/** * The ParallelTester class is used to test more than one test concurrently */ if (typeof _threadInject != "undefined") { // With --enableJavaScriptProtection functions are presented as Code objects. // This function evals all the Code objects then calls the provided start function. // arguments: [startFunction, startFunction args...] function _threadStartWrapper(testData) { // Recursively evals all the Code objects present in arguments // NOTE: This is a naive implementation that cannot handle cyclic objects. function evalCodeArgs(arg) { if (arg instanceof Code) { return eval("(" + arg.code + ")"); } else if (arg !== null && isObject(arg)) { var newArg = arg instanceof Array ? [] : {}; for (var prop in arg) { if (arg.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { newArg[prop] = evalCodeArgs(arg[prop]); } } return newArg; } return arg; } var realStartFn; var newArgs = []; // We skip the first argument, which is always TestData. TestData = evalCodeArgs(testData); for (var i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) { newArgs.push(evalCodeArgs(arguments[i])); } realStartFn = newArgs.shift(); return realStartFn.apply(this, newArgs); } Thread = function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); // Always pass TestData as the first argument. args.unshift(TestData); args.unshift(_threadStartWrapper); this.init.apply(this, args); }; _threadInject(Thread.prototype); fork = function() { var t = new Thread(function() {}); Thread.apply(t, arguments); return t; }; // Helper class to generate a list of events which may be executed by a ParallelTester EventGenerator = function(me, collectionName, mean, host) { this.mean = mean; if (host == undefined) host = db.getMongo().host; this.events = new Array(me, collectionName, host); }; EventGenerator.prototype._add = function(action) { this.events.push([Random.genExp(this.mean), action]); }; EventGenerator.prototype.addInsert = function(obj) { this._add("t.insert( " + tojson(obj) + " )"); }; EventGenerator.prototype.addRemove = function(obj) { this._add("t.remove( " + tojson(obj) + " )"); }; EventGenerator.prototype.addCurrentOp = function() { this._add("db.currentOp()"); }; EventGenerator.prototype.addUpdate = function(objOld, objNew) { this._add("t.update( " + tojson(objOld) + ", " + tojson(objNew) + " )"); }; EventGenerator.prototype.addCheckCount = function(count, query, shouldPrint, checkQuery) { query = query || {}; shouldPrint = shouldPrint || false; checkQuery = checkQuery || false; var action = "assert.eq( " + count + ", t.count( " + tojson(query) + " ) );"; if (checkQuery) { action += " assert.eq( " + count + ", t.find( " + tojson(query) + " ).toArray().length );"; } if (shouldPrint) { action += " print( me + ' ' + " + count + " );"; } this._add(action); }; EventGenerator.prototype.getEvents = function() { return this.events; }; EventGenerator.dispatch = function() { var args = Array.from(arguments); var me = args.shift(); var collectionName = args.shift(); var host = args.shift(); var m = new Mongo(host); // We define 'db' and 't' as local variables so that calling eval() on the stringified // JavaScript expression 'args[i][1]' can take advantage of using them. var db = m.getDB("test"); var t = db[collectionName]; for (var i in args) { sleep(args[i][0]); eval(args[i][1]); } }; // Helper class for running tests in parallel. It assembles a set of tests // and then calls assert.parallelests to run them. ParallelTester = function() { assert.neq(db.getMongo().writeMode(), "legacy", "wrong shell write mode"); this.params = new Array(); }; ParallelTester.prototype.add = function(fun, args) { args = args || []; args.unshift(fun); this.params.push(args); }; ParallelTester.prototype.run = function(msg) { assert.parallelTests(this.params, msg); }; // creates lists of tests from jstests dir in a format suitable for use by // ParallelTester.fileTester. The lists will be in random order. // n: number of lists to split these tests into ParallelTester.createJstestsLists = function(n) { var params = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) { params.push([]); } var makeKeys = function(a) { var ret = {}; for (var i in a) { ret[a[i]] = 1; } return ret; }; // some tests can't run in parallel with most others var skipTests = makeKeys([ "indexb.js", // Tests that set a parameter that causes the server to ignore // long index keys. "index_bigkeys_nofail.js", "index_bigkeys_validation.js", // Tests that set the notablescan parameter, which makes queries fail rather than use a // non-indexed plan. "notablescan.js", "notablescan_capped.js", "mr_fail_invalid_js.js", "run_program1.js", "bench_test1.js", // These tests use the getLastError command, which is unsafe to use in this environment, // since a previous test's cursors could be garbage collected in the middle of the next // test, which would reset the last error associated with the shell's client. "dropdb_race.js", "bulk_legacy_enforce_gle.js", // These tests use getLog to examine the logs. Tests which do so shouldn't be run in // this suite because any test being run at the same time could conceivably spam the // logs so much that the line they are looking for has been rotated off the server's // in-memory buffer of log messages, which only stores the 1024 most recent operations. "comment_field.js", "getlog2.js", "logprocessdetails.js", "queryoptimizera.js", "log_remote_op_wait.js", "connections_opened.js", // counts connections, globally "opcounters_write_cmd.js", "set_param1.js", // changes global state "geo_update_btree2.js", // SERVER-11132 test disables table scans "update_setOnInsert.js", // SERVER-9982 "max_time_ms.js", // Sensitive to query execution time, by design "autocomplete.js", // Likewise. // This overwrites MinKey/MaxKey's singleton which breaks // any other test that uses MinKey/MaxKey "type6.js", // Assumes that other tests are not creating cursors. "kill_cursors.js", // These tests check global command counters. "find_and_modify_metrics.js", "update_metrics.js", // Views tests "views/invalid_system_views.js", // Puts invalid view definitions in system.views. "views/views_all_commands.js", // Drops test DB. "views/view_with_invalid_dbname.js", // Puts invalid view definitions in system.views. // This test works close to the BSON document limit for entries in the durable catalog, // so running it in parallel with other tests will cause failures. "long_collection_names.js", // This test causes collMod commands to hang, which interferes with other tests running // collMod. "crud_ops_do_not_throw_locktimeout.js", // Can fail if isMaster takes too long on a loaded machine. "dbadmin.js", // Other tests will fail while the requireApiVersion server parameter is set. "require_api_version.js", ]); // The following tests cannot run when shell readMode is legacy. if (db.getMongo().readMode() === "legacy") { var requires_find_command = [ "apply_ops_system_dot_views.js", "command_let_variables.js", "doc_validation_error.js", "merge_sort_collation.js", "explode_for_sort_fetch.js", "update_pipeline_shell_helpers.js", "update_with_pipeline.js", "verify_update_mods.js", "views/dbref_projection.js", "views/views_aggregation.js", "views/views_change.js", "views/views_drop.js", "views/views_find.js", "wildcard_index_collation.js" ]; Object.assign(skipTests, makeKeys(requires_find_command)); } // Get files, including files in subdirectories. var getFilesRecursive = function(dir) { var files = listFiles(dir); var fileList = []; files.forEach(file => { if (file.isDirectory) { getFilesRecursive(file.name).forEach(subDirFile => fileList.push(subDirFile)); } else { fileList.push(file); } }); return fileList; }; // Transactions are not supported on standalone nodes so we do not run them here. let txnsTestFiles = getFilesRecursive("jstests/core/txns").map(f => ("txns/" + f.baseName)); Object.assign(skipTests, makeKeys(txnsTestFiles)); var parallelFilesDir = "jstests/core"; // some tests can't be run in parallel with each other var serialTestsArr = [ // These tests use fsyncLock. parallelFilesDir + "/fsync.js", parallelFilesDir + "/currentop.js", parallelFilesDir + "/killop_drop_collection.js", // These tests expect the profiler to be on or off at specific points. They should not // be run in parallel with tests that perform fsyncLock. User operations skip writing to // the system.profile collection while the server is fsyncLocked. // // Most profiler tests can be run in parallel with each other as they use test-specific // databases, with the exception of tests which modify slowms or the profiler's sampling // rate, since those affect profile settings globally. parallelFilesDir + "/apitest_db_profile_level.js", parallelFilesDir + "/geo_s2cursorlimitskip.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile1.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile2.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile3.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile_agg.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile_count.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile_delete.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile_distinct.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile_find.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile_findandmodify.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile_getmore.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile_hide_index.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile_insert.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile_list_collections.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile_list_indexes.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile_mapreduce.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile_no_such_db.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile_query_hash.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile_sampling.js", parallelFilesDir + "/profile_update.js", // These tests rely on a deterministically refreshable logical session cache. If they // run in parallel, they could interfere with the cache and cause failures. parallelFilesDir + "/list_all_local_sessions.js", parallelFilesDir + "/list_all_sessions.js", parallelFilesDir + "/list_local_sessions.js", parallelFilesDir + "/list_sessions.js", ]; var serialTests = makeKeys(serialTestsArr); // prefix the first thread with the serialTests // (which we will exclude from the rest of the threads below) params[0] = serialTestsArr; var files = getFilesRecursive(parallelFilesDir); files = Array.shuffle(files); var i = 0; files.forEach(function(x) { if ((/[\/\\]_/.test(x.name)) || (!/\.js$/.test(x.name)) || (x.name.match(parallelFilesDir + "/(.*\.js)")[1] in skipTests) || // (x.name in serialTests)) { print(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> skipping " + x.name); return; } // add the test to run in one of the threads. params[i % n].push(x.name); ++i; }); // randomize ordering of the serialTests params[0] = Array.shuffle(params[0]); for (var i in params) { params[i].unshift(i); } return params; }; // runs a set of test files // first argument is an identifier for this tester, remaining arguments are file names ParallelTester.fileTester = function() { var args = Array.from(arguments); var suite = args.shift(); args.forEach(function(x) { print(" S" + suite + " Test : " + x + " ..."); var time = Date.timeFunc(function() { // Create a new connection to the db for each file. If tests share the same // connection it can create difficult to debug issues. db = new Mongo(db.getMongo().host).getDB(db.getName()); gc(); load(x); }, 1); print(" S" + suite + " Test : " + x + " " + time + "ms"); }); }; // params: array of arrays, each element of which consists of a function followed // by zero or more arguments to that function. Each function and its arguments will // be called in a separate thread. // msg: failure message assert.parallelTests = function(params, msg) { function wrapper(fun, argv, globals) { if (globals.hasOwnProperty("TestData")) { TestData = globals.TestData; } try { fun.apply(0, argv); return {passed: true}; } catch (e) { print("\n********** Parallel Test FAILED: " + tojson(e) + "\n"); return { passed: false, testName: tojson(e).match(/Error: error loading js file: (.*\.js)/)[1] }; } } var runners = new Array(); for (var i in params) { var param = params[i]; var test = param.shift(); // Make a shallow copy of TestData so we can override the test name to // prevent tests on different threads that to use jsTestName() as the // collection name from colliding. const clonedTestData = Object.assign({}, TestData); clonedTestData.testName = `ParallelTesterThread${i}`; var t = new Thread(wrapper, test, param, {TestData: clonedTestData}); runners.push(t); } runners.forEach(function(x) { x.start(); }); var nFailed = 0; var failedTests = []; // SpiderMonkey doesn't like it if we exit before all threads are joined // (see SERVER-19615 for a similar issue). runners.forEach(function(x) { if (!x.returnData().passed) { ++nFailed; failedTests.push(x.returnData().testName); } }); msg += ": " + tojsononeline(failedTests); assert.eq(0, nFailed, msg); }; } if (typeof CountDownLatch !== 'undefined') { CountDownLatch = Object.extend(function(count) { if (!(this instanceof CountDownLatch)) { return new CountDownLatch(count); } this._descriptor = CountDownLatch._new.apply(null, arguments); // NOTE: The following methods have to be defined on the instance itself, // and not on its prototype. This is because properties on the // prototype are lost during the serialization to BSON that occurs // when passing data to a child thread. this.await = function() { CountDownLatch._await(this._descriptor); }; this.countDown = function() { CountDownLatch._countDown(this._descriptor); }; this.getCount = function() { return CountDownLatch._getCount(this._descriptor); }; }, CountDownLatch); }