/** * This file defines a class, CSRSUpgradeCoordinator, which contains logic for spinning up a * sharded cluster using SCCC config servers and for upgrading that cluster to CSRS. * Include this file and use the CSRSUpgradeCoordinator class in any targetted jstests of csrs * upgrade behavior. */ load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); var CSRSUpgradeCoordinator = function() { "use strict"; var testDBName = jsTestName(); var dataCollectionName = testDBName + ".data"; var csrsName = jsTestName() + "-csrs"; var numCsrsMembers; var st; var shardConfigs; var csrsConfig; var csrs; var csrs0Opts; this.getTestDBName = function() { return testDBName; }; this.getDataCollectionName = function() { return dataCollectionName; }; /** * Returns an array of connections to the CSRS nodes. */ this.getCSRSNodes = function() { return csrs; }; /** * Returns the replica set name of the config server replica set. */ this.getCSRSName = function() { return csrsName; }; /** * Returns a copy of the options used for starting a mongos in the coordinator's cluster. */ this.getMongosConfig = function() { var sconfig = Object.extend({}, st.s0.fullOptions, /* deep */ true); delete sconfig.port; return sconfig; }; this.getMongos = function(n) { return st._mongos[n]; }; this.getShardName = function(n) { return shardConfigs[n]._id; }; /** * Returns the ShardingTest fixture backing this CSRSUpgradeCoordinator. */ this.getShardingTestFixture = function() { return st; }; /** * Private helper method for waiting for a given node to return ismaster:true in its ismaster * command response. */ var _waitUntilMaster = function(dnode) { var isMasterReply; assert.soon( function() { isMasterReply = dnode.adminCommand({ismaster: 1}); return isMasterReply.ismaster; }, function() { return "Expected " + dnode.name + " to respond ismaster:true, but got " + tojson(isMasterReply); }); }; /** * Restarts the first config server as a single node replica set, while still leaving the * cluster * operating in SCCC mode. */ this.restartFirstConfigAsReplSet = function() { jsTest.log("Restarting " + st.c0.name + " as a standalone replica set"); csrsConfig = {_id: csrsName, version: 1, configsvr: true, members: [{_id: 0, host: st.c0.name}]}; assert.commandWorked(st.c0.adminCommand({replSetInitiate: csrsConfig})); csrs = []; csrs0Opts = Object.extend({}, st.c0.fullOptions, /* deep */ true); csrs0Opts.restart = true; // Don't clean the data files from the old c0. csrs0Opts.replSet = csrsName; csrs0Opts.configsvrMode = "sccc"; MongoRunner.stopMongod(st.c0); csrs.push(MongoRunner.runMongod(csrs0Opts)); _waitUntilMaster(csrs[0]); }; /** * Starts up the new members of the config server replica set as non-voting, priority zero * nodes. */ this.startNewCSRSNodes = function() { jsTest.log("Starting new CSRS nodes"); for (var i = 1; i < numCsrsMembers; ++i) { csrs.push(MongoRunner.runMongod( {replSet: csrsName, configsvr: "", storageEngine: "wiredTiger"})); csrsConfig.members.push({_id: i, host: csrs[i].name, votes: 0, priority: 0}); } csrsConfig.version = 2; jsTest.log("Adding non-voting members to csrs set: " + tojson(csrsConfig)); assert.commandWorked(csrs[0].adminCommand({replSetReconfig: csrsConfig})); }; this.waitUntilConfigsCaughtUp = function() { waitUntilAllNodesCaughtUp(csrs, 60000); }; /** * Stops one of the SCCC config servers, thus disabling changes to cluster metadata and * preventing * any further writes to the config servers until the upgrade to CSRS is completed. */ this.shutdownOneSCCCNode = function() { // Only shut down one of the SCCC config servers to avoid any period without any config // servers // online. jsTest.log("Shutting down third SCCC config server node"); MongoRunner.stopMongod(st.c2); }; /** * Allows all CSRS members to vote, in preparation for switching fully to CSRS mode. */ this.allowAllCSRSNodesToVote = function() { csrsConfig.members.forEach(function(member) { member.votes = 1; member.priority = 1; }); csrsConfig.version = 3; jsTest.log("Allowing all csrs members to vote: " + tojson(csrsConfig)); assert.commandWorked(csrs[0].adminCommand({replSetReconfig: csrsConfig})); }; /** * Restarts the first member of the config server replica set without the --configsvrMode flag, * marking the official switchover from SCCC to CSRS mode. If the first config server doesn't * support readCommitted, waits for it to automatically go into the REMOVED state. Finally, * it shuts down the one remaining SCCC config server node now that it is no longer needed. */ this.switchToCSRSMode = function() { jsTest.log("Restarting " + csrs[0].name + " in csrs mode"); delete csrs0Opts.configsvrMode; assert.commandWorked(csrs[0].adminCommand({replSetStepDown: 60})); MongoRunner.stopMongod(csrs[0]); csrs[0] = MongoRunner.runMongod(csrs0Opts); var csrsStatus; assert.soon( function() { csrsStatus = csrs[0].adminCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1}); if (csrsStatus.members[0].stateStr == "STARTUP" || csrsStatus.members[0].stateStr == "STARTUP2" || csrsStatus.members[0].stateStr == "RECOVERING") { // Make sure first node is fully online or else mongoses still in SCCC mode // might not // find any node online to talk to. return false; } var i; for (i = 0; i < csrsStatus.members.length; ++i) { if (csrsStatus.members[i].name == csrs[0].name) { var supportsCommitted = csrs[0] .getDB("admin") .serverStatus() .storageEngine.supportsCommittedReads; var stateIsRemoved = csrsStatus.members[i].stateStr == "REMOVED"; // If the storage engine supports committed reads, it shouldn't go into // REMOVED // state, but if it does not then it should. if (supportsCommitted) { assert(!stateIsRemoved); } else if (!stateIsRemoved) { return false; } } if (csrsStatus.members[i].stateStr == "PRIMARY") { return csrs[i].adminCommand({ismaster: 1}).ismaster; } } return false; }, function() { return "No primary or non-WT engine not removed in " + tojson(csrsStatus); }); jsTest.log("Shutting down final SCCC config server now that upgrade is complete"); MongoRunner.stopMongod(st.c1); }; };