// @tags: [requires_replication,tenant_migration_incompatible] (function() { // SERVER-28285 When renameCollection drops the target collection, it should just generate // a single oplog entry, so we cannot end up in a state where the drop has succeeded, but // the rename didn't. let rs = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 1}); rs.startSet(); rs.initiate(); let prim = rs.getPrimary(); let first = prim.getDB("first"); let second = prim.getDB("second"); let local = prim.getDB("local"); // Test both for rename within a database as across databases. const tests = [ { source: first.x, target: first.y, expectedOplogEntries: 1, }, { source: first.x, target: second.x, expectedOplogEntries: 4, } ]; tests.forEach((test) => { test.source.drop(); assert.commandWorked(test.source.insert({})); assert.commandWorked(test.target.insert({})); // Other things may be going on in the system; look only at oplog entries affecting the // particular databases under test. const dbregex = "^(" + test.source.getDB().getName() + ")|(" + test.target.getDB().getName() + ")\\."; let ts = local.oplog.rs.find().sort({$natural: -1}).limit(1).next().ts; let cmd = { renameCollection: test.source.toString(), to: test.target.toString(), dropTarget: true }; assert.commandWorked(local.adminCommand(cmd), tojson(cmd)); let ops = local.oplog.rs.find({ts: {$gt: ts}, ns: {'$regex': dbregex}}).sort({$natural: 1}).toArray(); assert.eq(ops.length, test.expectedOplogEntries, "renameCollection was supposed to only generate " + test.expectedOplogEntries + " oplog entries: " + tojson(ops)); }); rs.stopSet(); })();