// Utility functions for obtaining and diffing top and latency histogram statistics. /** * Returns the latency histograms for the given collection. */ function getHistogramStats(coll) { return coll.latencyStats().next().latencyStats; } /** * Returns the differences in read, write, and command counts between two histograms. */ function diffHistogram(coll, thisHistogram, lastHistogram) { return { reads: thisHistogram.reads.ops - lastHistogram.reads.ops, writes: thisHistogram.writes.ops - lastHistogram.writes.ops, commands: thisHistogram.commands.ops - lastHistogram.commands.ops }; } /** * Asserts that the difference of histogram stats on collection coll since the lastHistogram was * recorded is equal to the readDiff, writeDiff, and commandDiff values. Returns the new histogram. */ function assertHistogramDiffEq(coll, lastHistogram, readDiff, writeDiff, commandDiff) { let thisHistogram = getHistogramStats(coll); let diff = diffHistogram(coll, thisHistogram, lastHistogram); // Running the $collStats aggregation itself will increment read stats by one. assert.eq(diff.reads, readDiff + 1, "miscounted histogram reads"); assert.eq(diff.writes, writeDiff, "miscounted histogram writes"); assert.eq(diff.commands, commandDiff, "miscounted histogram commands"); return thisHistogram; } /** * Asserts that top contains stats for this collection and returns the recorded stats. */ function getTop(coll) { let collName = coll.getFullName(); let res = coll.getDB().adminCommand("top"); assert.commandWorked(res); assert.eq(true, res.totals.hasOwnProperty(collName), collName + " not found in top"); return res.totals[collName]; } /** * Returns the difference of the time and count for a given key of two sets of top stats. */ function diffTop(key, thisTop, lastTop) { return { time: thisTop[key].time - lastTop[key].time, count: thisTop[key].count - lastTop[key].count }; } /** * Asserts that the count difference of top stats of the key on collection coll since lastTop was * recorded is equal to expectedCountDiff. Returns the new top stats. */ function assertTopDiffEq(coll, lastTop, key, expectedCountDiff) { let thisTop = getTop(coll); let diff = diffTop(key, thisTop, lastTop); assert.gte(diff.count, 0, "non-decreasing count"); // TODO (JBR for SERVER-26812): We don't currently guarantee that the time will not be zero // which causes occaisional test failures here. If we change the timers in top to use a // monotonic clock in SERVER-26812, then we can uncomment these. // assert.gte(diff.time, 0, "non-decreasing time"); // assert.eq(diff.count !== 0, diff.time > 0, "non-zero time iff non-zero count"); assert.eq(diff.count, expectedCountDiff, "top reports wrong count for " + key); return thisTop; }