/** * Confirms inclusion of query, command object, planSummary, and queryFramework in currentOp() for * CRUD operations. This test should not be run in the parallel suite as it sets fail points. * @tags: [ * requires_replication, * requires_sharding, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/sbe_util.js"); // For 'checkSBEEnabled()'. // This test runs manual getMores using different connections, which will not inherit the // implicit session of the cursor establishing command. TestData.disableImplicitSessions = true; load("jstests/libs/fixture_helpers.js"); // For FixtureHelpers. // Set up a 2-shard cluster. Configure 'internalQueryExecYieldIterations' on both shards such // that operations will yield on each PlanExecuter iteration. const st = new ShardingTest({ name: jsTestName(), shards: 2, rs: {nodes: 1, setParameter: {internalQueryExecYieldIterations: 1}} }); // Obtain one mongoS connection and a second direct to the shard. const rsConn = st.rs0.getPrimary(); const mongosConn = st.s; const mongosDB = mongosConn.getDB("currentop_query"); const mongosColl = mongosDB.currentop_query; // Enable sharding on the the test database and ensure that the primary is on shard0. assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({enableSharding: mongosDB.getName()})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(mongosDB.getName(), rsConn.name); // On a sharded cluster, aggregations which are dispatched to multiple shards first establish // zero-batch cursors and only hit the failpoints on the following getMore. This helper takes a // generic command object and creates an appropriate filter given the use-case. function commandOrOriginatingCommand(cmdObj, isRemoteShardCurOp) { const cmdFieldName = (isRemoteShardCurOp ? "cursor.originatingCommand" : "command"); const cmdFilter = {}; for (let subFieldName in cmdObj) { cmdFilter[`${cmdFieldName}.${subFieldName}`] = cmdObj[subFieldName]; } return cmdFilter; } // Drops and re-creates the sharded test collection. function dropAndRecreateTestCollection() { assert(mongosColl.drop()); assert.commandWorked( mongosDB.adminCommand({shardCollection: mongosColl.getFullName(), key: {_id: "hashed"}})); } /** * @param {connection} conn - The connection through which to run the test suite. * @params {function} currentOp - Function which takes a database object and a filter, and * returns an array of matching current operations. This allows us to test output for both the * currentOp command and the $currentOp aggregation stage. * @params {boolean} truncatedOps - if true, we expect operations that exceed the maximum * currentOp size to be truncated in the output 'command' field, and we run only a subset of * tests designed to exercise that scenario. If false, we expect the entire operation to be * returned. * @params {boolean} localOps - if true, we expect currentOp to return operations running on a * mongoS itself rather than on the shards. */ function runTests({conn, currentOp, truncatedOps, localOps}) { const testDB = conn.getDB("currentop_query"); const coll = testDB.currentop_query; dropAndRecreateTestCollection(); for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: i, a: i})); } const isLocalMongosCurOp = (FixtureHelpers.isMongos(testDB) && localOps); const isRemoteShardCurOp = (FixtureHelpers.isMongos(testDB) && !localOps); const sbeEnabled = checkSBEEnabled(testDB, ["featureFlagSbeFull"]); // If 'truncatedOps' is true, run only the subset of tests designed to validate the // truncation behaviour. Otherwise, run the standard set of tests which assume that // truncation will not occur. if (truncatedOps) { runTruncationTests(); } else { runStandardTests(); } /** * Captures currentOp() for a given test command/operation and confirms that namespace, * operation type, planSummary, and queryFramework are correct. * * - 'testObj' - Contains test arguments. * - 'testObj.test' - A function that runs the desired test op/cmd. * - 'testObj.planSummary' - A string containing the expected planSummary. * - 'testObj.queryFramework' - A string containing the expected queryFramework. * - 'testObj.currentOpFilter' - A filter to be used to narrow currentOp() output to only the * relevant operation or command. * - 'testObj.command]' - The command to test against. Will look for this to be a key in the * currentOp().query object. * - 'testObj.operation' - The operation to test against. Will look for this to be the value * of the currentOp().op field. * - 'testObj.skipMongosLocalOps' - True if this test should not be run against a mongos with * localOps=true. */ function confirmCurrentOpContents(testObj) { const skipMongosLocalOps = testObj.skipMongosLocalOps || false; if (isLocalMongosCurOp && skipMongosLocalOps) { return; } // Force queries to hang on yield to allow for currentOp capture. FixtureHelpers.runCommandOnEachPrimary({ db: conn.getDB("admin"), cmdObj: { configureFailPoint: "setYieldAllLocksHang", mode: "alwaysOn", data: {namespace: mongosColl.getFullName()} } }); // Set the test configuration in TestData for the parallel shell test. TestData.currentOpTest = testObj.test; TestData.currentOpCollName = "currentop_query"; // Wrapper function which sets DB before running the test function // found at TestData.currentOpTest. function doTest() { const testDB = db.getSiblingDB(TestData.currentOpCollName); TestData.currentOpTest(testDB); } // Run the operation in the background. var awaitShell = startParallelShell(doTest, testDB.getMongo().port); // Augment the currentOpFilter with additional known predicates. if (!testObj.currentOpFilter.ns) { testObj.currentOpFilter.ns = coll.getFullName(); } if (!isLocalMongosCurOp) { testObj.currentOpFilter.planSummary = testObj.planSummary; if (testObj.hasOwnProperty("queryFramework")) { testObj.currentOpFilter.queryFramework = testObj.queryFramework; } } if (testObj.hasOwnProperty("command")) { testObj.currentOpFilter["command." + testObj.command] = {$exists: true}; } else if (testObj.hasOwnProperty("operation")) { testObj.currentOpFilter.op = testObj.operation; } // Capture currentOp record for the query and confirm that the 'query', 'planSummary', and // 'queryFramework' fields contain the content expected. We are indirectly testing the 'ns' // field as well with the currentOp query argument. assert.soon( function() { var result = currentOp(testDB, testObj.currentOpFilter, truncatedOps, localOps); assert.commandWorked(result); if (result.inprog.length > 0) { result.inprog.forEach((op) => { assert.eq(op.appName, "MongoDB Shell", tojson(result)); assert.eq( op.clientMetadata.application.name, "MongoDB Shell", tojson(result)); }); return true; } return false; }, function() { return "Failed to find operation from " + tojson(testObj.currentOpFilter) + " in currentOp() output: " + tojson(currentOp(testDB, {}, truncatedOps, localOps)) + (isLocalMongosCurOp ? ", with localOps=false: " + tojson(currentOp(testDB, {}, truncatedOps, false)) : ""); }); // Allow the query to complete. FixtureHelpers.runCommandOnEachPrimary({ db: conn.getDB("admin"), cmdObj: {configureFailPoint: "setYieldAllLocksHang", mode: "off"} }); awaitShell(); delete TestData.currentOpCollName; delete TestData.currentOpTest; } /** * Runs a set of tests to verify that the currentOp output appears as expected. These tests * assume that the 'truncateOps' parameter is false, so no command objects in the currentOp * output will be truncated to string. */ function runStandardTests() { // // Confirm currentOp content for commands defined in 'testList'. // var testList = [ { test: function(db) { assert.eq(db.currentop_query .aggregate([{$match: {a: 1, $comment: "currentop_query"}}], { collation: {locale: "fr"}, hint: {_id: 1}, comment: "currentop_query_2" }) .itcount(), 1); }, planSummary: "IXSCAN { _id: 1 }", queryFramework: sbeEnabled ? "sbe" : "classic", currentOpFilter: commandOrOriginatingCommand({ "aggregate": {$exists: true}, "pipeline.0.$match.$comment": "currentop_query", "comment": "currentop_query_2", "collation.locale": "fr", "hint": {_id: 1} }, isRemoteShardCurOp), }, { test: function(db) { assert.eq(db.currentop_query.find({a: 1, $comment: "currentop_query"}) .collation({locale: "fr"}) .count(), 1); }, command: "count", planSummary: "COLLSCAN", currentOpFilter: {"command.query.$comment": "currentop_query", "command.collation.locale": "fr"} }, { test: function(db) { assert.eq( db.currentop_query.distinct( "a", {a: 1, $comment: "currentop_query"}, {collation: {locale: "fr"}}), [1]); }, command: "distinct", planSummary: "COLLSCAN", queryFramework: sbeEnabled ? "sbe" : "classic", currentOpFilter: {"command.query.$comment": "currentop_query", "command.collation.locale": "fr"} }, { test: function(db) { assert.eq(db.currentop_query.find({a: 1}).comment("currentop_query").itcount(), 1); }, command: "find", planSummary: "COLLSCAN", queryFramework: sbeEnabled ? "sbe" : "classic", currentOpFilter: {"command.comment": "currentop_query"} }, { test: function(db) { assert.eq(db.currentop_query.find({a: 1}).comment("currentop_query").itcount(), 1); }, command: "find", // Yields only take place on a mongod. Since this test depends on checking that the // currentOp's reported 'numYields' has advanced beyond zero, this test is not // expected to work when running against a mongos with localOps=true. skipMongosLocalOps: true, planSummary: "COLLSCAN", queryFramework: sbeEnabled ? "sbe" : "classic", currentOpFilter: {"command.comment": "currentop_query", numYields: {$gt: 0}} }, { test: function(db) { assert.eq(db.currentop_query.findAndModify({ query: {_id: 1, a: 1, $comment: "currentop_query"}, update: {$inc: {b: 1}}, collation: {locale: "fr"} }), {"_id": 1, "a": 1}); }, command: "findandmodify", planSummary: "IXSCAN { _id: 1 }", currentOpFilter: {"command.query.$comment": "currentop_query", "command.collation.locale": "fr"} }, { test: function(db) { assert.commandWorked(db.currentop_query.mapReduce(() => {}, (a, b) => {}, { query: {a: 1, $comment: "currentop_query_mr"}, out: {inline: 1}, })); }, planSummary: "COLLSCAN", queryFramework: "classic", // A mapReduce which gets sent to the shards is internally translated to an // aggregation. currentOpFilter: (isRemoteShardCurOp ? { "cursor.originatingCommand.aggregate": "currentop_query", "cursor.originatingCommand.pipeline.0.$match.$comment": "currentop_query_mr" } : { "command.query.$comment": "currentop_query_mr", "ns": /^currentop_query.*currentop_query/ }), }, { test: function(db) { assert.commandWorked(db.currentop_query.remove( {a: 2, $comment: "currentop_query"}, {collation: {locale: "fr"}})); }, operation: "remove", planSummary: "COLLSCAN", currentOpFilter: (isLocalMongosCurOp ? {"command.delete": coll.getName(), "command.ordered": true} : { "command.q.$comment": "currentop_query", "command.collation.locale": "fr" }) }, { test: function(db) { assert.commandWorked( db.currentop_query.update({a: 1, $comment: "currentop_query"}, {$inc: {b: 1}}, {collation: {locale: "fr"}, multi: true})); }, operation: "update", planSummary: "COLLSCAN", currentOpFilter: (isLocalMongosCurOp ? {"command.update": coll.getName(), "command.ordered": true} : { "command.q.$comment": "currentop_query", "command.collation.locale": "fr" }) } ]; testList.forEach(confirmCurrentOpContents); // // Confirm currentOp contains collation for find command. // confirmCurrentOpContents({ test: function(db) { assert.eq(db.currentop_query.find({a: 1}) .comment("currentop_query") .collation({locale: "fr"}) .itcount(), 1); }, command: "find", planSummary: "COLLSCAN", queryFramework: sbeEnabled ? "sbe" : "classic", currentOpFilter: {"command.comment": "currentop_query", "command.collation.locale": "fr"} }); // // Confirm currentOp content for the $geoNear aggregation stage. // dropAndRecreateTestCollection(); for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: i, loc: {type: "Point", coordinates: [i, i]}})); } assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({loc: "2dsphere"})); confirmCurrentOpContents({ test: function(db) { assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({ aggregate: "currentop_query", cursor: {}, pipeline: [{ $geoNear: { near: {type: "Point", coordinates: [1, 1]}, distanceField: "dist", spherical: true, query: {$comment: "currentop_query"}, } }], collation: {locale: "fr"}, comment: "currentop_query", })); }, planSummary: "GEO_NEAR_2DSPHERE { loc: \"2dsphere\" }", queryFramework: "classic", currentOpFilter: commandOrOriginatingCommand({ "aggregate": {$exists: true}, "pipeline.0.$geoNear.query.$comment": "currentop_query", "collation.locale": "fr", "comment": "currentop_query", }, isRemoteShardCurOp), }); // // Confirm currentOp content for getMore. This case tests command and legacy getMore // with originating find and aggregate commands. // dropAndRecreateTestCollection(); for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: i})); } const originatingCommands = { find: {find: "currentop_query", filter: {}, comment: "currentop_query", batchSize: 0}, aggregate: { aggregate: "currentop_query", pipeline: [{$match: {}}], comment: "currentop_query", cursor: {batchSize: 0} } }; for (let cmdName in originatingCommands) { const cmdObj = originatingCommands[cmdName]; const cmdRes = testDB.runCommand(cmdObj); assert.commandWorked(cmdRes); TestData.commandResult = cmdRes; // If this is a non-localOps test running via mongoS, then the cursorID we obtained // above is the ID of the mongoS cursor, and will not match the IDs of any of the // individual shard cursors in the currentOp output. We therefore don't perform an // exact match on 'command.getMore', but only verify that the cursor ID is non-zero. const filter = { "command.getMore": (isRemoteShardCurOp ? {$gt: 0} : TestData.commandResult.cursor.id), [`cursor.originatingCommand.${cmdName}`]: {$exists: true}, "cursor.originatingCommand.comment": "currentop_query" }; confirmCurrentOpContents({ test: function(db) { const cursor = new DBCommandCursor(db, TestData.commandResult, 5); assert.eq(cursor.itcount(), 10); }, command: "getMore", planSummary: "COLLSCAN", queryFramework: sbeEnabled ? "sbe" : "classic", currentOpFilter: filter, }); delete TestData.commandResult; } } /** * Runs a set of tests to verify that currentOp will serialize objects exceeding ~1000 bytes * to string when the 'truncateOps' parameter is set. */ function runTruncationTests() { dropAndRecreateTestCollection(); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: 1})); // When the currentOp command serializes the query object as a string, individual string // values inside it are truncated at 150 characters. To test "total length" truncation // we need to pass multiple values, each smaller than 150 bytes. TestData.queryFilter = { "1": "1".repeat(149), "2": "2".repeat(149), "3": "3".repeat(149), "4": "4".repeat(149), "5": "5".repeat(149), "6": "6".repeat(149), "7": "7".repeat(149), }; var truncatedQueryString = "^\\{ find: \"currentop_query\", filter: \\{ " + "1: \"1{149}\", 2: \"2{149}\", 3: \"3{149}\", 4: \"4{149}\", 5: \"5{149}\", " + "6: \"6{149}\", 7: \"7+\\.\\.\\."; let currentOpFilter; // Verify that the currentOp command removes the comment field from the command while // truncating the command. Command {find: , comment: , filter: {XYZ}} should // be represented as {$truncated: "{find: , filter: {XY...", comment: }. currentOpFilter = { "command.$truncated": {$regex: truncatedQueryString}, "command.comment": "currentop_query" }; confirmCurrentOpContents({ test: function(db) { // We put the 'comment' field before the large 'filter' in the command object so // that, when the object is truncated in the currentOp output, we can confirm that // the 'comment' field has been removed from the object and promoted to a top-level // field. assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({ find: "currentop_query", comment: "currentop_query", filter: TestData.queryFilter })); }, planSummary: "COLLSCAN", queryFramework: "classic", currentOpFilter: currentOpFilter }); // Verify that a command without the "comment" field appears as {$truncated: } when // truncated by currentOp. currentOpFilter = { "command.$truncated": {$regex: truncatedQueryString}, "command.comment": {$exists: false} }; confirmCurrentOpContents({ test: function(db) { assert.commandWorked( db.runCommand({find: "currentop_query", filter: TestData.queryFilter})); }, planSummary: "COLLSCAN", queryFramework: "classic", currentOpFilter: currentOpFilter }); // Verify that an originatingCommand truncated by currentOp appears as { $truncated: // , comment: }. const cmdRes = testDB.runCommand({ find: "currentop_query", comment: "currentop_query", filter: TestData.queryFilter, batchSize: 0 }); assert.commandWorked(cmdRes); TestData.commandResult = cmdRes; currentOpFilter = { "command.getMore": (isRemoteShardCurOp ? {$gt: 0} : TestData.commandResult.cursor.id), "cursor.originatingCommand.$truncated": {$regex: truncatedQueryString}, "cursor.originatingCommand.comment": "currentop_query" }; confirmCurrentOpContents({ test: function(db) { var cursor = new DBCommandCursor(db, TestData.commandResult, 5); assert.eq(cursor.itcount(), 0); }, planSummary: "COLLSCAN", queryFramework: "classic", currentOpFilter: currentOpFilter, }); delete TestData.commandResult; // Verify that an aggregation truncated by currentOp appears as { $truncated: , // comment: } when a comment parameter is present. truncatedQueryString = "^\\{ aggregate: \"currentop_query\", pipeline: \\[ \\{ \\$match: \\{ " + "1: \"1{149}\", 2: \"2{149}\", 3: \"3{149}\", 4: \"4{149}\", 5: \"5{149}\", " + "6: \"6{149}\", 7: \"7+\\.\\.\\."; currentOpFilter = commandOrOriginatingCommand( {"$truncated": {$regex: truncatedQueryString}, "comment": "currentop_query"}, isRemoteShardCurOp); confirmCurrentOpContents({ test: function(db) { assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({ aggregate: "currentop_query", comment: "currentop_query", pipeline: [{$match: TestData.queryFilter}], cursor: {} })); }, planSummary: "COLLSCAN", queryFramework: "classic", currentOpFilter: currentOpFilter, }); delete TestData.queryFilter; } } function currentOpCommand(inputDB, filter, truncatedOps, localOps) { return inputDB.getSiblingDB("admin").runCommand( Object.assign({currentOp: true, $truncateOps: truncatedOps}, filter)); } function currentOpAgg(inputDB, filter, truncatedOps, localOps) { return { inprog: inputDB.getSiblingDB("admin") .aggregate([ { $currentOp: {localOps: (localOps || false), truncateOps: (truncatedOps || false)} }, {$match: filter} ]) .toArray(), ok: 1 }; } for (let connType of [rsConn, mongosConn]) { for (let truncatedOps of [false, true]) { for (let localOps of [false, true]) { // Run all tests using the $currentOp aggregation stage. runTests({ conn: connType, currentOp: currentOpAgg, localOps: localOps, truncatedOps: truncatedOps }); } // Run tests using the currentOp command. The 'localOps' parameter is not supported. runTests({ conn: connType, currentOp: currentOpCommand, localOps: false, truncatedOps: truncatedOps }); } } st.stop(); })();