/** * Validate that backtraces are logged to a separate file * * @tags: [requires_persistence] */ (function() { 'use strict'; function waitFailedToStart(pid, exitCode) { assert.soon(function() { return !checkProgram(pid).alive; }, `Failed to wait for ${pid} to die`, 3 * 60 * 1000); assert.eq(exitCode, checkProgram(pid).exitCode, `Failed to wait for ${pid} to die with exit code ${exitCode}`); } function parseLogFile(file) { const result = cat(file); const json_str = result.split("\n")[0]; try { return JSON.parse(json_str); } catch (e) { jsTestLog("Failed to parse: " + result + "\n" + json_str); throw e; } } // Run MongoD successfully so we populate the data directory var m = MongoRunner.runMongod({}); assert.commandWorked(m.getDB("test").foo.insert({x: 1})); MongoRunner.stopMongod(m); // Make sure it is stopped before we manipulate the turtle file waitFailedToStart(m.pid, 0); // Sleep sleep(5000); const dbpath = m.dbpath.replace("\\", "/"); const backtraceLogFile = `backtrace.log`; const backtraceLogFileFullPath = dbpath + "/" + backtraceLogFile; print(dbpath); // Corrupt the WiredTiger. turtle file to trigger a backtrace const command = `echo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > ${dbpath}/WiredTiger.turtle`; let ret; if (_isWindows()) { ret = runProgram('cmd.exe', '/c', command); } else { ret = runProgram('/bin/sh', '-c', command); } assert.eq(ret, 0); // Restart MongoD with the corrupted turtle file m = MongoRunner.runMongod({ setParameter: "backtraceLogFile=" + backtraceLogFileFullPath, dbpath: dbpath, restart: true, cleanData: false, waitForConnect: false }); if (_isWindows()) { waitFailedToStart(m.pid, 14); // MongoRunner.EXIT_ABORT } else { waitFailedToStart(m.pid, 6); // MongoRunner.EXIT_ABORT } // Check we have one log line let log = parseLogFile(backtraceLogFileFullPath); assert.eq(log["id"], 31380); assert.eq(log["msg"], "BACKTRACE"); })();