// Test whether a pinned cursor does not show up as an idle cursor in curOp. // Then test and make sure a pinned cursor shows up in the operation object. // @tags: [requires_sharding] (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/pin_getmore_cursor.js"); // for "withPinnedCursor" function runTest(cursorId, coll) { const db = coll.getDB(); const adminDB = db.getSiblingDB("admin"); // Test that active cursors do not show up as idle cursors. const idleCursors = adminDB .aggregate([ {"$currentOp": {"localOps": true, "idleCursors": true, "allUsers": false}}, {"$match": {"type": "idleCursor"}} ]) .toArray(); assert.eq(idleCursors.length, 0, tojson(idleCursors)); // Test that an active cursor shows up in currentOp. const activeCursors = adminDB .aggregate([ {"$currentOp": {"localOps": true, "idleCursors": false, "allUsers": false}}, {"$match": {"cursor": {"$exists": true}}} ]) .toArray(); assert.eq(activeCursors.length, 1, tojson(activeCursors)); const cursorObject = activeCursors[0].cursor; assert.eq(cursorObject.originatingCommand.find, coll.getName(), tojson(activeCursors)); assert.eq(cursorObject.nDocsReturned, 2, tojson(activeCursors)); assert.eq(cursorObject.ns, coll.getFullName(), tojson(activeCursors)); assert.eq(cursorObject.tailable, false, tojson(activeCursors)); assert.eq(cursorObject.awaitData, false, tojson(activeCursors)); } const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({}); let failPointName = "waitWithPinnedCursorDuringGetMoreBatch"; withPinnedCursor({ conn: conn, assertFunction: runTest, runGetMoreFunc: function() { const response = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({getMore: cursorId, collection: collName})); }, failPointName: failPointName }); // Test OP_GET_MORE (legacy read mode) against a mongod. failPointName = "legacyGetMoreWaitWithCursor"; const db = conn.getDB("test"); db.getMongo().forceReadMode("legacy"); withPinnedCursor({ conn: conn, assertFunction: runTest, runGetMoreFunc: function() { db.getMongo().forceReadMode("legacy"); let cmdRes = { "cursor": {"firstBatch": [], "id": cursorId, "ns": db.jstest_with_pinned_cursor}, "ok": 1 }; let cursor = new DBCommandCursor(db, cmdRes, 2); cursor.itcount(); }, failPointName: failPointName }); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); // Sharded test failPointName = "waitAfterPinningCursorBeforeGetMoreBatch"; let st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, mongos: 1}); withPinnedCursor({ conn: st.s, assertFunction: runTest, runGetMoreFunc: function() { const response = assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({getMore: cursorId, collection: collName})); }, failPointName: failPointName }); // Test OP_GET_MORE (legacy reead mode) against a mongos. withPinnedCursor({ conn: st.s, assertFunction: runTest, runGetMoreFunc: function() { db.getMongo().forceReadMode("legacy"); let cmdRes = { "cursor": {"firstBatch": [], "id": cursorId, "ns": db.jstest_with_pinned_cursor}, "ok": 1 }; let cursor = new DBCommandCursor(db, cmdRes, 2); cursor.itcount(); }, failPointName: failPointName }); st.stop(); })();