// Tests that the _id index spec is copied exactly during initial sync. (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/get_index_helpers.js"); const rt = new ReplTest(); const master = rt.start(true); const masterDB = master.getDB("test"); // Create a collection with a v=2 _id index. assert.commandWorked( masterDB.createCollection("collV2", {idIndex: {key: {_id: 1}, name: "_id_", v: 2}})); let spec = GetIndexHelpers.findByName(masterDB.collV2.getIndexes(), "_id_"); assert.neq(spec, null); assert.eq(spec.v, 2); // Create a collection with a v=1 _id index. assert.commandWorked( masterDB.createCollection("collV1", {idIndex: {key: {_id: 1}, name: "_id_", v: 1}})); spec = GetIndexHelpers.findByName(masterDB.collV1.getIndexes(), "_id_"); assert.neq(spec, null); assert.eq(spec.v, 1); // Initial sync a slave. const slave = rt.start(false); const slaveDB = slave.getDB("test"); // Wait for the slave to sync the collections. assert.soon(function() { var res = slaveDB.runCommand({listCollections: 1, filter: {name: "collV2"}}); return res.cursor.firstBatch.length === 1; }, "Collection with v:2 _id index failed to sync on slave"); assert.soon(function() { var res = slaveDB.runCommand({listCollections: 1, filter: {name: "collV1"}}); return res.cursor.firstBatch.length === 1; }, "Collection with v:1 _id index failed to sync on slave"); // Check _id index versions on slave. spec = GetIndexHelpers.findByName(slaveDB.collV2.getIndexes(), "_id_"); assert.neq(spec, null); assert.eq(spec.v, 2); spec = GetIndexHelpers.findByName(slaveDB.collV1.getIndexes(), "_id_"); assert.neq(spec, null); assert.eq(spec.v, 1); rt.stop(); })();