/** * Test the shell's --apiVersion and other options related to the MongoDB Stable API, and * test passing API parameters to the Mongo() constructor. * * @tags: [ * requires_persistence, * ] */ (function() { 'use strict'; const testCases = [ // [requireApiVersion server parameter, expect success, command, API parameters] [false, true, {ping: 1}, {}], [false, true, {ping: 1}, {version: '1'}], [false, true, {count: 'collection'}, {version: '1'}], [false, true, {getLog: 'global'}, {version: '1'}], [false, true, {getLog: 'global'}, {version: '1', deprecationErrors: true}], // getLog isn't in API Version 1, so it's banned with strict: true. [false, false, {getLog: 'global'}, {version: '1', strict: true}], [false, true, {ping: 1}, {version: '1', strict: true}], [false, true, {testDeprecation: 1}, {version: '1', strict: true}], [false, false, {testDeprecation: 1}, {version: '1', deprecationErrors: true}], [false, false, {testDeprecation: 1}, {version: '1', strict: true, deprecationErrors: true}], // tests with setParameter requireApiVersion: true. [true, true, {count: 'collection'}, {version: '1'}], [true, true, {count: 'collection'}, {version: '1', strict: true}], [true, false, {ping: 1}, {}], [true, true, {ping: 1}, {version: '1'}], ]; function runShellWithScript(port, requireApiVersion, expectSuccess, script, api) { let shellArgs = []; if (api.version) { shellArgs.push('--apiVersion', api.version); } if (api.strict) { shellArgs.push('--apiStrict'); } if (api.deprecationErrors) { shellArgs.push('--apiDeprecationErrors'); } jsTestLog(`Run shell with script ${script} and args ${tojson(shellArgs)},` + ` requireApiVersion = ${requireApiVersion}, expectSuccess = ${expectSuccess}`); const result = runMongoProgram.apply( null, ['mongo', '--port', port, '--eval', script].concat(shellArgs || [])); if (expectSuccess) { assert.eq( result, 0, `Error running shell with script ${tojson(script)} and args ${tojson(shellArgs)}`); } else { assert.neq(result, 0, `Unexpected success running shell with` + ` script ${tojson(script)} and args ${tojson(shellArgs)}`); } } function runShellWithCommand(port, requireApiVersion, expectSuccess, command, api) { // Test runCommand and runReadCommand. const scripts = [ `assert.commandWorked(db.getSiblingDB("admin").runCommand(${tojson(command)}))`, `assert.commandWorked(db.getSiblingDB("admin").runReadCommand(${tojson(command)}))`, ]; for (const script of scripts) { runShellWithScript(port, requireApiVersion, expectSuccess, script, api); } } function newMongo(port, requireApiVersion, expectSuccess, command, api) { jsTestLog(`Construct Mongo object with command ${tojson(command)} and args ${tojson(api)},` + ` requireApiVersion = ${requireApiVersion}, expectSuccess = ${expectSuccess}`); if (expectSuccess) { const m = new Mongo( `mongodb://localhost:${port}`, undefined /* encryptedDBClientCallback */, {api: api}); const reply = m.adminCommand(command); assert.commandWorked(reply, command); } else { let m; try { m = new Mongo(`mongodb://localhost:${port}`, undefined /* encryptedDBClientCallback */, {api: api}); } catch (e) { // The constructor threw, but we expected failure. print(e); return; } const reply = m.adminCommand(command); assert.commandFailed(reply, command); } } const mongod = MongoRunner.runMongod({verbose: 2}); for (let [requireApiVersion, successExpected, command, api] of testCases) { const m = new Mongo(`localhost:${mongod.port}`, undefined, {api: {version: '1'}}); assert.commandWorked( m.getDB("admin").runCommand({setParameter: 1, requireApiVersion: requireApiVersion})); runShellWithCommand(mongod.port, requireApiVersion, successExpected, command, api); newMongo(mongod.port, requireApiVersion, successExpected, command, api); } let m = new Mongo(`localhost:${mongod.port}`, undefined, {api: {version: '1'}}); assert.commandWorked(m.getDB('admin').runCommand( {insert: 'collection', documents: [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}], apiVersion: '1'})); for (let requireApiVersion of [false, true]) { // Omit api = {}, that's tested elsewhere. for (let api of [{version: '1'}, {version: '1', strict: true}, {version: '1', deprecationErrors: true}, {version: '1', strict: true, deprecationErrors: true}, ]) { assert.commandWorked( m.getDB("admin").runCommand({setParameter: 1, requireApiVersion: requireApiVersion})); /* * Test getMore. Create a cursor with the right API version parameters. Use an explicit lsid * to override implicit session creation. */ const lsid = UUID(); const versionedConn = new Mongo(`localhost:${mongod.port}`, undefined, {api: api}); const findReply = assert.commandWorked(versionedConn.getDB('admin').runCommand( {find: 'collection', batchSize: 1, lsid: {id: lsid}})); const getMoreCmd = { getMore: findReply.cursor.id, collection: 'collection', lsid: {id: lsid}, batchSize: 1 }; runShellWithCommand( mongod.port, requireApiVersion, true /* expectSuccess */, getMoreCmd, api); newMongo(mongod.port, requireApiVersion, true /* expectSuccess */, getMoreCmd, api); /* * Test unacknowledged writes (OP_MSG with moreToCome). */ versionedConn.getDB('admin')['collection2'].insertMany([{}, {}]); const deleteScript = "db.getSiblingDB('admin').collection2.deleteOne({}, {w: 0});"; runShellWithScript( mongod.port, requireApiVersion, true /* expectSuccess */, deleteScript, api); // The delete succeeds, collection2 had 2 records, it soon has 1. Use assert.soon since the // write is unacknowledged. Use countDocuments which is apiStrict-compatible. assert.soon(() => { return 1 === versionedConn.getDB('admin')['collection2'].countDocuments({}); }); const deleteCmd = { delete: 'collection2', deletes: [{q: {}, limit: 1}], writeConcern: {w: 0} }; newMongo(mongod.port, requireApiVersion, true /* expectSuccess */, deleteCmd, api); // The delete succeeds, collection2 soon has 0 records. assert.soon(() => { return 0 === versionedConn.getDB('admin')['collection2'].countDocuments({}); }); } } /* * Shell-specific tests. */ // Version 2 is not supported. runShellWithCommand(mongod.port, false, false, {ping: 1}, {version: '2'}); // apiVersion is required if strict or deprecationErrors is included runShellWithCommand(mongod.port, false, false, {ping: 1}, {strict: true}); runShellWithCommand(mongod.port, false, false, {ping: 1}, {deprecationErrors: true}); runShellWithCommand(mongod.port, false, false, {ping: 1}, {strict: true, deprecationErrors: true}); if (m.adminCommand('buildinfo').modules.indexOf('enterprise') > -1) { /* * Test that we can call buildinfo while assembling the shell prompt, in order to determine that * this is MongoDB Enterprise, although buildinfo is not in API Version 1 and the shell is * running with --apiStrict. */ const testPrompt = "assert(RegExp('MongoDB Enterprise').test(defaultPrompt()))"; const result = runMongoProgram( 'mongo', '--port', mongod.port, '--apiVersion', '1', '--apiStrict', '--eval', testPrompt); assert.eq(result, 0, `Error running shell with script '${testPrompt}'`); } // Test that shell helpers which return a cursor do not accept API versioning parameters. This is to // avoid the potential pitfall of sending API parameters on the initial command but not on // subsequent getMore's. const coll = m.getDB("test").collection; assert.throws(() => coll.aggregate([], {apiVersion: 1})); assert.throws(() => coll.aggregate([], {apiStrict: true})); assert.throws(() => coll.aggregate([], {apiDeprecationErrors: true})); assert.throws(() => coll.find({}, {}, 1, 0, 1, {apiVersion: 1})); assert.throws(() => coll.find({}, {}, 1, 0, 1, {apiStrict: true})); assert.throws(() => coll.find({}, {}, 1, 0, 1, {apiDeprecationErrors: true})); assert.throws(() => coll.watch({}, {apiVersion: 1})); assert.throws(() => coll.watch({}, {apiStrict: true})); assert.throws(() => coll.watch({}, {apiDeprecationErrors: true})); assert.throws(() => coll.getDB().watch({}, {apiVersion: 1})); assert.throws(() => coll.getDB().watch({}, {apiStrict: true})); assert.throws(() => coll.getDB().watch({}, {apiDeprecationErrors: true})); /* * Mongo-specific tests. */ assert.throws(() => { new Mongo(mongod.port, null, "not an object"); }, [], "Mongo() constructor should check that options argument is an object"); assert.throws(() => { new Mongo(mongod.port, null, {api: "not an object"}); }, [], "Mongo() constructor should check that 'api' is an object"); assert.throws(() => { new Mongo(mongod.port, null, {api: {version: 1}}); }, [], "Mongo() constructor should reject API version 1 (as a number)"); assert.throws(() => { new Mongo(mongod.port, null, {api: {version: '2'}}); }, [], "Mongo() constructor should reject API version 2"); assert.throws(() => { new Mongo(mongod.port, null, {api: {version: '1', strict: 1}}); }, [], "Mongo() constructor should reject strict: 1"); assert.throws(() => { new Mongo(mongod.port, null, {api: {version: '1', strict: 'asdf'}}); }, [], "Mongo() constructor should reject strict: 'asdf"); assert.throws(() => { new Mongo(mongod.port, null, {api: {version: '1', deprecationErrors: 1}}); }, [], "Mongo() constructor should reject deprecationErrors: 1"); assert.throws(() => { new Mongo(mongod.port, null, {api: {version: '1', deprecationErrors: 'asdf'}}); }, [], "Mongo() constructor should reject deprecationErrors: 'asdf'"); // apiVersion is required if strict or deprecationErrors is included assert.throws(() => { new Mongo(mongod.port, null, {api: {strict: true}}); }, [], "Mongo() constructor should reject 'strict' without 'version'"); assert.throws(() => { new Mongo(mongod.port, null, {api: {deprecationErrors: true}}); }, [], "Mongo() constructor should reject 'deprecationErrors' without 'version'"); MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongod); const rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 1}); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); const primaryPort = rst.getPrimary().port; /* * Test that we can call replSetGetStatus while assembling the shell prompt, although * replSetGetStatus is not in API Version 1 and the shell is running with --apiStrict. */ const testPrompt = "assert(RegExp('PRIMARY').test(defaultPrompt()))"; const result = runMongoProgram( 'mongo', '--port', primaryPort, '--apiVersion', '1', '--apiStrict', '--eval', testPrompt); assert.eq(result, 0, `Error running shell with script '${testPrompt}'`); /* * Test transaction-continuing commands with API parameters. */ m = new Mongo(`localhost:${primaryPort}`, undefined, {api: {version: '1'}}); for (let requireApiVersion of [false, true]) { // Omit api = {}, that's tested elsewhere. for (let api of [{version: '1'}, {version: '1', strict: true}, {version: '1', deprecationErrors: true}, {version: '1', strict: true, deprecationErrors: true}, ]) { assert.commandWorked( m.getDB("admin").runCommand({setParameter: 1, requireApiVersion: requireApiVersion})); // Start a transaction with the right API version parameters. Use an explicit lsid to // override implicit session creation. const lsid = UUID(); const versionedConn = new Mongo(`localhost:${primaryPort}`, undefined, {api: api}); assert.commandWorked(versionedConn.getDB('admin').runCommand({ find: 'collection', lsid: {id: lsid}, txnNumber: NumberLong(1), autocommit: false, startTransaction: true })); const continueCmd = {find: 'collection', lsid: {id: lsid}, txnNumber: NumberLong(1), autocommit: false}; runShellWithCommand( primaryPort, requireApiVersion, true /* expectSuccess */, continueCmd, api); newMongo(primaryPort, requireApiVersion, true /* expectSuccess */, continueCmd, api); } } assert.commandWorked(m.getDB('admin').runCommand({setParameter: 1, requireApiVersion: false})); rst.stopSet(); })();