/** * Tests the DataConsistencyChecker#getCollectionDiffUsingSessions() method for comparing the * contents between a primary and secondary server. * * @tags: [ * requires_replication, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; const rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 2}); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); const dbName = "diff_using_session_test"; const collName = "mycoll"; const primaryDB = rst.getPrimary().startSession().getDatabase(dbName); const secondaryDB = rst.getSecondary().startSession().getDatabase(dbName); // The default WC is majority and rsSyncApplyStop failpoint will prevent satisfying any majority // writes. assert.commandWorked(rst.getPrimary().adminCommand( {setDefaultRWConcern: 1, defaultWriteConcern: {w: 1}, writeConcern: {w: "majority"}})); assert.commandWorked(primaryDB[collName].insert( Array.from({length: 100}, (_, i) => ({_id: i, num: i * 2})), {writeConcern: {w: 2}})); // There should be no missing or mismatched documents after having waited for replication. let diff = DataConsistencyChecker.getCollectionDiffUsingSessions( primaryDB.getSession(), secondaryDB.getSession(), dbName, collName); assert.eq(diff, {docsWithDifferentContents: [], docsMissingOnSource: [], docsMissingOnSyncing: []}); // We pause replication on the secondary to intentionally cause the contents between the primary and // the secondary to differ. assert.commandWorked( secondaryDB.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: "rsSyncApplyStop", mode: "alwaysOn"})); const expectedMissingOnSecondary = [{_id: 30.2, num: -1}, {_id: 70.4, num: -2}]; const expectedMissingOnPrimary = [{_id: 10, num: 20}, {_id: 50, num: 100}]; assert.commandWorked(primaryDB[collName].insert(expectedMissingOnSecondary)); assert.commandWorked(primaryDB[collName].remove( {_id: {$in: expectedMissingOnPrimary.map(doc => doc._id)}}, {justOne: false})); assert.commandWorked( primaryDB[collName].update({_id: {$in: [40, 90]}}, {$set: {extra: "yes"}}, {multi: true})); // Type fidelity is expected to be preserved by replication so intentionally test comparisons of // distinct but equivalent BSON types. assert.commandWorked(primaryDB[collName].update({_id: 2}, {$set: {num: NumberLong(4)}})); diff = DataConsistencyChecker.getCollectionDiffUsingSessions( primaryDB.getSession(), secondaryDB.getSession(), dbName, collName); assert.eq(diff, { docsWithDifferentContents: [ {sourceNode: {_id: 2, num: NumberLong(4)}, syncingNode: {_id: 2, num: 4}}, {sourceNode: {_id: 40, num: 80, extra: "yes"}, syncingNode: {_id: 40, num: 80}}, {sourceNode: {_id: 90, num: 180, extra: "yes"}, syncingNode: {_id: 90, num: 180}}, ], docsMissingOnSource: expectedMissingOnPrimary, docsMissingOnSyncing: expectedMissingOnSecondary }); assert.commandWorked( secondaryDB.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: "rsSyncApplyStop", mode: "off"})); rst.stopSet(); })();