GeoNearRandomTest = function(name) { = name; this.t = db[name]; this.nPts = 0; // reset state this.t.drop(); Random.srand(1234); print("starting test: " + name); }; GeoNearRandomTest.prototype.mkPt = function mkPt(scale, indexBounds) { if (!indexBounds) { scale = scale || 1; // scale is good for staying away from edges return [((Random.rand() * 359.8) - 179.9) * scale, ((Random.rand() * 180) - 90) * scale]; } else { var range = indexBounds.max - indexBounds.min; var eps = Math.pow(2, -40); // Go very close to the borders but not quite there. return [ (Random.rand() * (range - eps) + eps) + indexBounds.min, (Random.rand() * (range - eps) + eps) + indexBounds.min ]; } }; GeoNearRandomTest.prototype.insertPts = function(nPts, indexBounds, scale) { assert.eq(this.nPts, 0, "insertPoints already called"); this.nPts = nPts; var bulk = this.t.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (var i = 0; i < nPts; i++) { bulk.insert({_id: i, loc: this.mkPt(scale, indexBounds)}); } assert.writeOK(bulk.execute()); if (!indexBounds) this.t.ensureIndex({loc: '2d'}); else this.t.ensureIndex({loc: '2d'}, indexBounds); }; GeoNearRandomTest.prototype.assertIsPrefix = function(short, long) { for (var i = 0; i < short.length; i++) { var xS = short[i].obj ? short[i].obj.loc[0] : short[i].loc[0]; var yS = short[i].obj ? short[i].obj.loc[1] : short[i].loc[1]; var dS = short[i].obj ? short[i].dis : 1; var xL = long[i].obj ? long[i].obj.loc[0] : long[i].loc[0]; var yL = long[i].obj ? long[i].obj.loc[1] : long[i].loc[1]; var dL = long[i].obj ? long[i].dis : 1; assert.eq([xS, yS, dS], [xL, yL, dL]); } }; GeoNearRandomTest.prototype.testPt = function(pt, opts) { assert.neq(this.nPts, 0, "insertPoints not yet called"); opts = opts || {}; opts['sphere'] = opts['sphere'] || 0; opts['nToTest'] = opts['nToTest'] || this.nPts; // be careful, test is O( N^2 ) print("testing point: " + tojson(pt) + " opts: " + tojson(opts)); var cmd = {geoNear: this.t.getName(), near: pt, num: 1, spherical: opts.sphere}; var last = db.runCommand(cmd).results; for (var i = 2; i <= opts.nToTest; i++) { // print(i); // uncomment to watch status cmd.num = i; var ret = db.runCommand(cmd).results; try { this.assertIsPrefix(last, ret); } catch (e) { print("*** failed while compairing " + (i - 1) + " and " + i); printjson(cmd); throw e; // rethrow } // Make sure distances are in increasing order assert.gte(ret[ret.length - 1].dis, last[last.length - 1].dis); last = ret; } last = { return x.obj; }); var query = {loc: {}}; query.loc[opts.sphere ? '$nearSphere' : '$near'] = pt; var near = this.t.find(query).limit(opts.nToTest).toArray(); // Test that a query using $near/$nearSphere with a limit of 'nToTest' returns the same points // (in order) as the geoNear command with num=nToTest. assert.eq(last, near); };