"use strict"; // This is a subclass of Mongo, which stores both the default connection // and the direct connection to a specific secondary node. For reads with // readPreference "secondary", they are sent to the specific secondary node. function SpecificSecondaryReaderMongo(host, secondary) { var defaultMongo = new Mongo(host); var secondaryMongo = new Mongo(secondary); // This overrides the default runCommand() in Mongo this.runCommand = function runCommand(dbName, commandObj, options) { // If commandObj is specified with the readPreference "secondary", then use direct // connection to secondary. Otherwise use the default connection. if (commandObj.hasOwnProperty("$readPreference")) { if (commandObj.$readPreference.mode === "secondary") { return secondaryMongo.runCommand(dbName, commandObj, options); } } return defaultMongo.runCommand(dbName, commandObj, options); }; return new Proxy(this, { get: function get(target, property, receiver) { // If the property is defined on the SpecificSecondaryReaderMongo instance itself, then // return it. Otherwise, get the value of the property from the Mongo instance. if (target.hasOwnProperty(property)) { return target[property]; } var value = defaultMongo[property]; if (typeof value === "function") { if (property === "getDB" || property === "startSession") { // 'receiver' is the Proxy object. return value.bind(receiver); } return value.bind(defaultMongo); } return value; }, set: function set(target, property, value, receiver) { // Delegate setting the value of any property to the Mongo instance so // that it can be accessed in functions acting on the Mongo instance // directly instead of this Proxy. For example, the "slaveOk" property // needs to be set on the Mongo instance in order for the query options // bit to be set correctly. defaultMongo[property] = value; return true; }, }); }