/** * Test that verifies client metadata is logged as part of slow query logging in MongoD in a replica * set. * @tags: [ * requires_replication, * ] */ load("jstests/libs/logv2_helpers.js"); (function() { 'use strict'; const numNodes = 2; const rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: numNodes}); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); rst.awaitReplication(); // Build a new connection based on the replica set URL var conn = new Mongo(rst.getURL()); let coll = conn.getCollection("test.foo"); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 1}, {writeConcern: {w: numNodes, wtimeout: 5000}})); const predicate = /Slow query.*test.foo.*"appName":"MongoDB Shell".*"command":{"find":"foo","filter":{"\$where":{"\$code":"function\(\)/; // Do a really slow query beyond the 100ms threshold let count = coll.find({ $where: function() { sleep(1000); return true; } }) .readPref('primary') .toArray(); assert.eq(count.length, 1, "expected 1 document"); assert(checkLog.checkContainsOnce(rst.getPrimary(), predicate)); // Do a really slow query beyond the 100ms threshold count = coll.find({ $where: function() { sleep(1000); return true; } }) .readPref('secondary') .toArray(); assert.eq(count.length, 1, "expected 1 document"); assert(checkLog.checkContainsOnce(rst.getSecondary(), predicate)); rst.stopSet(); })();