/** * Confirms that unique index builds are committed when a primary steps down during the collection * scan phase. This applies to both two phase and single phase index builds. * @tags: [ * requires_replication, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; load('jstests/noPassthrough/libs/index_build.js'); const rst = new ReplSetTest({ nodes: [ {}, {}, ] }); const nodes = rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); const primary = rst.getPrimary(); const dbName = 'test'; const collName = 'coll'; const testDB = primary.getDB(dbName); const coll = testDB.getCollection(collName); const doc1 = { _id: 1, a: 1 }; assert.commandWorked(coll.insert(doc1)); IndexBuildTest.pauseIndexBuilds(primary); IndexBuildTest.pauseIndexBuilds(rst.getSecondary()); const createIdx = IndexBuildTest.startIndexBuild(primary, coll.getFullName(), {a: 1}, {unique: true}); // When the index build starts, find its op id. const opId = IndexBuildTest.waitForIndexBuildToScanCollection(testDB, coll.getName(), 'a_1'); IndexBuildTest.assertIndexBuildCurrentOpContents(testDB, opId); // Step down the primary. assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand({replSetStepDown: 60, force: true})); // Confirm failover. const newPrimary = rst.getPrimary(); assert.neq(primary.port, newPrimary.port); // Insert a duplicate and then delete it. The index build should succeed. const doc2 = { _id: 2, a: 1 }; assert.commandWorked(newPrimary.getDB(dbName).getCollection(collName).insert(doc2)); let res = assert.commandWorked(newPrimary.getDB(dbName).getCollection(collName).remove(doc2)); assert.eq(1, res.nRemoved); // Wait for the index build to stop. IndexBuildTest.resumeIndexBuilds(primary); IndexBuildTest.resumeIndexBuilds(newPrimary); IndexBuildTest.waitForIndexBuildToStop(testDB); IndexBuildTest.waitForIndexBuildToStop(newPrimary.getDB(dbName)); const exitCode = createIdx({checkExitSuccess: false}); assert.neq(0, exitCode, 'expected shell to exit abnormally due to index build being interrupted'); // The index build should have succeeded. rst.awaitReplication(); const primaryColl = rst.getPrimary().getDB(dbName).getCollection(collName); res = assert.commandWorked(primaryColl.validate()); assert(res.valid, 'expected validation to succeed: ' + tojson(res)); const secondaryColl = rst.getSecondary().getDB(dbName).getCollection(collName); res = assert.commandWorked(secondaryColl.validate()); assert(res.valid, 'expected validation to succeed: ' + tojson(res)); IndexBuildTest.assertIndexes(primaryColl, 2, ['_id_', 'a_1']); IndexBuildTest.assertIndexes(secondaryColl, 2, ['_id_', 'a_1']); rst.stopSet(); })();