// Test background index creation w/ constraints // @tags: [SERVER-40561] (function() { "use strict"; const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({nojournal: ""}); assert.neq(null, conn, "mongod failed to start."); let db = conn.getDB("test"); let baseName = "jstests_index12"; let parallel = function() { return db[baseName + "_parallelStatus"]; }; let resetParallel = function() { parallel().drop(); }; // Return the PID to call `waitpid` on for clean shutdown. let doParallel = function(work) { resetParallel(); return startMongoProgramNoConnect( "mongo", "--eval", work + "; db." + baseName + "_parallelStatus.save( {done:1} );", db.getMongo().host); }; let indexBuild = function() { let fullName = "db." + baseName; return doParallel(fullName + ".createIndex( {i:1}, {background:true, unique:true} )"); }; let doneParallel = function() { return !!parallel().findOne(); }; let waitParallel = function() { assert.soon(function() { return doneParallel(); }, "parallel did not finish in time", 300000, 1000); }; let turnFailPointOn = function(failPointName, i) { assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand( {configureFailPoint: failPointName, mode: "alwaysOn", data: {fieldsToMatch: {i: i}}})); }; let turnFailPointOff = function(failPointName) { assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: failPointName, mode: "off"})); }; // Unique background index build fails when there exists duplicate indexed values // for the duration of the build. let failOnExistingDuplicateValue = function(coll) { let duplicateKey = 0; assert.commandWorked(coll.save({i: duplicateKey})); let bgIndexBuildPid = indexBuild(); waitProgram(bgIndexBuildPid); assert.eq(1, coll.getIndexes().length, "Index should fail. There exist duplicate values."); // Revert to unique key set coll.deleteOne({i: duplicateKey}); }; // Unique background index build fails when started with a unique key set, // but a document with a duplicate key is inserted prior to that key being indexed. let failOnInsertedDuplicateValue = function(coll) { let duplicateKey = 7; turnFailPointOn("hangIndexBuildDuringCollectionScanPhaseBeforeInsertion", duplicateKey); let bgIndexBuildPid; try { bgIndexBuildPid = indexBuild(); jsTestLog("Waiting to hang index build during collection scan before insertion of {i: " + duplicateKey + "}"); checkLog.containsJson(conn, 20386, { where: "before", doc: function(doc) { return doc.i === duplicateKey; } }); assert.commandWorked(coll.save({i: duplicateKey})); } finally { turnFailPointOff("hangIndexBuildDuringCollectionScanPhaseBeforeInsertion"); } waitProgram(bgIndexBuildPid); assert.eq(1, coll.getIndexes().length, "Index should fail. Duplicate key is inserted prior to that key being indexed."); // Revert to unique key set coll.deleteOne({i: duplicateKey}); }; // Unique background index build succeeds: // 1) when a document is inserted and removed with a key that has already been indexed // 2) when a document with a key not present in the initial set is inserted and removed let succeedWithoutWriteErrors = function(coll, newKey) { let duplicateKey = 3; turnFailPointOn("hangIndexBuildDuringCollectionScanPhaseAfterInsertion", duplicateKey); let bgIndexBuildPid; try { bgIndexBuildPid = indexBuild(); jsTestLog("Waiting to hang index build during collection scan after insertion of {i: " + duplicateKey + "}"); checkLog.containsJson(conn, 20386, { where: "after", doc: function(doc) { return doc.i === duplicateKey; } }); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({i: duplicateKey, n: true})); // First insert on key not present in initial set. assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({i: newKey, n: true})); // Remove duplicates before completing the index build. assert.commandWorked(coll.deleteOne({i: duplicateKey, n: true})); assert.commandWorked(coll.deleteOne({i: newKey, n: true})); } finally { turnFailPointOff("hangIndexBuildDuringCollectionScanPhaseAfterInsertion"); } waitProgram(bgIndexBuildPid); assert.eq(2, coll.getIndexes().length, "Index build should succeed"); }; let doTest = function() { "use strict"; const size = 10; let coll = db[baseName]; coll.drop(); for (let i = 0; i < size; ++i) { assert.commandWorked(coll.save({i: i})); } assert.eq(size, coll.count()); assert.eq(1, coll.getIndexes().length, "_id index should already exist"); failOnExistingDuplicateValue(coll); assert.eq(size, coll.count()); failOnInsertedDuplicateValue(coll); assert.eq(size, coll.count()); succeedWithoutWriteErrors(coll, size); waitParallel(); }; doTest(); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); })();