var ReadWriteConcernDefaultsPropagation = (function() { "use strict"; const kDefaultReadConcernField = "defaultReadConcern"; const kDefaultWriteConcernField = "defaultWriteConcern"; const kUpdateOpTimeField = "updateOpTime"; const kUpdateWallClockTimeField = "updateWallClockTime"; const kLocalUpdateWallClockTimeField = "localUpdateWallClockTime"; const kDefaultRWCFields = [kDefaultReadConcernField, kDefaultWriteConcernField]; const kExtraSetFields = [kUpdateOpTimeField, kUpdateWallClockTimeField]; const kExtraLocalFields = [kLocalUpdateWallClockTimeField]; const kExtraFields = [...kExtraSetFields, ...kExtraLocalFields]; const kSetFields = [...kDefaultRWCFields, ...kExtraSetFields]; const timeoutSecs = 2 * 60; const intervalSecs = 5; // Check that setting the defaults on setConn propagates correctly across checkConns. function setDefaultsAndVerifyPropagation(setConn, checkConns, inMemory) { // Get the current defaults from setConn. var initialSetConnDefaults = assert.commandWorked(setConn.adminCommand({getDefaultRWConcern: 1})); // Ensure that all checkConns agree with this. Use a loop in case the initial defaults were // recently set and have not yet propagated to all nodes. var checkConnsDefaults = []; var initialCheckConnsDefaults = []; assert.soon( () => { initialCheckConnsDefaults = conn => assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand({getDefaultRWConcern: 1}))); return initialCheckConnsDefaults.every( checkConnDefaults => kSetFields.every(field => friendlyEqual(checkConnDefaults[field], initialSetConnDefaults[field]))); }, () => "expected initial defaults to be present on all nodes within" + timeoutSecs + " secs. Expected defaults: " + tojson(initialSetConnDefaults) + ", checkConns: " + tojson(checkConns) + ", current state: " + tojson(initialCheckConnsDefaults), timeoutSecs * 1000, intervalSecs * 1000, {runHangAnalyzer: false}); // Set new defaults on setConn. var newDefaults = { defaultReadConcern: {level: "majority"}, defaultWriteConcern: {w: 2, wtimeout: 0} }; // If these happen to match what's already there, adjust them. if (initialSetConnDefaults.defaultReadConcern && friendlyEqual(initialSetConnDefaults.defaultReadConcern, newDefaults.defaultReadConcern)) { newDefaults.defaultReadConcern.level = "local"; } if (initialSetConnDefaults.defaultWriteConcern && friendlyEqual(initialSetConnDefaults.defaultWriteConcern, newDefaults.defaultWriteConcern)) { newDefaults.defaultWriteConcern.w++; } var cmd = {setDefaultRWConcern: 1}; Object.extend(cmd, newDefaults); cmd.writeConcern = { w: 1 }; // Prevent any existing default WC (which may be unsatisfiable) from being applied. var newDefaultsRes = assert.commandWorked(setConn.adminCommand(cmd)); kDefaultRWCFields.forEach(field => assert.eq(newDefaultsRes[field], newDefaults[field], field + " was not set correctly")); assert.hasFields( newDefaultsRes, kExtraFields, "missing field in result of setDefaultRWConcern"); // Check that updateOpTime has increased. Since everything is running on one host, we can // also check that each of kUpdateOpTime and localUpdateWallClockTime have increased. kExtraFields.forEach(field => { if (field in initialSetConnDefaults) {[field], initialSetConnDefaults[field], field + " did not increase after setting new defaults"); } }); // Ensure that all checkConns agree with this. assert.soon( function() { // Get the defaults from all the connections. checkConnsDefaults = => assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand( {getDefaultRWConcern: 1, inMemory}))); // Check if they all match the recently-set values. for (var connDefault of checkConnsDefaults) { if (inMemory) { assert.eq(true, connDefault.inMemory, tojson(connDefault)); } else { assert.eq(undefined, connDefault.inMemory, tojson(connDefault)); } for (var field of kSetFields) { if (!friendlyEqual(connDefault[field], newDefaultsRes[field])) { return false; } } // localUpdateWallClockTime reflects which the conn updated its cache. Since // all the conns (including setConn) are running on a single host, we can check // that this is later than when setDefaultRWConcern was run. if (!(connDefault[kLocalUpdateWallClockTimeField] >= connDefault[kUpdateWallClockTimeField])) { return false; } } return true; }, () => "updated defaults failed to propagate to all nodes within " + timeoutSecs + " secs. Expected defaults: " + tojson(newDefaults) + ", checkConns: " + tojson(checkConns) + ", current state: " + tojson(checkConnsDefaults) + ", inMemory: " + inMemory, timeoutSecs * 1000, intervalSecs * 1000, {runHangAnalyzer: false}); } /** * Tests propagation of RWC defaults across an environment. Updated RWC defaults are set using * setConn, and then each connection in the checkConns array is checked to ensure that it * becomes aware of the new defaults (within the acceptable window of 2 minutes). */ var runTests = function(setConn, checkConns, inMemory) { // Since these connections are on a brand new replset/cluster, this checks the propagation // of the initial setting of defaults. setDefaultsAndVerifyPropagation(setConn, checkConns, inMemory); // Do it again to check that updating the defaults also propagates correctly. setDefaultsAndVerifyPropagation(setConn, checkConns, inMemory); }; /** * Asserts eventually all given nodes have no default RWC in their in-memory cache. */ function verifyPropgationOfNoDefaults(checkConns) { assert.soon(() => checkConns.every(checkConn => { const defaultsRes = assert.commandWorked( checkConn.adminCommand({getDefaultRWConcern: 1, inMemory: true})); // Note localUpdateWallClockTime is generated by the in-memory cache, so it will be // present even if there are no defaults const unexpectedFields = kDefaultRWCFields.concat(kExtraSetFields); return unexpectedFields.every(field => !defaultsRes.hasOwnProperty(field)); }), "deleted/dropped defaults failed to propagate to all nodes within " + timeoutSecs + " secs. checkConns: " + tojson(checkConns), timeoutSecs * 1000, intervalSecs * 1000, {runHangAnalyzer: false}); } /** * Tests that when the RWC defaults document is removed, either through a delete or drop of * config.settings, the RWC defaults cache is invalidated. */ var runDropAndDeleteTests = function(mainConn, checkConns) { // Set the defaults to some value other than the implicit server defaults. Then remove the // defaults document and verify the cache is invalidated on all nodes. setDefaultsAndVerifyPropagation(mainConn, checkConns); assert.commandWorked( mainConn.getDB("config").settings.remove({_id: "ReadWriteConcernDefaults"})); verifyPropgationOfNoDefaults(checkConns); // Repeat with a drop of config.settings. setDefaultsAndVerifyPropagation(mainConn, checkConns); assert(mainConn.getDB("config").settings.drop()); verifyPropgationOfNoDefaults(checkConns); assert.commandWorked(mainConn.getDB("config").createCollection("settings")); }; return {runTests, runDropAndDeleteTests}; })();