// Provides convenience methods for confirming system.profile content. // Given a command, build its expected shape in the system profiler. function buildCommandProfile(command, sharded) { let commandProfile = {}; if (command.mapReduce) { // MapReduce is rewritten to an aggregate pipeline. commandProfile["command.aggregate"] = command.mapReduce; } else if (command.update) { // Updates are batched, but only allow using buildCommandProfile() for an update batch that // contains a single update, since the profiler generates separate entries for each update // in the batch. assert(command.updates.length == 1); for (let key in command.updates[0]) { commandProfile["command." + key] = command.updates[0][key]; } // Though 'upsert' and 'multi' are optional fields, they are written with the default value // in the profiler. commandProfile["command.upsert"] = commandProfile["command.upsert"] || false; commandProfile["command.multi"] = commandProfile["command.multi"] || false; } else if (command.delete) { // Deletes are batched, but only allow using buildCommandProfile() for a delete batch that // contains a single delete, since the profiler generates separate entries for each delete // in the batch. assert(command.deletes.length == 1); for (let key in command.deletes[0]) { commandProfile["command." + key] = command.deletes[0][key]; } } else { for (let key in command) { commandProfile["command." + key] = command[key]; } } return commandProfile; } // Retrieve N latest system.profile entries. function getNLatestProfilerEntries(profileDB, count, filter) { if (filter === null) { filter = {}; } var cursor = profileDB.system.profile.find(filter).sort({$natural: -1}).limit(count); assert( cursor.hasNext(), "could not find any entries in the profile collection matching filter: " + tojson(filter)); return cursor.toArray(); } // Retrieve latest system.profile entry. function getLatestProfilerEntry(profileDB, filter) { return getNLatestProfilerEntries(profileDB, 1, filter)[0]; } /** * Throws an assertion if the profiler contains more than 'maxExpectedMatches' entries matching * "filter", or if there are no matches. Optional arguments "errorMsgFilter" and "errorMsgProj" * limit profiler output if this asserts. */ function profilerHasAtLeastOneAtMostNumMatchingEntriesOrThrow( {profileDB, filter, maxExpectedMatches, errorMsgFilter, errorMsgProj}) { assert(typeof maxExpectedMatches === 'number' && maxExpectedMatches > 0, "'maxExpectedMatches' must be a number > 0"); const numMatches = profileDB.system.profile.find(filter).itcount(); assert.gt(numMatches, 0, "Expected at least 1 op matching: " + tojson(filter) + " in profiler " + tojson(profileDB.system.profile.find(errorMsgFilter, errorMsgProj).toArray())); assert.lte(numMatches, maxExpectedMatches, "Expected at most " + maxExpectedMatches + " op(s) matching: " + tojson(filter) + " in profiler " + tojson(profileDB.system.profile.find(errorMsgFilter, errorMsgProj).toArray())); } /** * Throws an assertion if the profiler does not contain exactly 'numExpectedMatches' entries * matching "filter". Optional arguments "errorMsgFilter" and "errorMsgProj" limit profiler output * if this asserts. */ function profilerHasNumMatchingEntriesOrThrow( {profileDB, filter, numExpectedMatches, errorMsgFilter, errorMsgProj}) { assert(typeof numExpectedMatches === 'number' && numExpectedMatches >= 0, "'numExpectedMatches' must be a number >= 0"); assert.eq(profileDB.system.profile.find(filter).itcount(), numExpectedMatches, "Expected exactly " + numExpectedMatches + " op(s) matching: " + tojson(filter) + " in profiler " + tojson(profileDB.system.profile.find(errorMsgFilter, errorMsgProj).toArray())); } /** * Throws an assertion if the profiler does not contain any entries matching "filter". Optional * arguments "errorMsgFilter" and "errorMsgProj" limit profiler output if this asserts. */ function profilerHasAtLeastOneMatchingEntryOrThrow( {profileDB, filter, errorMsgFilter, errorMsgProj}) { assert.gte(profileDB.system.profile.find(filter).itcount(), 1, "Expected at least 1 op matching: " + tojson(filter) + " in profiler " + tojson(profileDB.system.profile.find(errorMsgFilter, errorMsgProj).toArray())); } /** * Throws an assertion if the profiler does not contain exactly one entry matching "filter". * Optional arguments "errorMsgFilter" and "errorMsgProj" limit profiler output if this asserts. */ function profilerHasSingleMatchingEntryOrThrow({profileDB, filter, errorMsgFilter, errorMsgProj}) { profilerHasNumMatchingEntriesOrThrow({ profileDB: profileDB, filter: filter, numExpectedMatches: 1, errorMsgFilter: errorMsgFilter, errorMsgProj: errorMsgProj }); } /** * Throws an assertion if the profiler contains any entries matching "filter". Optional arguments * "errorMsgFilter" and "errorMsgProj" limit profiler output if this asserts. */ function profilerHasZeroMatchingEntriesOrThrow({profileDB, filter, errorMsgFilter, errorMsgProj}) { profilerHasNumMatchingEntriesOrThrow({ profileDB: profileDB, filter: filter, numExpectedMatches: 0, errorMsgFilter: errorMsgFilter, errorMsgProj: errorMsgProj }); }