/** * Test that explained aggregation commands behave correctly with the readConcern option. * @tags: [requires_majority_read_concern] */ (function() { "use strict"; // Skip this test if running with --nojournal and WiredTiger. if (jsTest.options().noJournal && (!jsTest.options().storageEngine || jsTest.options().storageEngine === "wiredTiger")) { print("Skipping test because running WiredTiger without journaling isn't a valid" + " replica set configuration"); return; } const rst = new ReplSetTest( {name: "aggExplainReadConcernSet", nodes: 1, nodeOptions: {enableMajorityReadConcern: ""}}); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); const primary = rst.getPrimary(); const session = primary.getDB("test").getMongo().startSession({causalConsistency: false}); const sessionDB = session.getDatabase("test"); const coll = sessionDB.agg_explain_read_concern; // Test that explain is legal with readConcern "local". assert.commandWorked(coll.explain().aggregate([], {readConcern: {level: "local"}})); assert.commandWorked(sessionDB.runCommand( {aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: [], explain: true, readConcern: {level: "local"}})); assert.commandWorked(sessionDB.runCommand({ explain: {aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: [], cursor: {}}, readConcern: {level: "local"} })); // Test that explain is illegal with other readConcern levels. const nonLocalReadConcerns = ["majority", "available", "linearizable"]; nonLocalReadConcerns.forEach(function(readConcernLevel) { let aggCmd = { aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: [], explain: true, readConcern: {level: readConcernLevel} }; let explainCmd = { explain: {aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: [], cursor: {}}, readConcern: {level: readConcernLevel} }; assert.throws(() => coll.explain().aggregate([], {readConcern: {level: readConcernLevel}})); let cmdRes = sessionDB.runCommand(aggCmd); assert.commandFailedWithCode(cmdRes, ErrorCodes.InvalidOptions, tojson(cmdRes)); let expectedErrStr = "aggregate command cannot run with a readConcern other than 'local'"; assert.neq(cmdRes.errmsg.indexOf(expectedErrStr), -1, tojson(cmdRes)); cmdRes = sessionDB.runCommand(explainCmd); assert.commandFailedWithCode(cmdRes, ErrorCodes.InvalidOptions, tojson(cmdRes)); expectedErrStr = "read concern not supported"; assert.neq(cmdRes.errmsg.indexOf(expectedErrStr), -1, tojson(cmdRes)); }); session.endSession(); rst.stopSet(); }());