// Test keep-alive when using mongod's internal HttpClient. // @tags: [requires_http_client] (function() { 'use strict'; load('jstests/noPassthrough/libs/configExpand/lib.js'); function runTest(mongod, web) { assert(mongod); const admin = mongod.getDB('admin'); // Only bother with this test when using curl >= 7.57.0. const http_status = admin.adminCommand({serverStatus: 1, http_client: 1}); const http_client = assert.commandWorked(http_status).http_client; if (http_client.type !== 'curl') { print("*** Skipping test, not using curl"); return; } printjson(http_client); if (http_client.running.version_num < 0x73900) { // 39 hex == 57 dec, so 0x73900 == 7.57.0 print( "*** Skipping test, curl < 7.57.0 does not support connection pooling via share interface"); return; } // Issue a series of requests to the mock server. for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { const cmd = admin.runCommand({httpClientRequest: 1, uri: web.getStringReflectionURL(i)}); const reflect = assert.commandWorked(cmd).body; assert.eq(reflect, i, "Mock server reflected something unexpected."); } // Check connect count. const countCmd = admin.runCommand({httpClientRequest: 1, uri: web.getURL() + '/connect_count'}); const count = assert.commandWorked(countCmd).body; assert.eq(count, 1, "Connections were not kept alive."); // Force the open connection to close. const closeCmd = admin.runCommand({httpClientRequest: 1, uri: web.getURL() + '/connection_close'}); const close = assert.commandWorked(closeCmd).body; assert.eq(close, 'closed'); // Check count with new connection. const connectsCmd = admin.runCommand({httpClientRequest: 1, uri: web.getURL() + '/connect_count'}); const connects = assert.commandWorked(connectsCmd).body; assert.eq(connects, 2, "Connection count incorrect."); } const web = new ConfigExpandRestServer(); web.start(); const mongod = MongoRunner.runMongod({setParameter: 'enableTestCommands=1'}); runTest(mongod, web); MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongod); web.stop(); })();