/** * Tests that various forms of normal and abnormal shutdown write to the log files as expected. */ (function() { function makeShutdownByCrashFn(crashHow) { return function(conn) { var admin = conn.getDB("admin"); assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand( {configureFailPoint: "crashOnShutdown", mode: "alwaysOn", data: {how: crashHow}})); admin.shutdownServer(); }; } function makeRegExMatchFn(pattern) { return function(text) { return pattern.test(text); }; } function testShutdownLogging(launcher, crashFn, matchFn, expectedExitCode) { clearRawMongoProgramOutput(); var conn = launcher.start({}); function checkOutput() { var logContents = ""; assert.soon( () => { logContents = rawMongoProgramOutput(); return matchFn(logContents); }, function() { // We can't just return a string because it will be well over the max // line length. // So we just print manually. print("================ BEGIN LOG CONTENTS =================="); logContents.split(/\n/).forEach((line) => { print(line); }); print("================ END LOG CONTENTS ====================="); return ""; }, 30000); } try { crashFn(conn); checkOutput(); } finally { launcher.stop(conn, undefined, {allowedExitCodes: [expectedExitCode]}); } } function runAllTests(launcher) { const SIGSEGV = 11; const SIGABRT = 6; testShutdownLogging(launcher, function(conn) { conn.getDB('admin').shutdownServer(); }, makeRegExMatchFn(/shutdown command received/), MongoRunner.EXIT_CLEAN); testShutdownLogging(launcher, makeShutdownByCrashFn('fault'), makeRegExMatchFn(/Invalid access at address[\s\S]*printStackTrace/), -SIGSEGV); testShutdownLogging(launcher, makeShutdownByCrashFn('abort'), makeRegExMatchFn(/Got signal[\s\S]*printStackTrace/), -SIGABRT); } if (_isWindows()) { print("SKIPPING TEST ON WINDOWS"); return; } if (_isAddressSanitizerActive()) { print("SKIPPING TEST ON ADDRESS SANITIZER BUILD"); return; } (function testMongod() { print("********************\nTesting exit logging in mongod\n********************"); runAllTests({ start: function(opts) { var actualOpts = {nojournal: ""}; Object.extend(actualOpts, opts); return MongoRunner.runMongod(actualOpts); }, stop: MongoRunner.stopMongod }); }()); (function testMongos() { print("********************\nTesting exit logging in mongos\n********************"); var st = new ShardingTest({shards: 1, other: {shardOptions: {nojournal: ""}}}); var mongosLauncher = { start: function(opts) { var actualOpts = {configdb: st._configDB}; Object.extend(actualOpts, opts); return MongoRunner.runMongos(actualOpts); }, stop: MongoRunner.stopMongos }; runAllTests(mongosLauncher); }()); }());