/** * Utilities for testing retryable writes. */ var RetryableWritesUtil = (function() { /** * Returns true if the error code is retryable, assuming the command is idempotent. * * TODO SERVER-34666: Expose the isRetryableCode() function that's defined in * src/mongo/shell/session.js and use it here. */ function isRetryableCode(code) { return ErrorCodes.isNetworkError(code) || ErrorCodes.isNotPrimaryError(code) || ErrorCodes.isWriteConcernError(code) || ErrorCodes.isShutdownError(code) || ErrorCodes.isInterruption(code); } // The names of all codes that return true in isRetryableCode() above. Can be used where the // original error code is buried in a response's error message. const kRetryableCodeNames = Object.keys(ErrorCodes).filter((codeName) => { return isRetryableCode(ErrorCodes[codeName]); }); // Returns true if the error message contains a retryable code name. function errmsgContainsRetryableCodeName(errmsg) { return typeof errmsg !== "undefined" && kRetryableCodeNames.some(codeName => { return errmsg.indexOf(codeName) > 0; }); } const kRetryableWriteCommands = new Set(["delete", "findandmodify", "findAndModify", "insert", "update"]); /** * Returns true if the command name is that of a retryable write command. */ function isRetryableWriteCmdName(cmdName) { return kRetryableWriteCommands.has(cmdName); } const kStorageEnginesWithoutDocumentLocking = new Set(["ephemeralForTest"]); /** * Returns true if the given storage engine supports retryable writes (i.e. supports * document-level locking). */ function storageEngineSupportsRetryableWrites(storageEngineName) { return !kStorageEnginesWithoutDocumentLocking.has(storageEngineName); } /** * Asserts the connection has a document in its transaction collection that has the given * sessionId, txnNumber, and lastWriteOptimeTs. */ function checkTransactionTable(conn, lsid, txnNumber, ts) { let table = conn.getDB("config").transactions; let res = table.findOne({"_id.id": lsid.id}); assert.eq(res.txnNum, txnNumber); assert.eq(res.lastWriteOpTime.ts, ts); } /** * Asserts the transaction collection document for the given session id is the same on both * connections. */ function assertSameRecordOnBothConnections(primary, secondary, lsid) { let primaryRecord = primary.getDB("config").transactions.findOne({"_id.id": lsid.id}); let secondaryRecord = secondary.getDB("config").transactions.findOne({"_id.id": lsid.id}); assert.eq(bsonWoCompare(primaryRecord, secondaryRecord), 0, "expected transaction records: " + tojson(primaryRecord) + " and " + tojson(secondaryRecord) + " to be the same for lsid: " + tojson(lsid)); } /** * Runs the provided retriable command nTimes. This assumes that the the provided conn * was started with `retryWrites: false` to mimic the retry functionality manually. */ function runRetryableWrite(conn, command, expectedErrorCode = ErrorCodes.OK, nTimes = 2) { var res; for (var i = 0; i < nTimes; i++) { jsTestLog("Executing command: " + tojson(command) + "\nIteration: " + i + "\nExpected Code: " + expectedErrorCode); res = conn.runCommand(command); } if (expectedErrorCode === ErrorCodes.OK) { assert.commandWorked(res); } else { assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, expectedErrorCode); } } return { isRetryableCode, errmsgContainsRetryableCodeName, isRetryableWriteCmdName, storageEngineSupportsRetryableWrites, checkTransactionTable, assertSameRecordOnBothConnections, runRetryableWrite, }; })();