db.capped2.drop(); db._dbCommand( { create: "capped2", capped: true, size: 1000, $nExtents: 11, autoIndexId: false } ); tzz = db.capped2; function debug( x ) { // print( x ); } var val = new Array( 2000 ); var c = ""; for( i = 0; i < 2000; ++i, c += "---" ) { // bigger and bigger objects through the array... val[ i ] = { a: c }; } function checkIncreasing( i ) { res = tzz.find().sort( { $natural: -1 } ); assert( res.hasNext(), "A" ); var j = i; while( res.hasNext() ) { try { assert.eq( val[ j-- ].a, res.next().a, "B" ); } catch( e ) { debug( "capped2 err " + j ); throw e; } } res = tzz.find().sort( { $natural: 1 } ); assert( res.hasNext(), "C" ); while( res.hasNext() ) assert.eq( val[ ++j ].a, res.next().a, "D" ); assert.eq( j, i, "E" ); } function checkDecreasing( i ) { res = tzz.find().sort( { $natural: -1 } ); assert( res.hasNext(), "F" ); var j = i; while( res.hasNext() ) { assert.eq( val[ j++ ].a, res.next().a, "G" ); } res = tzz.find().sort( { $natural: 1 } ); assert( res.hasNext(), "H" ); while( res.hasNext() ) assert.eq( val[ --j ].a, res.next().a, "I" ); assert.eq( j, i, "J" ); } for( i = 0 ;; ++i ) { debug( "capped 2: " + i ); tzz.insert( val[ i ] ); var err = db.getLastError(); if ( err ) { debug(err); debug(tzz.count()); assert( i > 100, "K" ); break; } checkIncreasing( i ); } // drop and recreate. Test used to rely on the last insert emptying the collection, which it no // longer does now that we rollback on failed inserts. tzz.drop(); db._dbCommand( { create: "capped2", capped: true, size: 1000, $nExtents: 11, autoIndexId: false } ); for( i = 600 ; i >= 0 ; --i ) { debug( "capped 2: " + i ); tzz.insert( val[ i ] ); checkDecreasing( i ); }