/** * Tests that the _mdb_catalog does not reuse RecordIds after a catalog restart. * @tags: [ * requires_persistence, * requires_replication, * ] */ (function() { 'use strict'; TestData.rollbackShutdowns = true; TestData.logComponentVerbosity = { storage: {recovery: 2} }; load('jstests/replsets/libs/rollback_test.js'); const rollbackTest = new RollbackTest(); let primary = rollbackTest.getPrimary(); // Do a majority write to guarantee the stable timestamp contains this create. Otherwise startup // replication recovery will recreate the collection, initializing the _mdb_catalog RecordId // generator. assert.commandWorked( primary.getDB("foo").runCommand({create: "timestamped", writeConcern: {w: "majority"}})); // This restart forces the _mdb_catalog to refresh, uninitializing the auto-incrementing RecordId // generator. jsTestLog({msg: "Restarting primary.", primary: primary, nodeId: primary.nodeId}); const SIGTERM = 15; // clean shutdown rollbackTest.restartNode(primary.nodeId, SIGTERM); let rollbackNode = rollbackTest.transitionToRollbackOperations(); jsTestLog({ msg: "The restarted primary must be the node that goes into rollback.", primary: primary, rollback: rollbackNode }); assert.eq(primary, rollbackNode); // The `timestamped` collection is positioned as the last record in the _mdb_catalog. An unpatched // MongoDB dropping this collection will result in its RecordId being reused. assert.commandWorked(rollbackNode.getDB("foo").runCommand({drop: "timestamped"})); // Reusing the RecordId with an untimestamped write (due to being in the `local` database) results // in an illegal update chain. A successful rollback should see the timestamped collection. But an // unpatched MongoDB would have the untimestamped update on the same update chain, "locking in" the // drop. assert.commandWorked(rollbackNode.getDB("local").createCollection("untimestamped")); rollbackTest.transitionToSyncSourceOperationsBeforeRollback(); rollbackTest.transitionToSyncSourceOperationsDuringRollback(); rollbackTest.transitionToSteadyStateOperations(); assert.contains("timestamped", rollbackNode.getDB("foo").getCollectionNames()); assert.contains("untimestamped", rollbackNode.getDB("local").getCollectionNames()); rollbackTest.stop(); })();