// // Utilities related to background operations while other operations are working // /** * Allows synchronization between background ops and the test operations */ var waitForLock = function(mongo, name) { var ts = new ObjectId(); var lockColl = mongo.getCollection("config.testLocks"); lockColl.update({_id: name, state: 0}, {$set: {state: 0}}, true); // // Wait until we can set the state to 1 with our id // var startTime = new Date().getTime(); assert.soon(function() { let res = lockColl.update({_id: name, state: 0}, {$set: {ts: ts, state: 1}}); if (new Date().getTime() - startTime > 20 * 1000) { print("Waiting for..."); printjson(res); printjson(lockColl.findOne()); printjson(ts); } return res.nModified == 1; }, "could not acquire lock", 30 * 1000, 100); print("Acquired lock " + tojson({_id: name, ts: ts}) + " curr : " + tojson(lockColl.findOne({_id: name}))); // Set the state back to 0 var unlock = function() { print("Releasing lock " + tojson({_id: name, ts: ts}) + " curr : " + tojson(lockColl.findOne({_id: name}))); lockColl.update({_id: name, ts: ts}, {$set: {state: 0}}); }; // Return an object we can invoke unlock on return {unlock: unlock}; }; /** * Allows a test or background op to say it's finished */ var setFinished = function(mongo, name, finished) { if (finished || finished == undefined) mongo.getCollection("config.testFinished").update({_id: name}, {_id: name}, true); else mongo.getCollection("config.testFinished").remove({_id: name}); }; /** * Checks whether a test or background op is finished */ var isFinished = function(mongo, name) { return mongo.getCollection("config.testFinished").findOne({_id: name}) != null; }; /** * Sets the result of a background op */ var setResult = function(mongo, name, result, err) { mongo.getCollection("config.testResult") .update({_id: name}, {_id: name, result: result, err: err}, true); }; /** * Gets the result for a background op */ var getResult = function(mongo, name) { return mongo.getCollection("config.testResult").findOne({_id: name}); }; var startParallelOps = function(mongo, proc, args, context) { var procName = proc.name + "-" + new ObjectId(); var seed = new ObjectId(new ObjectId().valueOf().split("").reverse().join("")) .getTimestamp() .getTime(); // Make sure we aren't finished before we start setFinished(mongo, procName, false); setResult(mongo, procName, undefined, undefined); // TODO: Make this a context of its own var procContext = { procName: procName, seed: seed, waitForLock: waitForLock, setFinished: setFinished, isFinished: isFinished, setResult: setResult, setup: function(context, stored) { waitForLock = function() { return context.waitForLock(db.getMongo(), context.procName); }; setFinished = function(finished) { return context.setFinished(db.getMongo(), context.procName, finished); }; isFinished = function() { return context.isFinished(db.getMongo(), context.procName); }; setResult = function(result, err) { return context.setResult(db.getMongo(), context.procName, result, err); }; } }; var bootstrapper = function(stored) { var procContext = stored.procContext; eval("procContext = " + procContext); procContext.setup(procContext, stored); var contexts = stored.contexts; eval("contexts = " + contexts); for (var i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) { if (typeof (contexts[i]) != "undefined") { // Evaluate all contexts contexts[i](procContext); } } var operation = stored.operation; eval("operation = " + operation); var args = stored.args; eval("args = " + args); result = undefined; err = undefined; try { result = operation.apply(null, args); } catch (e) { err = e; } setResult(result, err); }; var contexts = [RandomFunctionContext, context]; var testDataColl = mongo.getCollection("config.parallelTest"); assert.commandWorked(testDataColl.insert({ _id: procName, bootstrapper: tojson(bootstrapper), operation: tojson(proc), args: tojson(args), procContext: tojson(procContext), contexts: tojson(contexts) })); var bootstrapStartup = "{ var procName = '" + procName + "'; " + "var stored = db.getMongo().getCollection( '" + testDataColl + "' )" + ".findOne({ _id : procName }); " + "var bootstrapper = stored.bootstrapper; " + "eval( 'bootstrapper = ' + bootstrapper ); " + "bootstrapper( stored ); " + "}"; // Save the global db object if it exists, so that we can restore it after starting the parallel // shell. var oldDB = undefined; if (typeof db !== 'undefined') { oldDB = db; } db = mongo.getDB("test"); jsTest.log("Starting " + proc.name + " operations..."); var rawJoin = startParallelShell(bootstrapStartup); db = oldDB; var join = function(options = {}) { const {checkExitSuccess = true} = options; delete options.checkExitSuccess; setFinished(mongo, procName, true); rawJoin(options); result = getResult(mongo, procName); assert.neq(result, null); if (!checkExitSuccess) { return result; } else if (checkExitSuccess && result.err) { throw Error("Error in parallel ops " + procName + " : " + tojson(result.err)); } else { return result.result; } }; return join; }; var RandomFunctionContext = function(context) { Random.srand(context.seed); Random.randBool = function() { return Random.rand() > 0.5; }; Random.randInt = function(min, max) { if (max == undefined) { max = min; min = 0; } return min + Math.floor(Random.rand() * max); }; Random.randShardKey = function() { var numFields = 2; // Random.randInt(1, 3) var key = {}; for (var i = 0; i < numFields; i++) { var field = String.fromCharCode("a".charCodeAt() + i); key[field] = 1; } return key; }; Random.randShardKeyValue = function(shardKey) { var keyValue = {}; for (field in shardKey) { keyValue[field] = Random.randInt(1, 100); } return keyValue; }; Random.randCluster = function() { var numShards = 2; // Random.randInt( 1, 10 ) var rs = false; // Random.randBool() var st = new ShardingTest({shards: numShards, mongos: 4, other: {rs: rs}}); return st; }; }; // // Some utility operations // function moveOps(collName, options) { options = options || {}; var admin = db.getMongo().getDB("admin"); var config = db.getMongo().getDB("config"); var shards = config.shards.find().toArray(); var shardKey = config.collections.findOne({_id: collName}).key; while (!isFinished()) { var findKey = Random.randShardKeyValue(shardKey); var toShard = shards[Random.randInt(shards.length)]._id; try { printjson(admin.runCommand({moveChunk: collName, find: findKey, to: toShard})); } catch (e) { printjson(e); } sleep(1000); } jsTest.log("Stopping moveOps..."); } function splitOps(collName, options) { options = options || {}; var admin = db.getMongo().getDB("admin"); var config = db.getMongo().getDB("config"); var shards = config.shards.find().toArray(); var shardKey = config.collections.findOne({_id: collName}).key; while (!isFinished()) { var middleKey = Random.randShardKeyValue(shardKey); try { printjson(admin.runCommand({split: collName, middle: middleKey})); } catch (e) { printjson(e); } sleep(1000); } jsTest.log("Stopping splitOps..."); }