/** * Tests that view creation and modification is correctly persisted. * * This test requires persistence to ensure data survives a restart. * @tags: [requires_persistence] */ (function() { 'use strict'; // The following test verifies that writeConcern: {j: true} ensures that the view catalog is // durable. let dbpath = MongoRunner.dataPath + '_durable_view_catalog'; resetDbpath(dbpath); let mongodArgs = {dbpath: dbpath, noCleanData: true, journal: ''}; // Start a mongod. let conn = MongoRunner.runMongod(mongodArgs); assert.neq(null, conn, 'mongod was unable to start up'); // Now connect to the mongod, create, remove and modify views and then abruptly stop the server. let viewsDB = conn.getDB('test'); let pipe = [{$match: {}}]; assert.commandWorked(viewsDB.runCommand({create: "view1", viewOn: "collection", pipeline: pipe})); assert.commandWorked(viewsDB.runCommand({create: "view2", viewOn: "collection", pipeline: pipe})); assert.commandWorked(viewsDB.runCommand({create: "view3", viewOn: "collection", pipeline: pipe})); assert.commandWorked(viewsDB.runCommand({collMod: "view3", viewOn: "view2"})); // On the final modification, require a sync to ensure durability. assert.commandWorked(viewsDB.runCommand({drop: "view1", writeConcern: {j: 1}})); // Hard kill the mongod to ensure the data was indeed synced to durable storage. MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn, 9, {allowedExitCode: MongoRunner.EXIT_SIGKILL}); // Restart the mongod. conn = MongoRunner.runMongod(mongodArgs); assert.neq(null, conn, 'mongod was unable to restart after receiving a SIGKILL'); // Check that our journaled write still is present. viewsDB = conn.getDB('test'); let actualViews = viewsDB.system.views.find().toArray(); let expectedViews = [ {"_id": "test.view2", "viewOn": "collection", "pipeline": pipe}, {"_id": "test.view3", "viewOn": "view2", "pipeline": pipe} ]; assert.eq(actualViews, expectedViews, "view definitions not correctly persisted"); let listedViews = viewsDB.runCommand({listCollections: 1, filter: {type: "view"}}) .cursor.firstBatch.map((function(x) { return {_id: "test." + x.name, viewOn: x.options.viewOn, pipeline: x.options.pipeline}; })); assert.sameMembers(listedViews, expectedViews, "persisted view definitions not correctly loaded"); // Insert an invalid view definition directly into system.views to bypass normal validation. assert.commandWorked(viewsDB.adminCommand({ applyOps: [ {op: "i", ns: viewsDB.getName() + ".system.views", o: {_id: "badView", pipeline: "badType"}} ] })); // Skip collection validation during stopMongod if invalid views exists. TestData.skipValidationOnInvalidViewDefinitions = true; // Restarting the mongod should succeed despite the presence of invalid view definitions. MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); conn = MongoRunner.runMongod(mongodArgs); assert.neq( null, conn, "after inserting bad views, failed to restart mongod with options: " + tojson(mongodArgs)); // Now that the database's view catalog has been marked as invalid, all view operations in that // database should fail. viewsDB = conn.getDB("test"); assert.commandFailedWithCode(viewsDB.runCommand({find: "view2"}), ErrorCodes.InvalidViewDefinition); assert.commandFailedWithCode(viewsDB.runCommand({create: "view4", viewOn: "collection"}), ErrorCodes.InvalidViewDefinition); assert.commandFailedWithCode(viewsDB.runCommand({collMod: "view2", viewOn: "view4"}), ErrorCodes.InvalidViewDefinition); // Checks that dropping a nonexistent view or collection is not affected by an invalid view existing // in the view catalog. assert.commandFailedWithCode(viewsDB.runCommand({drop: "view4"}), ErrorCodes.NamespaceNotFound); assert.commandFailedWithCode(viewsDB.runCommand({listCollections: 1}), ErrorCodes.InvalidViewDefinition); // Manually remove the invalid view definition from system.views, and then verify that view // operations work successfully without requiring a server restart. assert.commandWorked(viewsDB.adminCommand( {applyOps: [{op: "d", ns: viewsDB.getName() + ".system.views", o: {_id: "badView"}}]})); assert.commandWorked(viewsDB.runCommand({find: "view2"})); assert.commandWorked(viewsDB.runCommand({create: "view4", viewOn: "collection"})); assert.commandWorked(viewsDB.runCommand({collMod: "view2", viewOn: "view4"})); assert.commandWorked(viewsDB.runCommand({drop: "view4"})); assert.commandWorked(viewsDB.runCommand({listCollections: 1})); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); })();