// @tags: [does_not_support_stepdowns, requires_profiling, assumes_read_preference_unchanged] // // Confirms that profiled find queries and corresponding logs have matching queryHashes. (function() { "use strict"; // For getLatestProfilerEntry(). load("jstests/libs/profiler.js"); load("jstests/libs/logv2_helpers.js"); // Prevent the mongo shell from gossiping its cluster time, since this will increase the amount // of data logged for each op. For some of the testcases below, including the cluster time would // cause them to be truncated at the 512-byte RamLog limit, and some of the fields we need to // check would be lost. TestData.skipGossipingClusterTime = true; const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod(); assert.neq(null, conn, "mongod was unable to start up"); const testDB = conn.getDB("jstests_query_shape_hash"); const coll = testDB.test; const profileEntryFilter = { op: "query" }; assert.commandWorked(testDB.setProfilingLevel(2, {"slowms": 0})); assert.commandWorked(testDB.setLogLevel(0, "query")); // Parses the logLine and profileEntry into similar string representations with no white spaces. // Returns true if the logLine command components correspond to the profile entry. This is // sufficient for the purpose of testing query hashes. function logMatchesEntry(logLine, profileEntry) { if ((!isJsonLogNoConn() ? logLine.indexOf("command: find { find: \"test\"") >= 0 : logLine.indexOf('command":{"find":"test"') >= 0) && logLine.indexOf(profileEntry["command"]["comment"]) >= 0) { return true; } return false; } // Fetch the log line that corresponds to the profile entry. If there is no such line, return // null. function retrieveLogLine(log, profileEntry) { const logLine = log.reduce((acc, line) => { if (logMatchesEntry(line, profileEntry)) { // Assert that the matching does not pick up more than one line corresponding to // the entry. assert.eq(acc, null); return line; } return acc; }, null); return logLine; } // Run the find command, retrieve the corresponding profile object and log line, then ensure // that both the profile object and log line have matching stable query hashes (if any). function runTestsAndGetHashes(db, {comment, test, hasQueryHash}) { assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({clearLog: "global"})); assert.doesNotThrow(() => test(db, comment)); const log = assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({getLog: "global"})).log; const profileEntry = getLatestProfilerEntry(testDB, {op: "query", "command.comment": comment}); // Parse the profile entry to retrieve the corresponding log entry. const logLine = retrieveLogLine(log, profileEntry); assert.neq(logLine, null); // Confirm that the query hashes either exist or don't exist in both log and profile // entries. If the queryHash and planCacheKey exist, ensure that the hashes from the // profile entry match the log line. assert.eq(hasQueryHash, profileEntry.hasOwnProperty("queryHash")); assert.eq(hasQueryHash, profileEntry.hasOwnProperty("planCacheKey")); assert.eq(hasQueryHash, (logLine.indexOf(profileEntry["queryHash"]) >= 0)); assert.eq(hasQueryHash, (logLine.indexOf(profileEntry["planCacheKey"]) >= 0)); if (hasQueryHash) { return {queryHash: profileEntry["queryHash"], planCacheKey: profileEntry["planCacheKey"]}; } return null; } // Add data and indices. const nDocs = 200; for (let i = 0; i < nDocs; i++) { assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: i, b: -1, c: 1})); } assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({a: 1})); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({b: 1})); const queryA = { a: {$gte: 3}, b: 32 }; const queryB = { a: {$gte: 199}, b: -1 }; const projectionB = { _id: 0, b: 1 }; const sortC = { c: -1 }; const testList = [ { comment: "Test0 find query", test: function(db, comment) { assert.eq(200, db.test.find().comment(comment).itcount()); }, hasQueryHash: false }, { comment: "Test1 find query", test: function(db, comment) { assert.eq(1, db.test.find(queryB, projectionB).sort(sortC).comment(comment).itcount(), 'unexpected document count'); }, hasQueryHash: true }, { comment: "Test2 find query", test: function(db, comment) { assert.eq(0, db.test.find(queryA, projectionB).sort(sortC).comment(comment).itcount(), 'unexpected document count'); }, hasQueryHash: true } ]; const hashValues = testList.map((testCase) => runTestsAndGetHashes(testDB, testCase)); // Confirm that the same shape of query has the same hashes. assert.neq(hashValues[0], hashValues[1]); assert.eq(hashValues[1], hashValues[2]); // Test that the expected 'planCacheKey' and 'queryHash' are included in the transitional // log lines when an inactive cache entry is created. assert.commandWorked(testDB.setLogLevel(1, "query")); const testInactiveCreationLog = { comment: "Test Creating inactive entry.", test: function(db, comment) { assert.eq( 0, db.test.find({b: {$lt: 12}, a: {$eq: 500}}).sort({a: -1}).comment(comment).itcount(), 'unexpected document count'); }, hasQueryHash: true }; const onCreationHashes = runTestsAndGetHashes(testDB, testInactiveCreationLog); const log = assert.commandWorked(testDB.adminCommand({getLog: "global"})).log; // Fetch the line that logs when an inactive cache entry is created for the query with // 'planCacheKey' and 'queryHash'. Confirm only one line does this. const creationLogList = log.filter( logLine => ( logLine.indexOf("Creating inactive cache entry for query") != -1 && (!isJsonLog(conn) ? (logLine.indexOf("planCacheKey " + String(onCreationHashes.planCacheKey)) != -1 && logLine.indexOf("queryHash " + String(onCreationHashes.queryHash)) != -1) : (logLine.indexOf('"planCacheKey":"' + String(onCreationHashes.planCacheKey)) != -1 && logLine.indexOf('"queryHash":"' + String(onCreationHashes.queryHash)) != -1)))); assert.eq(1, creationLogList.length); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); })();