/** * This test serves to ensure that the oplog batcher behavior correctly processes large transactions * so that it does not cause any correctness problems. * * @tags: [requires_journaling] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/core/txns/libs/prepare_helpers.js"); // Declare constants. const DB_NAME = "db_large_txn_correctness"; const COLL_NAME = "db_large_txn_correctness"; // Make a large document of size 'numMB' so that it can easily fill up an oplog entry. const makeLargeDoc = numMB => new Array(numMB * 1024 * 1024).join('a'); // Spin up a replica set. const replSet = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 1}); replSet.startSet(); replSet.initiate(); const primary = replSet.getPrimary(); const session = primary.startSession(); // Creating a collection so the first test can just test if regular CRUD operations work. session.getDatabase(DB_NAME).createCollection(COLL_NAME); let commitRes; try { // Perform a large transaction (>16MB) with only CRUD operations to ensure that nothing // fundamental is broken. session.startTransaction(); session.getDatabase(DB_NAME)[COLL_NAME].insert({doc: makeLargeDoc(10)}); session.getDatabase(DB_NAME)[COLL_NAME].insert({doc: makeLargeDoc(10)}); commitRes = session.commitTransaction_forTesting(); assert.eq(1, commitRes.ok); // Ensure that the collection has been dropped so that collection creation can be tested // in a txn. session.getDatabase(DB_NAME)[COLL_NAME].drop(); // Create a large transaction (>16MB) with a command and ensure that it works. session.startTransaction(); session.getDatabase(DB_NAME).createCollection(COLL_NAME); session.getDatabase(DB_NAME)[COLL_NAME].insert({doc: makeLargeDoc(10)}); session.getDatabase(DB_NAME)[COLL_NAME].insert({doc: makeLargeDoc(10)}); commitRes = session.commitTransaction_forTesting(); assert.eq(1, commitRes.ok); } finally { session.endSession(); replSet.stopSet(); } })();