/** * Confirms inclusion of a 'transaction' object containing lsid and txnNumber in * currentOp() for a prepared transaction and an active non-prepared transaction. * @tags: [uses_transactions, uses_prepare_transaction] */ (function() { 'use strict'; load("jstests/libs/parallel_shell_helpers.js"); function transactionFn(isPrepared) { const collName = 'currentop_active_transaction'; const session = db.getMongo().startSession({causalConsistency: false}); const sessionDB = session.getDatabase('test'); session.startTransaction({readConcern: {level: 'snapshot'}}); sessionDB[collName].update({}, {x: 2}); if (isPrepared) { // Load the prepare helpers to be called in the parallel shell. load('jstests/core/txns/libs/prepare_helpers.js'); const prepareTimestamp = PrepareHelpers.prepareTransaction(session); PrepareHelpers.commitTransaction(session, prepareTimestamp); } else { assert.commandWorked(session.commitTransaction_forTesting()); } } function checkCurrentOpFields(currentOp, isPrepared, operationTime, timeBeforeTransactionStarts, timeAfterTransactionStarts, timeBeforeCurrentOp) { const transactionDocument = currentOp[0].transaction; assert.eq(transactionDocument.parameters.autocommit, false, "Expected 'autocommit' to be false but got " + transactionDocument.parameters.autocommit + " instead: " + tojson(transactionDocument)); assert.docEq(transactionDocument.parameters.readConcern, {level: 'snapshot'}, "Expected 'readConcern' to be level: snapshot but got " + tojson(transactionDocument.parameters.readConcern) + " instead: " + tojson(transactionDocument)); assert.gte(transactionDocument.readTimestamp, operationTime, "Expected 'readTimestamp' to be at least " + operationTime + " but got " + transactionDocument.readTimestamp + " instead: " + tojson(transactionDocument)); assert.gte(ISODate(transactionDocument.startWallClockTime), timeBeforeTransactionStarts, "Expected 'startWallClockTime' to be at least" + timeBeforeTransactionStarts + " but got " + transactionDocument.startWallClockTime + " instead: " + tojson(transactionDocument)); const expectedTimeOpen = (timeBeforeCurrentOp - timeAfterTransactionStarts) * 1000; assert.gt(transactionDocument.timeOpenMicros, expectedTimeOpen, "Expected 'timeOpenMicros' to be at least" + expectedTimeOpen + " but got " + transactionDocument.timeOpenMicros + " instead: " + tojson(transactionDocument)); assert.gte(transactionDocument.timeActiveMicros, 0, "Expected 'timeActiveMicros' to be at least 0: " + tojson(transactionDocument)); assert.gte(transactionDocument.timeInactiveMicros, 0, "Expected 'timeInactiveMicros' to be at least 0: " + tojson(transactionDocument)); const actualExpiryTime = ISODate(transactionDocument.expiryTime).getTime(); const expectedExpiryTime = ISODate(transactionDocument.startWallClockTime).getTime() + transactionLifeTime * 1000; assert.eq(expectedExpiryTime, actualExpiryTime, "Expected 'expiryTime' to be " + expectedExpiryTime + " but got " + actualExpiryTime + " instead: " + tojson(transactionDocument)); if (isPrepared) { assert.gte( transactionDocument.timePreparedMicros, 0, "Expected 'timePreparedMicros' to be at least 0: " + tojson(transactionDocument)); } } const rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 1}); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); const collName = 'currentop_active_transaction'; const testDB = rst.getPrimary().getDB('test'); const adminDB = rst.getPrimary().getDB('admin'); testDB.runCommand({drop: collName, writeConcern: {w: "majority"}}); assert.commandWorked(testDB[collName].insert({x: 1}, {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}})); // Run an operation prior to starting the transaction and save its operation time. We will use // this later to assert that our subsequent transaction's readTimestamp is greater than or equal // to this operation time. let res = assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand({insert: collName, documents: [{x: 1}]})); // Set and save the transaction's lifetime. We will use this later to assert that our // transaction's expiry time is equal to its start time + lifetime. const transactionLifeTime = 10; assert.commandWorked( testDB.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds: transactionLifeTime})); // This will make the transaction hang. assert.commandWorked(testDB.adminCommand( {configureFailPoint: 'hangAfterSettingPrepareStartTime', mode: 'alwaysOn'})); let timeBeforeTransactionStarts = new ISODate(); let isPrepared = true; const joinPreparedTransaction = startParallelShell(funWithArgs(transactionFn, isPrepared), rst.ports[0]); const prepareTransactionFilter = { active: true, 'lsid': {$exists: true}, 'transaction.parameters.txnNumber': {$eq: 0}, 'transaction.parameters.autocommit': {$eq: false}, 'transaction.timePreparedMicros': {$exists: true} }; // Keep running currentOp() until we see the transaction subdocument. assert.soon(function() { return 1 === adminDB.aggregate([{$currentOp: {}}, {$match: prepareTransactionFilter}]).itcount(); }); let timeAfterTransactionStarts = new ISODate(); // Sleep here to allow some time between timeAfterTransactionStarts and timeBeforeCurrentOp to // elapse. sleep(100); let timeBeforeCurrentOp = new ISODate(); // Check that the currentOp's transaction subdocument's fields align with our expectations. let currentOp = adminDB.aggregate([{$currentOp: {}}, {$match: prepareTransactionFilter}]).toArray(); checkCurrentOpFields(currentOp, isPrepared, res.operationTime, timeBeforeTransactionStarts, timeAfterTransactionStarts, timeBeforeCurrentOp); // Now the transaction can proceed. assert.commandWorked( testDB.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: 'hangAfterSettingPrepareStartTime', mode: 'off'})); joinPreparedTransaction(); // Conduct the same test but with a non-prepared transaction. res = assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand({insert: collName, documents: [{x: 1}]})); // This will make the transaction hang. assert.commandWorked( testDB.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: 'hangDuringBatchUpdate', mode: 'alwaysOn'})); timeBeforeTransactionStarts = new ISODate(); isPrepared = false; const joinTransaction = startParallelShell(funWithArgs(transactionFn, isPrepared), rst.ports[0]); const transactionFilter = { active: true, 'lsid': {$exists: true}, 'transaction.parameters.txnNumber': {$eq: 0}, 'transaction.parameters.autocommit': {$eq: false}, 'transaction.timePreparedMicros': {$exists: false} }; // Keep running currentOp() until we see the transaction subdocument. assert.soon(function() { return 1 === adminDB.aggregate([{$currentOp: {}}, {$match: transactionFilter}]).itcount(); }); timeAfterTransactionStarts = new ISODate(); // Sleep here to allow some time between timeAfterTransactionStarts and timeBeforeCurrentOp to // elapse. sleep(100); timeBeforeCurrentOp = new ISODate(); // Check that the currentOp's transaction subdocument's fields align with our expectations. currentOp = adminDB.aggregate([{$currentOp: {}}, {$match: transactionFilter}]).toArray(); checkCurrentOpFields(currentOp, isPrepared, res.operationTime, timeBeforeTransactionStarts, timeAfterTransactionStarts, timeBeforeCurrentOp); // Now the transaction can proceed. assert.commandWorked( testDB.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: 'hangDuringBatchUpdate', mode: 'off'})); joinTransaction(); rst.stopSet(); })();