// Test config file expansion using REST at top level. // @tags: [requires_http_client] (function() { 'use strict'; load('jstests/noPassthrough/libs/configExpand/lib.js'); const web = new ConfigExpandRestServer(); web.start(); // Sleep 10 seconds during request. configExpandSuccess({ setParameter: { scramIterationCount: {__rest: web.getStringReflectionURL('12345', {sleep: 10})}, } }); // Sleep 40 seconds during request, with default 30 second timeout. configExpandFailure({ setParameter: { scramIterationCount: {__rest: web.getStringReflectionURL('12345', {sleep: 40})}, } }, /Timeout was reached/); // Sleep 10 seconds during request, with custom 5 second timeout. configExpandFailure({ setParameter: { scramIterationCount: {__rest: web.getStringReflectionURL('12345', {sleep: 10})}, } }, /Timeout was reached/, {configExpandTimeoutSecs: 5}); web.stop(); })();