/** * Verify the explaining "cluster" versions of commands is not supported on any mongod * * @tags: [ * requires_replication, * requires_sharding, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; const kDbName = "cluster_explain_commands"; const kCollName = "bar"; const clusterCommandsCases = [ {cmd: {explain: {clusterAggregate: kCollName, pipeline: [{$match: {}}], cursor: {}}}}, {cmd: {explain: {clusterCount: "x"}}}, {cmd: {explain: {clusterFind: kCollName}}}, {cmd: {explain: {clusterInsert: kCollName, documents: [{x: 1}]}}}, {cmd: {explain: {clusterUpdate: kCollName, updates: [{q: {doesNotExist: 1}, u: {x: 1}}]}}}, {cmd: {explain: {clusterDelete: `${kCollName}`, deletes: [{q: {}, limit: 1}]}}} ]; function runTestCaseExpectFail(conn, testCase, code) { assert.commandFailedWithCode( conn.getDB(kDbName).runCommand(testCase.cmd), code, tojson(testCase.cmd)); } // // Cluster explain commands not supported on standalone mongods // { const standalone = MongoRunner.runMongod({}); assert(standalone); for (let testCase of clusterCommandsCases) { runTestCaseExpectFail(standalone, testCase, ErrorCodes.CommandNotSupported); } MongoRunner.stopMongod(standalone); } // // Cluster explain commands not supported on replica set mongods // { const rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 1}); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); for (let testCase of clusterCommandsCases) { runTestCaseExpectFail(rst.getPrimary(), testCase, ErrorCodes.CommandNotSupported); } rst.stopSet(); } { const st = new ShardingTest({mongos: 1, shards: 1, config: 1}); // // Cluster explain commands do not exist on mongos. // for (let testCase of clusterCommandsCases) { runTestCaseExpectFail(st.s, testCase, ErrorCodes.CommandNotFound); } // // Cluster explain commands are not supported on a config server node. // for (let testCase of clusterCommandsCases) { runTestCaseExpectFail(st.configRS.getPrimary(), testCase, ErrorCodes.CommandNotSupported); } // // Cluster explain commands are not supported sharding enabled shardsvr. // for (let testCase of clusterCommandsCases) { runTestCaseExpectFail(st.rs0.getPrimary(), testCase, ErrorCodes.CommandNotSupported); } st.stop(); } }());