage on shard is not COUNT or RECORD_STORE_FAST_COUNT. ` + `The actual plan is: ${tojson(explainResults)}`); totalCounted += countStage.nCounted; } assert.eq(totalCounted, expectedCount, assert.eq(totalCounted, expectedCount, "wrong count result")); } else { assert(execStages.stage === "COUNT" || execStages.stage === "RECORD_STORE_FAST_COUNT", `Root stage on shard is not COUNT or RECORD_STORE_FAST_COUNT. ` + `The actual plan is: ${tojson(explainResults)}`); assert.eq( execStages.nCounted, expectedCount, "Wrong count result. Actual: " + execStages.nCounted + "expected: " + expectedCount); } } /** * Verifies that a given query uses an index and is covered when used in a count command. */ function assertCoveredQueryAndCount({collection, query, project, count}) { let explain = collection.find(query, project).explain(); assert(isIndexOnly(db, getWinningPlan(explain.queryPlanner)), "Winning plan was not covered: " + tojson(explain.queryPlanner.winningPlan)); // Same query as a count command should also be covered. explain = collection.explain("executionStats").find(query).count(); assert(isIndexOnly(db, getWinningPlan(explain.queryPlanner)), "Winning plan for count was not covered: " + tojson(explain.queryPlanner.winningPlan)); assertExplainCount({explainResults: explain, expectedCount: count}); } /** * Runs explain() operation on 'cmdObj' and verifies that all the stages in 'expectedStages' are * present exactly once in the plan returned. When 'stagesNotExpected' array is passed, also * verifies that none of those stages are present in the explain() plan. */ function assertStagesForExplainOfCommand({coll, cmdObj, expectedStages, stagesNotExpected}) { const plan = assert.commandWorked(coll.runCommand({explain: cmdObj})); const winningPlan = getWinningPlan(plan.queryPlanner); for (let expectedStage of expectedStages) { assert(planHasStage(coll.getDB(), winningPlan, expectedStage), "Could not find stage " + expectedStage + ". Plan: " + tojson(plan)); } for (let stage of (stagesNotExpected || [])) { assert(!planHasStage(coll.getDB(), winningPlan, stage), "Found stage " + stage + " when not expected. Plan: " + tojson(plan)); } return plan; } /** * Get the "planCacheKey" from the explain result. */ function getPlanCacheKeyFromExplain(explainRes, db) { const hash = FixtureHelpers.isMongos(db) && explainRes.queryPlanner.hasOwnProperty("winningPlan") && explainRes.queryPlanner.winningPlan.hasOwnProperty("shards") ? explainRes.queryPlanner.winningPlan.shards[0].planCacheKey : explainRes.queryPlanner.planCacheKey; assert.eq(typeof hash, "string"); return hash; } /** * Helper to run a explain on the given query shape and get the "planCacheKey" from the explain * result. */ function getPlanCacheKeyFromShape({query = {}, projection = {}, sort = {}, collection, db}) { const explainRes = assert.commandWorked(collection.explain().find(query, projection).sort(sort).finish()); return getPlanCacheKeyFromExplain(explainRes, db); } /** * Helper to run a explain on the given pipeline and get the "planCacheKey" from the explain * result. */ function getPlanCacheKeyFromPipeline(pipeline, collection, db) { const explainRes = assert.commandWorked(collection.explain().aggregate(pipeline)); return getPlanCacheKeyFromExplain(explainRes, db); } /** * Given the winning query plan, flatten query plan tree into a list of plan stage names. */ function flattenQueryPlanTree(winningPlan) { let stages = []; while (winningPlan) { stages.push(winningPlan.stage); winningPlan = winningPlan.inputStage; } stages.reverse(); return stages; }