load("jstests/libs/parallelTester.js"); // for Thread. function backupData(mongo, destinationDirectory) { let backupCursor = openBackupCursor(mongo); let metadata = getBackupCursorMetadata(backupCursor); copyBackupCursorFiles(backupCursor, metadata.dbpath, destinationDirectory); backupCursor.close(); return metadata; } function openBackupCursor(mongo) { // Opening a backup cursor can race with taking a checkpoint, resulting in a transient // error. Retry until it succeeds. while (true) { try { return mongo.getDB("admin").aggregate([{$backupCursor: {}}]); } catch (exc) { jsTestLog({"Failed to open a backup cursor, retrying.": exc}); } } } function extendBackupCursor(mongo, backupId, extendTo) { return mongo.getDB("admin").aggregate( [{$backupCursorExtend: {backupId: backupId, timestamp: extendTo}}], {maxTimeMS: 180 * 1000}); } function startHeartbeatThread(host, backupCursor, session, stopCounter) { let cursorId = tojson(backupCursor._cursorid); let lsid = tojson(session.getSessionId()); let heartbeatBackupCursor = function(host, cursorId, lsid, stopCounter) { const conn = new Mongo(host); const db = conn.getDB("admin"); while (stopCounter.getCount() > 0) { let res = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({ getMore: eval("(" + cursorId + ")"), collection: "$cmd.aggregate", lsid: eval("(" + lsid + ")") })); sleep(10 * 1000); } }; heartbeater = new Thread(heartbeatBackupCursor, host, cursorId, lsid, stopCounter); heartbeater.start(); return heartbeater; } function getBackupCursorMetadata(backupCursor) { assert(backupCursor.hasNext()); let doc = backupCursor.next(); assert(doc.hasOwnProperty("metadata")); return doc["metadata"]; } /** * Exhaust the backup cursor and copy all the listed files to the destination directory. If `async` * is true, this function will spawn a Thread doing the copy work and return the thread along * with the backup cursor metadata. The caller should `join` the thread when appropriate. */ function copyBackupCursorFiles(backupCursor, dbpath, destinationDirectory, async) { resetDbpath(destinationDirectory); mkdir(destinationDirectory + "/journal"); let copyThread = copyBackupCursorExtendFiles(backupCursor, dbpath, destinationDirectory, async); return copyThread; } function copyBackupCursorExtendFiles(cursor, dbpath, destinationDirectory, async) { let files = _cursorToFiles(cursor); let copyThread; if (async) { copyThread = new Thread(_copyFiles, files, dbpath, destinationDirectory, _copyFileHelper); copyThread.start(); } else { _copyFiles(files, dbpath, destinationDirectory, _copyFileHelper); } jsTestLog({ msg: "Destination", destination: destinationDirectory, dbpath: ls(destinationDirectory), journal: ls(destinationDirectory + "/journal") }); return copyThread; } function _cursorToFiles(cursor) { let files = []; while (cursor.hasNext()) { let doc = cursor.next(); assert(doc.hasOwnProperty("filename")); files.push(doc.filename); } return files; } function _copyFiles(files, dbpath, destinationDirectory, copyFileHelper) { files.forEach((file) => { let dbgDoc = copyFileHelper(file, dbpath, destinationDirectory); dbgDoc["msg"] = "File copy"; jsTestLog(dbgDoc); }); } function _copyFileHelper(absoluteFilePath, sourceDbPath, destinationDirectory) { // Ensure the dbpath ends with an OS appropriate slash. let separator = '/'; if (_isWindows()) { separator = '\\'; } let lastChar = sourceDbPath[sourceDbPath.length - 1]; if (lastChar !== '/' && lastChar !== '\\') { sourceDbPath += separator; } // Ensure that the full path starts with the returned dbpath. assert.eq(0, absoluteFilePath.indexOf(sourceDbPath)); // Grab the file path relative to the dbpath. Maintain that relation when copying // to the `hiddenDbpath`. let relativePath = absoluteFilePath.substr(sourceDbPath.length); let destination = destinationDirectory + separator + relativePath; const newFileDirectory = destination.substring(0, destination.lastIndexOf(separator)); mkdir(newFileDirectory); copyFile(absoluteFilePath, destination); return {fileSource: absoluteFilePath, relativePath: relativePath, fileDestination: destination}; }