// // Tests upgrading a replica set // load('./jstests/multiVersion/libs/multi_rs.js'); load('./jstests/libs/test_background_ops.js'); var oldVersion = "last-lts"; var nodes = { n1: {binVersion: oldVersion}, n2: {binVersion: oldVersion}, a3: {binVersion: oldVersion} }; var rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: nodes}); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); // Wait for a primary node... var primary = rst.getPrimary(); var otherOpConn = new Mongo(rst.getURL()); var insertNS = "test.foo"; jsTest.log("Starting parallel operations during upgrade..."); function findAndInsert(rsURL, coll) { var coll = new Mongo(rsURL).getCollection(coll + ""); var count = 0; jsTest.log("Starting finds and inserts..."); while (!isFinished()) { try { coll.insert({_id: count, hello: "world"}); assert.eq(null, coll.getDB().getLastError()); assert.neq(null, coll.findOne({_id: count})); } catch (e) { printjson(e); } count++; } jsTest.log("Finished finds and inserts..."); return count; } var joinFindInsert = startParallelOps(primary, // The connection where the test info is passed and stored findAndInsert, [rst.getURL(), insertNS]); jsTest.log("Upgrading replica set..."); rst.upgradeSet({binVersion: "latest"}); jsTest.log("Replica set upgraded."); // We save a reference to the old primary so that we can call reconnect() on it before // joinFindInsert() would attempt to send the node an update operation that signals the parallel // shell running the background operations to stop. var oldPrimary = primary; // Wait for primary var primary = rst.getPrimary(); printjson(rst.status()); // Allow more valid writes to go through sleep(10 * 1000); // Since the old primary was restarted as part of the upgrade process, we explicitly reconnect to it // so that sending it an update operation silently fails with an unchecked NotMaster error rather // than a network error. reconnect(oldPrimary.getDB("admin")); joinFindInsert(); var totalInserts = primary.getCollection(insertNS).find().sort({_id: -1}).next()._id + 1; var dataFound = primary.getCollection(insertNS).count(); jsTest.log("Found " + dataFound + " docs out of " + tojson(totalInserts) + " inserted."); assert.gt(dataFound / totalInserts, 0.5); rst.stopSet();