/** * Test that the find command can spill to disk while executing a blocking sort. */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); load("jstests/libs/sbe_util.js"); // For checkSBEEnabled. // Only allow blocking sort execution to use 100 kB of memory. const kMaxMemoryUsageBytes = 100 * 1024; const kNumDocsWithinMemLimit = 70; const kNumDocsExceedingMemLimit = 100; const options = { setParameter: {internalQueryMaxBlockingSortMemoryUsageBytes: kMaxMemoryUsageBytes} }; const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod(options); assert.neq(null, conn, "mongod was unable to start up with options: " + tojson(options)); const testDb = conn.getDB("test"); const collection = testDb.external_sort_find; const isSBEEnabled = checkSBEEnabled(testDb); // Construct a document that is just over 1 kB. const charToRepeat = "-"; const templateDoc = { padding: charToRepeat.repeat(1024) }; // Insert data into the collection without exceeding the memory threshold. for (let i = 0; i < kNumDocsWithinMemLimit; ++i) { templateDoc.sequenceNumber = i; assert.commandWorked(collection.insert(templateDoc)); } // We should be able to successfully sort the collection with or without disk use allowed. assert.eq(kNumDocsWithinMemLimit, collection.find().sort({sequenceNumber: -1}).allowDiskUse(false).itcount()); assert.eq(kNumDocsWithinMemLimit, collection.find().sort({sequenceNumber: -1}).allowDiskUse(true).itcount()); function getFindSortStats(allowDiskUse) { let cursor = collection.find().sort({sequenceNumber: -1}); cursor = cursor.allowDiskUse(allowDiskUse); const stageName = isSBEEnabled ? "sort" : "SORT"; const explain = cursor.explain("executionStats"); return getPlanStage(explain.executionStats.executionStages, stageName); } function getAggregationSortStatsPipelineOptimizedAway() { const cursor = collection.explain("executionStats").aggregate([{$sort: {sequenceNumber: -1}}], { allowDiskUse: true }); const stageName = isSBEEnabled ? "sort" : "SORT"; // Use getPlanStage() instead of getAggPlanStage(), because the pipeline is optimized away for // this query. return getPlanStage(cursor.executionStats.executionStages, stageName); } function getAggregationSortStatsForPipeline() { const cursor = collection.explain("executionStats") .aggregate([{$_internalInhibitOptimization: {}}, {$sort: {sequenceNumber: -1}}], {allowDiskUse: true}); return getAggPlanStage(cursor, "$sort"); } // Explain should report that less than 100 kB of memory was used, and we did not spill to disk. // Test that this result is the same whether or not 'allowDiskUse' is set. let sortStats = getFindSortStats(false); assert.eq(sortStats.memLimit, kMaxMemoryUsageBytes); assert.lt(sortStats.totalDataSizeSorted, kMaxMemoryUsageBytes); assert.eq(sortStats.usedDisk, false); sortStats = getFindSortStats(true); assert.eq(sortStats.memLimit, kMaxMemoryUsageBytes); assert.lt(sortStats.totalDataSizeSorted, kMaxMemoryUsageBytes); assert.eq(sortStats.usedDisk, false); // Add enough data to exceed the memory threshold. for (let i = kNumDocsWithinMemLimit; i < kNumDocsExceedingMemLimit; ++i) { templateDoc.sequenceNumber = i; assert.commandWorked(collection.insert(templateDoc)); } // The sort should fail if disk use is not allowed, but succeed if disk use is allowed. assert.commandFailedWithCode( testDb.runCommand( {find: collection.getName(), sort: {sequenceNumber: -1}, allowDiskUse: false}), ErrorCodes.QueryExceededMemoryLimitNoDiskUseAllowed); assert.eq(kNumDocsExceedingMemLimit, collection.find().sort({sequenceNumber: -1}).allowDiskUse().itcount()); // Explain should report that the SORT stage failed if disk use is not allowed. sortStats = getFindSortStats(false); // SBE will not report the 'failed' field within sort stats. if (isSBEEnabled) { assert(!sortStats.hasOwnProperty("failed"), sortStats); } else { assert.eq(sortStats.failed, true, sortStats); } assert.eq(sortStats.usedDisk, false); assert.lt(sortStats.totalDataSizeSorted, kMaxMemoryUsageBytes); assert(!sortStats.inputStage.hasOwnProperty("failed")); // Explain should report that >=100 kB of memory was used, and that we spilled to disk. sortStats = getFindSortStats(true); assert.eq(sortStats.memLimit, kMaxMemoryUsageBytes); assert.gte(sortStats.totalDataSizeSorted, kMaxMemoryUsageBytes); assert.eq(sortStats.usedDisk, true); // If disk use is not allowed but there is a limit, we should be able to avoid exceeding the memory // limit. assert.eq(kNumDocsWithinMemLimit, collection.find() .sort({sequenceNumber: -1}) .allowDiskUse(false) .limit(kNumDocsWithinMemLimit) .itcount()); // Create a view on top of the collection. When a find command is run against the view without disk // use allowed, the command should fail with the expected error code. When the find command allows // disk use, however, the command should succeed. assert.commandWorked(testDb.createView("identityView", collection.getName(), [])); const identityView = testDb.identityView; assert.commandFailedWithCode( testDb.runCommand( {find: identityView.getName(), sort: {sequenceNumber: -1}, allowDiskUse: false}), ErrorCodes.QueryExceededMemoryLimitNoDiskUseAllowed); assert.eq(kNumDocsExceedingMemLimit, identityView.find().sort({sequenceNumber: -1}).allowDiskUse().itcount()); // Computing the expected number of spills based on the approximate document size. At this moment // the number of documents in the collection is 'kNumDocsExceedingMemLimit' const approximateDocumentSize = Object.bsonsize(templateDoc) + 20; const expectedNumberOfSpills = Math.ceil(approximateDocumentSize * kNumDocsExceedingMemLimit / kMaxMemoryUsageBytes); // Verify that performing sorting on the collection using find that exceeds the memory limit results // in 'expectedNumberOfSpills' when allowDiskUse is set to true. const findExternalSortStats = getFindSortStats(true); assert.eq(findExternalSortStats.usedDisk, true, findExternalSortStats); assert.eq(findExternalSortStats.spills, expectedNumberOfSpills, findExternalSortStats); // Verify that performing sorting on the collection using aggregate that exceeds the memory limit // and can be optimized away results in 'expectedNumberOfSpills' when allowDiskUse is set to true. const aggregationExternalSortStatsForNonPipeline = getAggregationSortStatsPipelineOptimizedAway(); assert.eq(aggregationExternalSortStatsForNonPipeline.usedDisk, true, aggregationExternalSortStatsForNonPipeline); assert.eq(aggregationExternalSortStatsForNonPipeline.spills, expectedNumberOfSpills, aggregationExternalSortStatsForNonPipeline); // Verify that performing sorting on the collection using aggregate pipeline that exceeds the memory // limit and can not be optimized away results in 'expectedNumberOfSpills' when allowDiskUse is set // to true. const aggregationExternalSortStatsForPipeline = getAggregationSortStatsForPipeline(); assert.eq(aggregationExternalSortStatsForPipeline.usedDisk, true, aggregationExternalSortStatsForPipeline); assert.eq(aggregationExternalSortStatsForPipeline.spills, expectedNumberOfSpills, aggregationExternalSortStatsForPipeline); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); }());