/** * Test that old journal files are eventually deleted. */ if (db.serverBuildInfo().bits == 32) { print("skip on 32 bit systems"); } else { var conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({ journal: "", smallfiles: "", syncdelay: 5, // seconds between fsyncs. }); db = conn.getDB("test"); // Returns true if j._0 exists. function firstJournalFileExists() { var files = listFiles(conn.dbpath + "/journal"); for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].baseName === "j._0") { return true; } } return false; } // Represents the cummulative total of the number of journal files created. function getLatestJournalFileNum() { var files = listFiles(conn.dbpath + "/journal"); var latest = 0; files.forEach(function(file) { if (file.baseName !== "lsn") { var fileNum = NumberInt(file.baseName[file.baseName.length - 1]); latest = Math.max(latest, fileNum); } }); return latest; } var stringSize = 1024*1024; var longString = new Array(stringSize).join("x"); // Insert some data to create the first journal file. var numInserted = 0; while (numInserted < 100) { db.foo.insert({_id: numInserted++, s: longString}); } assert.soon(firstJournalFileExists, "Should have created a journal file"); // Do writes until the first journal file is deleted, or we give up waiting. var maxJournalFiles = 10; while (firstJournalFileExists() && getLatestJournalFileNum() < maxJournalFiles) { db.foo.insert({_id: numInserted++, s: longString}); if (numInserted % 100 == 0){ jsTestLog("numInserted: " + numInserted); db.adminCommand({fsync:1}); db.foo.remove({}); db.adminCommand({fsync:1}); } } assert(!firstJournalFileExists(), "Expected to have deleted the first journal file by now"); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); }