/** * Tests that a mongod started with --directoryperdb will write data for database x into a directory * named x inside the dbpath. * * This test does not make sense for in-memory storage engines, since they will not produce any data * files. * @tags: [requires_persistence] */ (function() { 'use strict'; const baseDir = "jstests_directoryperdb"; const dbpath = MongoRunner.dataPath + baseDir + "/"; const dbname = "foo"; const isDirectoryPerDBSupported = jsTest.options().storageEngine == "wiredTiger" || !jsTest.options().storageEngine; const m = MongoRunner.runMongod({dbpath: dbpath, directoryperdb: ''}); if (!isDirectoryPerDBSupported) { assert.isnull(m, 'storage engine without directoryperdb support should fail to start up'); return; } else { assert(m, 'storage engine with directoryperdb support failed to start up'); } const getDir = function(dbName, dbDirPath) { return listFiles(dbDirPath).filter(function(path) { return path.name.endsWith(dbName); }); }; const checkDirExists = function(dbName, dbDirPath) { const files = getDir(dbName, dbDirPath); assert.eq(1, files.length, "dbpath did not contain '" + dbName + "' directory when it should have: " + tojson(listFiles(dbDirPath))); assert.gt(listFiles(files[0].name).length, 0); }; const checkDirRemoved = function(dbName, dbDirPath) { checkLog.containsJson(db.getMongo(), 4888200, {db: dbName}); assert.soon( function() { const files = getDir(dbName, dbDirPath); if (files.length == 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }, "dbpath contained '" + dbName + "' directory when it should have been removed:" + tojson(listFiles(dbDirPath)), 10 * 1000); // The periodic task to run data table cleanup runs once a second. }; const db = m.getDB(dbname); assert.commandWorked(db.bar.insert({x: 1})); checkDirExists(dbname, dbpath); // Test that dropping the last collection in the database causes the database directory to be // removed. assert(db.bar.drop()); checkDirRemoved(dbname, dbpath); // Test that dropping the entire database causes the database directory to be removed. assert.commandWorked(db.bar.insert({x: 1})); checkDirExists(dbname, dbpath); assert.commandWorked(db.dropDatabase()); checkDirRemoved(dbname, dbpath); MongoRunner.stopMongod(m); // Subsequent attempt to start server using same dbpath without directoryperdb should fail. assert.throws(() => MongoRunner.runMongod({dbpath: dbpath, restart: true})); }());