/** * Positive tests for the behavior of --enableJavaScriptProtection (the flag). * * Ensure that: * 1. Simple functions stored in documents are not automatically marshalled * when the flag is on in the shell. * 2. $where is unable to use stored functions when the flag is set on the * server. * 3. db.loadServerScripts performs as expected even with the flag is set in * the shell. */ (function() { "use strict"; var testServer = MongoRunner.runMongod({setParameter: "javascriptProtection=true"}); assert.neq( null, testServer, "failed to start mongod with --setParameter=javascriptProtection=true"); var db = testServer.getDB("test"); var t = db.js_protection; function assertMongoClientCorrect() { var functionToEval = function() { var doc = db.js_protection.findOne({_id: 0}); assert.neq(null, doc); assert(doc.hasOwnProperty("myFunc")); assert.neq("function", typeof doc.myFunc, "value of BSON type Code shouldn't have been eval()ed automatically"); assert.eq("undefined", typeof addOne, "addOne function has already been defined"); db.loadServerScripts(); assert.neq( "undefined", typeof addOne, "addOne function should have been eval()ed locally"); assert.eq(5, addOne(4)); }; var exitCode = runMongoProgram("mongo", "--port", testServer.port, "--enableJavaScriptProtection", "--eval", "(" + functionToEval.toString() + ")();"); assert.eq(0, exitCode); } function assertNoStoredWhere() { t.insertOne({name: "testdoc", val: 0, y: 0}); var res = t.update({$where: "addOne(this.val) === 1"}, {$set: {y: 100}}, false, true); assert.writeError(res); var doc = t.findOne({name: "testdoc"}); assert.neq(null, doc); assert.eq(0, doc.y, tojson(doc)); res = t.update({ $where: function() { return this.val === 0; } }, {$set: {y: 100}}, false, true); assert.writeOK(res); doc = t.findOne({name: "testdoc"}); assert.neq(null, doc); assert.eq(100, doc.y, tojson(doc)); } /** * ACTUAL TEST */ db.system.js.insertOne({ _id: "addOne", value: function(x) { return x + 1; } }); t.insertOne({ _id: 0, myFunc: function() { return "testval"; } }); assertMongoClientCorrect(); assertNoStoredWhere(); MongoRunner.stopMongod(testServer); })();