// This test verifies that a nested $lookup pipeline can have a total combined depth of 20 but no // greater. // @tags: [requires_sharding] (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js"); // For assertErrorCode. load("jstests/libs/collection_drop_recreate.js"); // For assertDropCollection. load("jstests/libs/discover_topology.js"); // For findNonConfigNodes. function generateNestedPipeline(foreignCollName, numLevels) { let pipeline = [{"$lookup": {pipeline: [], from: foreignCollName, as: "same"}}]; for (let level = 1; level < numLevels; level++) { pipeline = [{"$lookup": {pipeline: pipeline, from: foreignCollName, as: "same"}}]; } return pipeline; } function runTest(lookup) { const db = null; // Using the db variable is banned in this function. const lookupName = lookup.getName(); // Deeply nested $lookup pipeline. Confirm that we can execute an aggregation with nested // $lookup sub-pipelines up to the maximum depth, but not beyond. let nestedPipeline = generateNestedPipeline("lookup", 20); assert.commandWorked( lookup.getDB().runCommand({aggregate: lookupName, pipeline: nestedPipeline, cursor: {}})); nestedPipeline = generateNestedPipeline("lookup", 21); assertErrorCode(lookup, nestedPipeline, ErrorCodes.MaxSubPipelineDepthExceeded); // Confirm that maximum $lookup sub-pipeline depth is respected when aggregating views whose // combined nesting depth exceeds the limit. nestedPipeline = generateNestedPipeline(lookupName, 10); assertDropCollection(lookup.getDB(), "view1"); assert.commandWorked( lookup.getDB().runCommand({create: "view1", viewOn: lookupName, pipeline: nestedPipeline})); nestedPipeline = generateNestedPipeline("view1", 10); assertDropCollection(lookup.getDB(), "view2"); assert.commandWorked( lookup.getDB().runCommand({create: "view2", viewOn: "view1", pipeline: nestedPipeline})); // Confirm that a composite sub-pipeline depth of 20 is allowed. assert.commandWorked(lookup.getDB().runCommand({aggregate: "view2", pipeline: [], cursor: {}})); const pipelineWhichExceedsNestingLimit = generateNestedPipeline("view2", 1); assertDropCollection(lookup.getDB(), "view3"); assert.commandWorked(lookup.getDB().runCommand( {create: "view3", viewOn: "view2", pipeline: pipelineWhichExceedsNestingLimit})); // Confirm that a composite sub-pipeline depth greater than 20 fails. assertErrorCode(lookup.getDB().view3, [], ErrorCodes.MaxSubPipelineDepthExceeded); } // Run tests on single node. const standalone = MongoRunner.runMongod(); runTest(standalone.getDB("test").lookup); MongoRunner.stopMongod(standalone); // Run tests in a sharded environment. We must set up sharding explicitly, because // implicitly_shard_accessed_collections.js will attempt to shard views when they are accessed. const sharded = new ShardingTest({mongos: 1, shards: 2}); assert(sharded.adminCommand({enableSharding: "test"})); assert(sharded.adminCommand({shardCollection: "test.lookup", key: {_id: 'hashed'}})); const isShardedLookupEnabled = sharded.s.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, featureFlagShardedLookup: 1}) .featureFlagShardedLookup.value; if (isShardedLookupEnabled) { runTest(sharded.getDB('test').lookup); } sharded.stop(); }());