/** * Test that different methods of loading a column store index all produce the same valid results. * Indexes are validated by comparing query results that use the index with results from a control * query that uses a collection scan. * @tags: [ * # We could potentially need to resume an index build in the event of a stepdown, which is not * # yet implemented. * does_not_support_stepdowns, * featureFlagColumnstoreIndexes, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); load("jstests/libs/columnstore_util.js"); // For setUpServerForColumnStoreIndexTest. const mongod = MongoRunner.runMongod({}); const db = mongod.getDB("test"); if (!setUpServerForColumnStoreIndexTest(db)) { MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongod); return; } // // Create test documents. // const testValues = [ {foo: 1, bar: 2}, {bar: 2, baz: 3}, {foo: 3, baz: 4}, {foo: 5, bar: 6}, {bar: 7, baz: [7, 8]}, ]; // We create our test documents by choosing k-permutations from the 'testValues' array. The // kPermutations() function returns an array of all possible permutations with 'k' choices from all // values in the 'arr' input. The 'choices' input stores the values chosen at previous levels of // recursion. function kPermutations(arr, n, choices = []) { if (n == 0) { return [choices]; } const permutations = []; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { const subSequence = arr.slice(0, i).concat(arr.slice(i + 1)); permutations.push(...kPermutations(subSequence, n - 1, choices.concat([arr[i]]))); } return permutations; } const testDocs = kPermutations(testValues, 4).map((permutation, idx) => ({ idx: idx, foo: [permutation[0], permutation[1]], bar: [permutation[2], permutation[3]] })); // Compute the number of paths that this document will add to the column store index, assuming it is // structured according to the above testDocs template that generates two-level documents. let numPathsToProcess = 0; for (const doc of testDocs) { numPathsToProcess += 5; // _id, idx, foo, bar, special dense field for (const arr of [doc.foo, doc.bar]) { let keys = {}; for (const obj of arr) { for (const field of Object.keys(obj)) { keys[field] = true; } } numPathsToProcess += Object.keys(keys).length; } } // Test queries use a projection that includes every possible leaf field. Projections on fields that // have sub-documents fall back to the row store, which would not serve to validate the contents of // the index. const testProjection = { _id: 0, idx: 1, "foo.foo": 1, "foo.bar": 1, "foo.baz": 1, "bar.foo": 1, "bar.bar": 1, "bar.baz": 1, }; const maxMemUsageBytes = 20000; const numDocs = testDocs.length; const approxDocSize = 500; const approxMemoryUsage = numDocs * approxDocSize; const expectedSpilledRanges = Math.ceil(approxMemoryUsage / maxMemUsageBytes); // The test query would normally not qualify for a column store index plan, because it projects a // large number of fields. We raise the limit on the number of fields to allow column store plans // for the purposes of this test. db.adminCommand({ setParameter: 1, internalQueryMaxNumberOfFieldsToChooseUnfilteredColumnScan: Object.keys(testProjection).length }); function loadDocs(coll, documents) { const bulk = coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (const doc of documents) { bulk.insert(doc); } assert.commandWorked(bulk.execute()); } // // We load the same documents into 4 collections: // // 1. a control collection with no index, const noIndexColl = db.column_store_index_load_no_index; // 2. a collection whose column store index is populated with an in-memory bulk load, const bulkLoadInMemoryColl = db.column_store_index_load_in_memory; // 3. a collection whose column store index is populated with a bulk load that uses an external // merge sort (i.e., one that "spills" to disk), and const bulkLoadExternalColl = db.column_store_index_load_external; // 4. a collection whose column store index is populated as documents are inserted. const onlineLoadColl = db.column_store_index_online_load; // Load the control collection. noIndexColl.drop(); loadDocs(noIndexColl, testDocs); // Perform the in-memory bulk load. bulkLoadInMemoryColl.drop(); loadDocs(bulkLoadInMemoryColl, testDocs); assert.commandWorked(bulkLoadInMemoryColl.createIndex({"$**": "columnstore"})); const statsAfterInMemoryBuild = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({serverStatus: 1})); let indexBulkBuilderSection = statsAfterInMemoryBuild.indexBulkBuilder; assert.eq(indexBulkBuilderSection.count, 1, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection)); assert.eq(indexBulkBuilderSection.resumed, 0, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection)); assert.eq(indexBulkBuilderSection.filesOpenedForExternalSort, 0, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection)); assert.eq(indexBulkBuilderSection.filesClosedForExternalSort, 0, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection)); assert.eq(indexBulkBuilderSection.spilledRanges, 0, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection)); assert.eq(indexBulkBuilderSection.bytesSpilledUncompressed, 0, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection)); assert.eq(indexBulkBuilderSection.bytesSpilled, 0, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection)); assert.eq(indexBulkBuilderSection.numSorted, numPathsToProcess, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection)); assert.between(0.7 * approxMemoryUsage, indexBulkBuilderSection.bytesSorted, 1.3 * approxMemoryUsage, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection)); assert.between(0.7 * approxMemoryUsage, indexBulkBuilderSection.memUsage, 1.3 * approxMemoryUsage, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection), /*inclusive=*/ true); assert.eq(Object.keys(indexBulkBuilderSection).length, 10, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection)); // Perform the external bulk load. The server config won't allow a memory limit lower than 50MB, so // we use a failpoint to set it lower than that for the purposes of this test. bulkLoadExternalColl.drop(); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({ configureFailPoint: "constrainMemoryForBulkBuild", mode: "alwaysOn", data: {maxBytes: maxMemUsageBytes}, })); loadDocs(bulkLoadExternalColl, testDocs); assert.commandWorked(bulkLoadExternalColl.createIndex({"$**": "columnstore"})); const statsAfterExternalLoad = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({serverStatus: 1})); indexBulkBuilderSection = statsAfterExternalLoad.indexBulkBuilder; assert.eq(indexBulkBuilderSection.count, 2, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection)); assert.eq(indexBulkBuilderSection.resumed, 0, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection)); assert.eq(indexBulkBuilderSection.filesOpenedForExternalSort, 1, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection)); assert.eq(indexBulkBuilderSection.filesClosedForExternalSort, 1, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection)); // Note: The number of spills in the external sorter depends on the size of C++ data structures, // which can be different between architectures. The test allows a range of reasonable values. assert.between(expectedSpilledRanges - 1, indexBulkBuilderSection.spilledRanges, expectedSpilledRanges + 1, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection), /*inclusive=*/ true); // We can only approximate the memory usage and bytes that will be spilled. assert.between(0, indexBulkBuilderSection.bytesSpilled, approxMemoryUsage, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection), /*inclusive=*/ true); assert.gte(indexBulkBuilderSection.bytesSpilledUncompressed, indexBulkBuilderSection.bytesSpilled, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection)); // Multiply expected values by 2 to account for the previous index build. assert.eq( indexBulkBuilderSection.numSorted, numPathsToProcess * 2, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection)); assert.between(approxMemoryUsage * 0.7 * 2, indexBulkBuilderSection.bytesSorted, approxMemoryUsage * 1.3 * 2, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection)); assert.between(approxMemoryUsage * 0.7, indexBulkBuilderSection.memUsage, approxMemoryUsage * 1.3, tojson(indexBulkBuilderSection), /*inclusive=*/ true); // Perfom the online load. onlineLoadColl.drop(); onlineLoadColl.createIndex({"$**": "columnstore"}); loadDocs(onlineLoadColl, testDocs); // // Verify that our test query uses the column store. // [bulkLoadInMemoryColl, bulkLoadExternalColl, onlineLoadColl].forEach(function(coll) { const explain = coll.find({}, testProjection).sort({idx: 1}).explain(); assert(planHasStage(db, explain, "COLUMN_SCAN"), explain); }); // // Run a query on each of the test collections, including the "no index" control collection. // const noIndexResults = noIndexColl.find({}, testProjection).sort({idx: 1}).toArray(); const bulkLoadInMemoryResults = bulkLoadInMemoryColl.find({}, testProjection).sort({idx: 1}).toArray(); const bulkLoadExternalResults = bulkLoadExternalColl.find({}, testProjection).sort({idx: 1}).toArray(); const onlineLoadResults = onlineLoadColl.find({}, testProjection).sort({idx: 1}).toArray(); // // Verify that the test query produces the same results in all test configurations. // assert.eq(testDocs.length, noIndexResults.length); assert.eq(testDocs.length, bulkLoadInMemoryResults.length); assert.eq(testDocs.length, bulkLoadExternalResults.length); assert.eq(testDocs.length, onlineLoadResults.length); for (let i = 0; i < noIndexResults.length; ++i) { assert.docEq(noIndexResults[i], bulkLoadInMemoryResults[i]); assert.docEq(noIndexResults[i], bulkLoadExternalResults[i]); assert.docEq(noIndexResults[i], onlineLoadResults[i]); } MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongod); })();