var ClusteredCappedUtils = class { // Validate TTL-based deletion on a clustered, capped collection. static testClusteredCappedCollectionWithTTL(db, collName, clusterKeyField) { jsTest.log("Validating TTL operation on capped clustered collection"); // Set expireAfterSeconds to a day to safely test that only expired documents are deleted. const expireAfterSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24; const clusterKey = {[clusterKeyField]: 1}; const coll = db[collName]; const now = new Date(); const batchSize = 10; const clusterKeyFieldName = Object.keys(clusterKey)[0]; coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(db.createCollection( coll.getName(), {clusteredIndex: {key: clusterKey, unique: true}, capped: true, expireAfterSeconds})); let docs = []; for (let i = batchSize; i; i--) { const tenTimesExpiredMs = 10 * expireAfterSeconds * 1000; const pastDate = new Date(now - tenTimesExpiredMs - i); docs.push({ [clusterKeyFieldName]: pastDate, info: "expired", }); } assert.commandWorked(coll.insertMany(docs, {ordered: true})); docs = []; for (let i = batchSize; i; i--) { const recentDate = new Date(now - i); docs.push({ [clusterKeyFieldName]: recentDate, info: "unexpired", }); } assert.commandWorked(coll.insertMany(docs, {ordered: true})); ClusteredCollectionUtil.waitForTTL(db); // Only the recent documents survived. assert.eq(coll.find().itcount(), batchSize); coll.drop(); } static testClusteredTailableCursorCreation(db, collName, clusterKey, isReplicated) { jsTest.log( "Validating tailable cursor creation on capped clustered collection (isReplicated: " + isReplicated + ")"); assert.commandWorked(db.createCollection(collName, { clusteredIndex: {key: {[clusterKey]: 1}, unique: true}, capped: true, expireAfterSeconds: 10 })); if (isReplicated) { // Must tail with read concern majority. assert.commandFailedWithCode( db.runCommand({find: collName, tailable: true, readConcern: {level: "local"}}), 6049203); assert.commandFailedWithCode( db.runCommand({find: collName, tailable: true, readConcern: {level: "available"}}), 6049203); assert.commandWorked( db.runCommand({find: collName, tailable: true, readConcern: {level: "majority"}})); } else { assert.commandWorked( db.runCommand({find: collName, tailable: true, readConcern: {level: "local"}})); assert.commandWorked( db.runCommand({find: collName, tailable: true, readConcern: {level: "available"}})); } db.getCollection(collName).drop(); } // Validate tailable cursor operation along with TTL deletion. static testClusteredTailableCursorWithTTL(db, collName, clusterKey, isReplicated, awaitData) { jsTest.log( "Validating tailable cursor operation on capped clustered collection (isReplicated: " + isReplicated + ", awaitData: " + awaitData + ")"); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, ttlMonitorEnabled: false})); const oneDayInSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24; const oneHourInMilliseconds = 60 * 60 * 1000; const nineDaysInMilliseconds = 9 * oneDayInSeconds * 1000; const tenDaysInMilliseconds = 10 * oneDayInSeconds * 1000; const now = new Date(); const oneHourAgo = new Date(now - oneHourInMilliseconds); const nineDaysAgo = new Date(now - nineDaysInMilliseconds); const tenDaysAgo = new Date(now - tenDaysInMilliseconds); // Create a clustered capped collection, and insert two old documents subject to imminent // TTL deletion, and two recent document which survive TTL deletion. assert.commandWorked(db.createCollection(collName, { clusteredIndex: {key: {[clusterKey]: 1}, unique: true}, capped: true, expireAfterSeconds: oneDayInSeconds })); assert.commandWorked( db.getCollection(collName).insertOne({[clusterKey]: tenDaysAgo, info: "10 days ago"})); assert.commandWorked( db.getCollection(collName).insertOne({[clusterKey]: nineDaysAgo, info: "9 days ago"})); assert.commandWorked(db.getCollection(collName).insertOne( {[clusterKey]: oneHourAgo, info: "1 hour ago - surviving"})); assert.commandWorked( db.getCollection(collName).insertOne({[clusterKey]: now, info: "now - surviving"})); // Tail just past the first two documents, so the cursor can survive the upcoming TTL // deletion. let tailCommand = {find: collName, batchSize: 1, tailable: true, awaitData: awaitData}; if (isReplicated) { tailCommand['readConcern'] = {level: "majority"}; } else { tailCommand['readConcern'] = {level: "local"}; } const tailable = db.runCommand(tailCommand); assert.commandWorked(tailable); const cursorId =; assert(!bsonBinaryEqual({cursorId: cursorId}, {cursorId: NumberLong(0)})); assert.eq("10 days ago", tailable.cursor.firstBatch[0].info); { let getMore = db.runCommand({getMore: cursorId, collection: collName, batchSize: 1}); assert.commandWorked(getMore); assert.eq("9 days ago", getMore.cursor.nextBatch[0].info); } { let getMore = db.runCommand({getMore: cursorId, collection: collName, batchSize: 1}); assert.commandWorked(getMore); assert.eq("1 hour ago - surviving", getMore.cursor.nextBatch[0].info); } assert.eq(4, db.getCollection(collName).find().itcount()); // TTL delete the two old documents. assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, ttlMonitorEnabled: true})); ClusteredCollectionUtil.waitForTTL(db); assert.eq(2, db.getCollection(collName).find().itcount()); // Confirm that the tailable getMore can resume from where it was, since the document the // cursor is positioned on hasn't been TTL-removed. { let getMore = db.runCommand({getMore: cursorId, collection: collName, batchSize: 1}); assert.commandWorked(getMore); assert.eq("now - surviving", getMore.cursor.nextBatch[0].info); } { let getMore = db.runCommand({getMore: cursorId, collection: collName}); assert.commandWorked(getMore); assert.eq(0, getMore.cursor.nextBatch.length); } db.getCollection(collName).drop(); } // Validate tailable cursor not keeping up with TTL deletion - CappedPositionLost. static testClusteredTailableCursorCappedPositionLostWithTTL( db, collName, clusterKey, isReplicated, awaitData) { jsTest.log( "Validating tailable cursor falling behind with TTL deletion on capped clustered collection (isReplicated: " + isReplicated + ", awaitData: " + awaitData + ")"); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, ttlMonitorEnabled: false})); const oneDayInSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24; const nineDaysInMilliseconds = 9 * oneDayInSeconds * 1000; const tenDaysInMilliseconds = 10 * oneDayInSeconds * 1000; const tenDaysAgo = new Date(new Date() - tenDaysInMilliseconds); const nineDaysAgo = new Date(new Date() - nineDaysInMilliseconds); const today = new Date(); // Create a clustered capped collection, and insert two old documents subject to imminent // TTL deletion, and a recent document. assert.commandWorked(db.createCollection(collName, { clusteredIndex: {key: {[clusterKey]: 1}, unique: true}, capped: true, expireAfterSeconds: oneDayInSeconds })); assert.commandWorked( db.getCollection(collName).insertOne({[clusterKey]: tenDaysAgo, info: "10 days ago"})); assert.commandWorked( db.getCollection(collName).insertOne({[clusterKey]: nineDaysAgo, info: "9 days ago"})); assert.commandWorked( db.getCollection(collName).insertOne({[clusterKey]: today, info: "today - surviving"})); // Tail up to and including the first document, before it gets TTL reaped. let tailCommand = {find: collName, batchSize: 1, tailable: true, awaitData: awaitData}; if (isReplicated) { tailCommand['readConcern'] = {level: "majority"}; } else { tailCommand['readConcern'] = {level: "local"}; } const tailable = db.runCommand(tailCommand); assert.commandWorked(tailable); const cursorId =; assert(!bsonBinaryEqual({cursorId: cursorId}, {cursorId: NumberLong(0)})); assert.eq("10 days ago", tailable.cursor.firstBatch[0].info); assert.eq(3, db.getCollection(collName).find().itcount()); // TTL delete the two old documents, while the tailable cursor is still on the first one. assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, ttlMonitorEnabled: true})); ClusteredCollectionUtil.waitForTTL(db); assert.eq(1, db.getCollection(collName).find().itcount()); // Confirm that the tailable cursor returns CappedPositionLost, as the document it was // pointing to has been TTL-deleted. let getMore = db.runCommand({getMore: cursorId, collection: collName, batchSize: 1}); assert.commandFailedWithCode(getMore, 136); assert.eq(getMore.codeName, "CappedPositionLost"); db.getCollection(collName).drop(); } // Validate that by design, a cursor on a clustered capped collection can miss documents if they // are not inserted in cluster key order. static testClusteredTailableCursorOutOfOrderInsertion( db, collName, clusterKey, isReplicated, awaitData) { jsTest.log( "Validating clustered tailable cursor with out-of-order insertions (isReplicated: " + isReplicated + ", awaitData: " + awaitData + ")"); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, ttlMonitorEnabled: false})); const oneDayInSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24; const oneMinuteAgo = new Date(new Date() - 60 * 1000); const now = new Date(); // Create a clustered capped collection and insert a document with a cluster key value equal // to now. assert.commandWorked(db.createCollection(collName, { clusteredIndex: {key: {[clusterKey]: 1}, unique: true}, capped: true, expireAfterSeconds: oneDayInSeconds })); assert.commandWorked( db.getCollection(collName).insertOne({[clusterKey]: now, info: "now"})); // Create a tailable cursor and fetch the document inserted. let tailCommand = {find: collName, batchSize: 1, tailable: true, awaitData: awaitData}; if (isReplicated) { tailCommand['readConcern'] = {level: "majority"}; } else { tailCommand['readConcern'] = {level: "local"}; } const tailable = db.runCommand(tailCommand); assert.commandWorked(tailable); const cursorId =; assert(!bsonBinaryEqual({cursorId: cursorId}, {cursorId: NumberLong(0)})); assert.eq("now", tailable.cursor.firstBatch[0].info); // Now insert a document with a cluster key value equal to a minute ago, and verify // that the tailable cursor is unable to fetch it. assert.commandWorked(db.getCollection(collName).insertOne( {[clusterKey]: oneMinuteAgo, info: "1 minute ago"})); const getMore = db.runCommand({getMore: cursorId, collection: collName, batchSize: 1}); assert.commandWorked(getMore); assert.eq(0, getMore.cursor.nextBatch.length); db.getCollection(collName).drop(); } static testClusteredReplicatedTTLDeletion(db, collName) { jsTest.log("Validating replication of TTL deletes on capped clustered collection"); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, ttlMonitorEnabled: false})); const oneDayInSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24; const tenDaysInMilliseconds = 10 * oneDayInSeconds * 1000; const tenDaysAgo = new Date(new Date() - tenDaysInMilliseconds); const earlierTenDaysAgo = new Date(tenDaysAgo.getTime - 1); // Create clustered capped collection and insert soon-to-be-expired documents. assert.commandWorked(db.createCollection(collName, { clusteredIndex: {key: {_id: 1}, unique: true}, capped: true, expireAfterSeconds: oneDayInSeconds })); assert.commandWorked(db.getCollection(collName).insertMany([ {_id: tenDaysAgo, info: "10 days ago"}, {_id: earlierTenDaysAgo, info: "10 days ago"} ])); assert.eq(2, db.getCollection(collName).find().itcount()); // Expire the documents. assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, ttlMonitorEnabled: true})); ClusteredCollectionUtil.waitForTTL(db); assert.eq(0, db.getCollection(collName).find().itcount()); // The TTL deletion has been replicated to the oplog. const isBatched = assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand( {getParameter: 1, "ttlMonitorBatchDeletes": 1}))["ttlMonitorBatchDeletes"]; const ns = db.getName() + "." + collName; const featureFlagBatchMultiDeletes = assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({ getParameter: 1, "featureFlagBatchMultiDeletes": 1 }))["featureFlagBatchMultiDeletes"]["value"]; if (featureFlagBatchMultiDeletes && isBatched) { const ops = db.getSiblingDB("local") .find({ op: "c", ns: "admin.$cmd", "o.applyOps": { $elemMatch: {op: "d", ns: ns, "o._id": {$in: [tenDaysAgo, earlierTenDaysAgo]}} } }) .sort({$natural: -1}) .limit(1) .toArray(); assert.eq(2, ops[0].o.applyOps.length); } else { assert.eq(1, db.getSiblingDB("local"){op: "d", ns: ns, "o._id": tenDaysAgo}) .itcount()); assert.eq(1, db.getSiblingDB("local"){op: "d", ns: ns, "o._id": earlierTenDaysAgo}) .itcount()); } db.getCollection(collName).drop(); } };