/** * Tests the validate command with {background:true} in a replica set. * * Checks that {full:true} cannot be run with {background:true}. * Checks that {background:true} runs. * Checks that {background:true} can run concurrently with CRUD ops on the same collection. * * @tags: [ * # Background validation is only supported by WT. * requires_wiredtiger, * # inMemory does not have checkpoints; background validation only runs on a checkpoint. * requires_persistence, * # A failpoint is set that only exists on the mongod. * assumes_against_mongod_not_mongos, * # A failpoint is set against the primary only. * does_not_support_stepdowns, * # Checkpoint cursors cannot be open in lsm. * does_not_support_wiredtiger_lsm, * # Background validation will be first available in v4.4. * requires_fcv_44, * requires_replication, * ] */ (function() { 'use strict'; load("jstests/libs/fail_point_util.js"); load("jstests/core/txns/libs/prepare_helpers.js"); const dbName = "db_background_validation_repl"; const collName = "coll_background_validation_repl"; // Starts and returns a replica set. const initTest = () => { const replSet = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 1, name: "rs"}); replSet.startSet(); replSet.initiate(); const primary = replSet.getPrimary(); let testColl = primary.getDB(dbName)[collName]; testColl.drop(); return replSet; }; const doTest = replSet => { /* * Create some indexes and insert some data, so we can validate them more meaningfully. */ const testDB = replSet.getPrimary().getDB(dbName); const testColl = testDB[collName]; assert.commandWorked(testColl.createIndex({a: 1})); assert.commandWorked(testColl.createIndex({b: 1})); assert.commandWorked(testColl.createIndex({c: 1})); const numDocs = 100; for (let i = 0; i < numDocs; ++i) { assert.commandWorked(testColl.insert({a: i, b: i, c: i})); } /** * Ensure {full:true} and {background:true} cannot be run together. */ assert.commandFailedWithCode(testColl.validate({background: true, full: true}), ErrorCodes.CommandNotSupported); assert.commandWorked(testDB.adminCommand({fsync: 1})); // Check that {backround:true} is successful. let res = testColl.validate({background: true}); assert.commandWorked(res); assert(res.valid, "Validate cmd with {background:true} failed: " + tojson(res)); /* * Test background validation with concurrent CRUD operations. */ // Set a failpoint in the background validation code to pause validation while holding a // collection lock. let failPoint = configureFailPoint(testDB, "pauseCollectionValidationWithLock"); jsTest.log(`Starting parallel shell on port ${replSet.getPrimary().port}`); // Start an asynchronous thread to run collection validation with {background:true}. // Ensure we can perform multiple collection validations on the same collection // concurrently. let awaitValidateCommand = startParallelShell(function() { const asyncTestDB = db.getSiblingDB("db_background_validation_repl"); const asyncTestColl = asyncTestDB.coll_background_validation_repl; const validateRes = asyncTestColl.validate({background: true}); assert.commandWorked( validateRes, "asynchronous background validate command failed: " + tojson(validateRes)); assert(validateRes.valid, "asynchronous background validate command was not valid: " + tojson(validateRes)); }, replSet.getPrimary().port); // Wait for background validation command to start. jsTest.log("Waiting for failpoint to hit..."); failPoint.wait(); // Check that CRUD ops are succesful while validation is in progress. assert.commandWorked(testColl.remove({a: 1, b: 1, c: 1})); assert.commandWorked(testColl.insert({a: 1, b: 1, c: 1, d: 100})); assert.commandWorked(testColl.update({d: 100}, {"e": "updated"})); let docRes = testColl.find({"e": "updated"}); assert.eq(1, docRes.toArray().length, "expected to find a single document, found: " + tojson(docRes.toArray())); // Clear the failpoint and make sure the validate command was successful. failPoint.off(); awaitValidateCommand(); /** * Verify everything is still OK by running foreground validation. */ res = testColl.validate({background: false}); assert.commandWorked(res); assert(res.valid, "Validate cmd with {background:true} failed: " + tojson(res)); assert.eq(res.nIndexes, 4, "Expected 4 indexes: " + tojson(res)); assert.eq(res.nrecords, numDocs, "Expected " + numDocs + " collection records:" + tojson(res)); assert.eq(res.keysPerIndex._id_, numDocs, "Expected " + numDocs + " _id index records: " + tojson(res)); assert.eq(res.keysPerIndex.a_1, numDocs, "Expected " + numDocs + " a_1 index records: " + tojson(res)); assert.eq(res.keysPerIndex.b_1, numDocs, "Expected " + numDocs + " b_1 index records: " + tojson(res)); assert.eq(res.keysPerIndex.c_1, numDocs, "Expected " + numDocs + " c_1 index records: " + tojson(res)); }; const replSet = initTest(); doTest(replSet); replSet.stopSet(); })();