/** * Tests basic functionality of pushing $lookup into the find layer. * * @tags: [requires_sharding, uses_transactions] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/sbe_util.js"); // For 'checkSBEEnabled()'. load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); // For 'getAggPlanStages' and other explain helpers. const JoinAlgorithm = { Classic: 0, NLJ: 1, INLJ: 2, HJ: 3, NonExistentForeignCollection: 4, }; // Standalone cases. const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({setParameter: {featureFlagSbeFull: true, allowDiskUseByDefault: false}}); assert.neq(null, conn, "mongod was unable to start up"); const name = "lookup_pushdown"; const foreignCollName = "foreign_lookup_pushdown"; const viewName = "view_lookup_pushdown"; /** * Helper function which verifies that at least one $lookup was lowered into SBE within * 'explain', and that the EqLookupNode at 'eqLookupNodeIndex' chose the appropriate strategy. * In particular, if 'IndexedLoopJoin' was chosen, we verify that the index described by * 'indexKeyPattern' was chosen. Otherwise, we verify that 'NestedLoopJoin' was chosen. */ function verifyEqLookupNodeStrategy( explain, eqLookupNodeIndex, expectedStrategy, indexKeyPattern = {}) { const eqLookupNodes = getAggPlanStages(explain, "EQ_LOOKUP"); assert.gt( eqLookupNodes.length, 0, "expected at least one EQ_LOOKUP node; got " + tojson(explain)); // Verify that we're selecting an EQ_LOOKUP node within range. assert(eqLookupNodeIndex >= 0 && eqLookupNodeIndex < eqLookupNodes.length, "expected eqLookupNodeIndex of '" + eqLookupNodeIndex + "' to be within range of available EQ_LOOKUP nodes; got " + tojson(explain)); // Fetch the requested EQ_LOOKUP node. const eqLookupNode = eqLookupNodes[eqLookupNodes.length - 1 - eqLookupNodeIndex]; assert(eqLookupNode, "expected EQ_LOOKUP node; explain: " + tojson(explain)); const strategy = eqLookupNode.strategy; assert(strategy, "expected EQ_LOOKUP node to have a strategy " + tojson(eqLookupNode)); assert.eq( expectedStrategy, strategy, "Incorrect strategy; expected " + tojson(expectedStrategy) + ", got " + tojson(strategy)); if (strategy === "IndexedLoopJoin") { assert(indexKeyPattern, "expected indexKeyPattern should be set for IndexedLoopJoin algorithm"); assert.docEq(eqLookupNode.indexKeyPattern, indexKeyPattern, "expected IndexedLoopJoin node to have index " + tojson(indexKeyPattern) + ", got plan " + tojson(eqLookupNode)); } } function getJoinAlgorithmStrategyName(joinAlgorithm) { switch (joinAlgorithm) { case JoinAlgorithm.NLJ: return "NestedLoopJoin"; case JoinAlgorithm.INLJ: case JoinAlgorithm.INLJHashedIndex: return "IndexedLoopJoin"; case JoinAlgorithm.HJ: return "HashJoin"; case JoinAlgorithm.NonExistentForeignCollection: return "NonExistentForeignCollection"; case JoinAlgorithm.Classic: default: assert(false, "No strategy for JoinAlgorithm: " + joinAlgorithm); } } function runTest(coll, pipeline, expectedJoinAlgorithm, indexKeyPattern = null, aggOptions = {}, errMsgRegex = null, checkMultiPlanning = false, eqLookupNodeIndex = 0) { const options = Object.assign({pipeline, cursor: {}}, aggOptions); const response = coll.runCommand("aggregate", options); if (expectedJoinAlgorithm === JoinAlgorithm.Classic) { assert.commandWorked(response); const explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline, aggOptions); const eqLookupNodes = getAggPlanStages(explain, "EQ_LOOKUP"); // In the classic case, verify that $lookup was not lowered into SBE. Note that we don't // check for the presence of $lookup agg stages because in the sharded case, $lookup will // not execute on each shard and will not show up in the output of 'getAggPlanStages'. assert.eq(eqLookupNodes.length, 0, "there should be no lowered EQ_LOOKUP stages; got " + tojson(explain)); } else { assert.commandWorked(response); const explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline, aggOptions); const expectedStrategy = getJoinAlgorithmStrategyName(expectedJoinAlgorithm); verifyEqLookupNodeStrategy(explain, eqLookupNodeIndex, expectedStrategy, indexKeyPattern); // Verify that multiplanning took place by verifying that there was at least one // rejected plan. if (checkMultiPlanning) { assert(hasRejectedPlans(explain), explain); } } } let db = conn.getDB(name); if (!checkSBEEnabled(db)) { jsTestLog("Skipping test because either the sbe lookup pushdown feature flag is disabled or" + " sbe itself is disabled"); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); return; } let coll = db[name]; const localDocs = [{_id: 1, a: 2}]; assert.commandWorked(coll.insert(localDocs)); let foreignColl = db[foreignCollName]; const foreignDocs = [{_id: 0, b: 2, c: 2}]; assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.insert(foreignDocs)); assert.commandWorked(db.createView(viewName, foreignCollName, [{$match: {b: {$gte: 0}}}])); let view = db[viewName]; function setLookupPushdownDisabled(value) { assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand( {setParameter: 1, internalQuerySlotBasedExecutionDisableLookupPushdown: value})); } (function testLookupPushdownQueryKnob() { const pipeline = [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}]; setLookupPushdownDisabled(true); runTest(coll, pipeline, JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); setLookupPushdownDisabled(false); runTest(coll, pipeline, JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); }()); (function testLookupPushdownBasicCases() { // Basic $lookup. runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // $lookup against a non-existent foreign collection should pick NLJ. runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: "nonexistent", localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NonExistentForeignCollection /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // $lookup against a non-existent foreign collection should pick NLJ even when HJ is eligible. runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: "nonexistent", localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NonExistentForeignCollection /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */, null /* indexKeyPattern */, {allowDiskUse: true}); // Self join $lookup, no views. runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: name, localField: "a", foreignField: "a", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // Self join $lookup; left hand is a view. This is expected to be pushed down because the view // pipeline itself is a $match, which is eligible for pushdown. runTest(view, [{$lookup: {from: name, localField: "a", foreignField: "a", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // Self join $lookup; right hand is a view. runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: viewName, localField: "a", foreignField: "a", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // Self join $lookup; both namespaces are views. runTest(view, [{$lookup: {from: viewName, localField: "a", foreignField: "a", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // $lookup preceded by $match. runTest(coll, [ {$match: {a: {$gte: 0}}}, {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}} ], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // $lookup preceded by $project. runTest(coll, [ {$project: {a: 1}}, {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}} ], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // $lookup preceded by $project which features an SBE-incompatible expression. // TODO SERVER-51542: Update or remove this test case once $pow is implemented in SBE. runTest(coll, [ {$project: {exp: {$pow: ["$a", 3]}}}, {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}} ], JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // $lookup preceded by $group. runTest(coll, [ {$group: {_id: "$a", sum: {$sum: 1}}}, {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}} ], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // $lookup preceded by $group that is not eligible for pushdown. // TODO SERVER-51542: Update or remove this test case once $pow is implemented in SBE. runTest(coll, [ {$group: {_id: {$pow: ["$a", 3]}, sum: {$sum: 1}}}, {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}} ], JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // Consecutive $lookups, where the first $lookup is against a view. runTest(coll, [ {$lookup: {from: viewName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}, {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}} ], JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // Consecutive $lookups, where the first $lookup is against a regular collection. Here, neither // $lookup is eligible for pushdown because currently, we can only know whether any secondary // collection is a view or a sharded collection. runTest(coll, [ {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}, {$lookup: {from: viewName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}} ], JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // $lookup with pipeline. runTest(coll, [{ $lookup: { from: foreignCollName, let: {foo: "$b"}, pipeline: [{ $match: { $expr: { $eq: ["$$foo", 2] } } }], as: "out" } }], JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // $lookup that absorbs $unwind. runTest(coll, [ {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}, {$unwind: "$out"} ], JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // $lookup that absorbs $match. runTest(coll, [ {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}, {$unwind: "$out"}, {$match: {out: {$gte: 0}}} ], JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // $lookup that does not absorb $match. runTest(coll, [ {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}, {$match: {out: {$gte: 0}}} ], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // Run a $lookup with 'allowDiskUse' enabled. Because the foreign collection is very small, we // should select hash join. runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.HJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */, null /* indexKeyPattern */, {allowDiskUse: true}); }()); // Verify that SBE is only used when a $lookup or a $group is present. (function testLookupGroupIsRequiredForPushdown() { // Don't execute this test case if SBE is fully enabled. if (checkSBEEnabled(db, ["featureFlagSbeFull"])) { jsTestLog("Skipping test case because we are supporting SBE beyond $group and $lookup" + " pushdown"); return; } const assertEngineUsed = function(pipeline, isSBE) { const explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline); assert(explain.hasOwnProperty("explainVersion"), explain); if (isSBE) { assert.eq(explain.explainVersion, "2", explain); } else { assert.eq(explain.explainVersion, "1", explain); } }; const lookup = {$lookup: {from: "coll", localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}; const group = { $group: { _id: "$a", out: {$min: "$b"}, } }; const match = {$match: {a: 1}}; // $lookup and $group should each run in SBE. assertEngineUsed([lookup], true /* isSBE */); assertEngineUsed([group], true /* isSBE */); assertEngineUsed([lookup, group], true /* isSBE */); // $match on its own won't use SBE, nor will an empty pipeline. assertEngineUsed([match], false /* isSBE */); assertEngineUsed([], false /* isSBE */); // $match will use SBE if followed by either a $group or a $lookup. assertEngineUsed([match, lookup], true /* isSBE */); assertEngineUsed([match, group], true /* isSBE */); })(); // Build an index on the foreign collection that matches the foreignField. This should cause us // to choose an indexed nested loop join. (function testIndexNestedLoopJoinRegularIndex() { assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: 1})); runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.INLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */, {b: 1} /* indexKeyPattern */); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); })(); // Construct an index with a partial filter expression. In this case, we should NOT use INLJ. (function testPartialFilterExpressionIndexesAreIgnored() { assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: 1}, {partialFilterExpression: {b: 1}})); runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // If we add an index that is not a partial index, we should then use INLJ. assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: 1, a: 1})); runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.INLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */, {b: 1, a: 1} /* indexKeyPattern */); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); })(); // Build a hashed index on the foreign collection that matches the foreignField. Indexed nested loop // join strategy should be used. (function testIndexNestedLoopJoinHashedIndex() { assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: "hashed"})); runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.INLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */, {b: "hashed"} /* indexKeyPattern */); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); })(); // Build a wildcard index on the foreign collection that matches the foreignField. Nested loop join // strategy should be used. (function testWildcardIndexInhibitsIndexNestedLoopJoin() { assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({'$**': 1})); runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // Insert a document with multikey paths in the foreign collection that will be used for testing // wildcard indexes. const mkDoc = {b: [3, 4], c: [5, 6, {d: [7, 8]}]}; assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.insert(mkDoc)); // An incompatible wildcard index should result in using NLJ. assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({'b.$**': 1})); runTest(coll, [{ $lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "not a match", as: "out"} }], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // A compatible wildcard index with no other SBE compatible indexes should result in NLJ. runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b.c", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({'$**': 1}, {wildcardProjection: {b: 1}})); runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // Create a regular index over the foreignField. We should now use INLJ. assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: 1})); runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.INLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */, {b: 1} /* indexKeyPattern */); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); // Verify that a leading $match won't filter out a legitimate wildcard index. assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({'$**': 1}, {wildcardProjection: {b: 1, c: 1}})); runTest(coll, [ {$match: {'c.d': 1}}, {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}} ], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.deleteOne(mkDoc)); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); })(); // Build a compound index that is prefixed with the foreignField. We should use an indexed // nested loop join. (function testCompoundIndexWithForeignFieldPrefix() { assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: 1, c: 1, a: 1})); runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.INLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */, {b: 1, c: 1, a: 1} /* indexKeyPattern */); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); })(); // Build multiple compound indexes prefixed with the foreignField. We should utilize the index with // the least amount of components. (function testIndexWithFewestComponentsIsUsed() { assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: 1, a: 1})); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: 1, c: 1, a: 1})); runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.INLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */, {b: 1, a: 1} /* indexKeyPattern */); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); }()); (function testBTreeIndexChosenOverHashedIndex() { // In the presence of hashed and BTree indexes with the same number of components, we should // select BTree one. assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: 1})); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: 'hashed'})); runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.INLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */, {b: 1} /* indexKeyPattern */); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); }()); // While selecting a BTree index is more preferable, we should favor hashed index if it has // smaller number of components. (function testFewerComponentsFavoredOverIndexType() { assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: 1, c: 1, d: 1})); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: "hashed"})); runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.INLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */, {b: "hashed"} /* indexKeyPattern */); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); }()); // If we have two indexes of the same type with the same number of components, index keypattern // should be used as a tie breaker. (function testIndexKeyPatternUsedAsTieBreaker() { assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: 1, c: 1})); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: 1, a: 1})); runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.INLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */, {b: 1, a: 1}); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); }()); // Build a 2d index on the foreign collection that matches the foreignField. In this case, we should // use regular nested loop join. (function testNonBTreeOrHashedIndexesNotUsedForPushdown() { assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: '2d'})); runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); }()); // Build a sparse index on the foreign collection that matches the foreignField. In this case, we // should use regular nested loop join. (function testSparseIndexesNotUsedForPushDown() { assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: 1}, {sparse: true})); runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); }()); // Build a compound index containing the foreignField, but not as the first field. In this case, // we should use regular nested loop join. (function testForeignFieldNotPrefixInhibitsIndexNestedLoopJoin() { assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({a: 1, b: 1, c: 1})); runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); }()); // Multiple $lookup stages in a pipeline that should pick different physical joins. (function testMultipleLookupStagesPickDifferentPhysicalJoins() { assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: 1})); let pipeline = [ {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "b_out"}}, {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "c", as: "c_out"}} ]; runTest(coll, pipeline, JoinAlgorithm.INLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */, { b: 1 } /* indexKeyPattern */); runTest(coll, pipeline, JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */, null /* indexKeyPattern */, {} /* aggOptions */, null /* errMsgRegex */, false /* checkMultiPlanning */, 1 /* eqLookupNodeIndex */); pipeline = [ {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "c", as: "c_out"}}, {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "b_out"}} ]; runTest(coll, pipeline, JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); runTest(coll, pipeline, JoinAlgorithm.INLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */, {b: 1} /* indexKeyPattern */, {} /* aggOptions */, null /* errMsgRegex */, false /* checkMultiPlanning */, 1 /* eqLookupNodeIndex */); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndexes()); })(); (function testNumericComponentsBehaviorForPushdown() { // "localField" contains a numeric component (unsupported by SBE). runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: name, localField: "a.0", foreignField: "a", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // "foreignField" contains a numeric component (unsupported by SBE). runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: name, localField: "a", foreignField: "a.0", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // "as" field contains a numeric component (numbers in this field are treated as literal field // names so this is supported by SBE). runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: name, localField: "a", foreignField: "a", as: "out.0"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); }()); (function testLocalOrForeignFieldsWithPaths() { // "localField" is a path. runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: name, localField: "a.b", foreignField: "a", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // "foreignField" is a path. runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: name, localField: "a", foreignField: "a.b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // "as" field is a path. runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: name, localField: "a", foreignField: "a", as: "out.b"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); }()); // Verify that $lookup pushdown works correctly in the presence of multi-planning. ( function testLookupPushdownWorksWithMultiplanning() { assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndexes([{a: 1, b: 1}, {a: 1, c: 1}])); // Verify that $lookup still gets pushed down when the pipeline prefix is pushed down and // undergoes multi-planning. runTest( coll, [ {$match: {a: {$gt: 1}}}, {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "c", as: "c_out"}} ], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ, /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */ null, /* indexKeyPattern */ {}, /* aggOptions */ null, /* errMsgRegex */ true /* checkMultiplanning */); // Verify that multiple $lookups will still get pushed down when the pipeline prefix is // pushed down and undergoes multi-planning. runTest( coll, [ {$match: {a: {$gt: 1}}}, {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "c", as: "c_out"}}, {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "b_out"}} ], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ, /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */ null, /* indexKeyPattern */ {}, /* aggOptions */ null, /* errMsgRegex */ true /* checkMultiplanning */); // Verify that $lookup and $group both get pushed down in the presence of multiplanning. runTest( coll, [ {$match: {a: {$gt: 1}}}, {$group: {_id: "$a", groupOut: {$sum: 1}}}, { $lookup: { from: foreignCollName, localField: "groupOut", foreignField: "c", as: "c_out" } } ], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ, /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */ null, /* indexKeyPattern */ {}, /* aggOptions */ null, /* errMsgRegex */ true /* checkMultiplanning */); runTest( coll, [ {$match: {a: {$gt: 1}}}, {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "c", as: "c_out"}}, {$group: {_id: "$c_out", groupOut: {$sum: 1}}}, ], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ, /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */ null, /* indexKeyPattern */ {}, /* aggOptions */ null, /* errMsgRegex */ true /* checkMultiplanning */); assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndexes()); })(); // Verify that $lookup is correctly pushed down when it is nested inside of a $unionWith. ( function verifyLookupNestedInUnionWithGetsPushedDown() { const unionCollName = "unionColl"; const unionColl = db[unionCollName]; assert.commandWorked(unionColl.insert({})); const explain = coll.explain().aggregate([{$unionWith: {coll: unionCollName, pipeline: [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "results"}}]}}]); const unionWithStage = getAggPlanStage(explain, "$unionWith"); const unionWithSpec = unionWithStage["$unionWith"]; assert(unionWithSpec.hasOwnProperty("pipeline"), unionWithSpec); // Wrap the subpipeline's explain output in a format that can be parsed by // 'getAggPlanStages'. verifyEqLookupNodeStrategy({stages: unionWithSpec["pipeline"]}, 0, "NestedLoopJoin"); assert(unionColl.drop()); }()); // Test which verifies that the right side of a classic $lookup is never lowered into SBE, even if // the queries for the right side are eligible on their own to run in SBE. (function verifyThatClassicLookupRightSideIsNeverLoweredIntoSBE() { // If running with SBE fully enabled, verify that our $match is SBE compatible. Otherwise, // verify that the same $match, when used as a $lookup sub-pipeline, will not be lowered // into SBE. const subPipeline = [{$match: {b: 2}}]; if (checkSBEEnabled(db, ["featureFlagSbeFull"])) { const subPipelineExplain = foreignColl.explain().aggregate(subPipeline); assert(subPipelineExplain.hasOwnProperty("explainVersion"), subPipelineExplain); assert.eq(subPipelineExplain["explainVersion"], "2", subPipelineExplain); } else { const pipeline = [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, pipeline: subPipeline, as: "result"}}]; runTest(coll, pipeline, JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // Run the pipeline enough times to generate a cache entry for the right side in the foreign // collection. coll.aggregate(pipeline).itcount(); coll.aggregate(pipeline).itcount(); const cacheEntries = foreignColl.getPlanCache().list(); assert.eq(cacheEntries.length, 1); const cacheEntry = cacheEntries[0]; // The cached plan should be a classic plan. assert(cacheEntry.hasOwnProperty("version"), cacheEntry); assert.eq(cacheEntry.version, "1", cacheEntry); assert(cacheEntry.hasOwnProperty("cachedPlan"), cacheEntry); const cachedPlan = cacheEntry.cachedPlan; // The cached plan should not have slot based plan. Instead, it should be a FETCH + IXSCAN // executed in the classic engine. assert(!cachedPlan.hasOwnProperty("slots"), cacheEntry); assert(cachedPlan.hasOwnProperty("stage"), cacheEntry); assert(planHasStage(db, cachedPlan, "FETCH"), cacheEntry); assert(planHasStage(db, cachedPlan, "IXSCAN"), cacheEntry); } }()); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); // Verify that pipeline stages get pushed down according to the subset of SBE that is enabled. (function verifyPushdownLogicSbePartiallyEnabled() { const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({setParameter: {allowDiskUseByDefault: false}}); const db = conn.getDB(name); if (checkSBEEnabled(db, ["featureFlagSbeFull"])) { jsTestLog("Skipping test case because SBE is fully enabled, but this test case assumes" + " that it is not fully enabled"); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); return; } const coll = db[name]; const foreignColl = db[foreignCollName]; assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: 1})); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.insert([{b: 1}, {b: 1}])); const lookupStage = { $lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "result"} }; const groupStage = {$group: {_id: "$a", avg: {$avg: "$b"}}}; let pipeline = [lookupStage]; let explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline); // We should have exactly one $lookup stage and no EQ_LOOKUP nodes. assert.eq(0, getAggPlanStages(explain, "EQ_LOOKUP").length, explain); assert.eq(1, getAggPlanStages(explain, "$lookup").length, explain); // Run a pipeline where the $group is eligible for push down, but the $lookup is not. pipeline = [groupStage, lookupStage]; explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline); // We should have exactly one $lookup stage and no EQ_LOOKUP nodes. assert.eq(0, getAggPlanStages(explain, "EQ_LOOKUP").length, explain); assert.eq(1, getAggPlanStages(explain, "$lookup").length, explain); // We should have exactly one GROUP node and no $group stages. assert.eq(1, getAggPlanStages(explain, "GROUP").length, explain); assert.eq(0, getAggPlanStages(explain, "$group").length, explain); // Run a pipeline where only the first $group is eligible for push down, but the rest of the // stages are not. pipeline = [groupStage, lookupStage, groupStage, lookupStage]; explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline); // We should have two $lookup stages and no EQ_LOOKUP nodes. assert.eq(0, getAggPlanStages(explain, "EQ_LOOKUP").length, explain); assert.eq(2, getAggPlanStages(explain, "$lookup").length, explain); // We should have one GROUP node and one $group stage. assert.eq(1, getAggPlanStages(explain, "GROUP").length, explain); assert.eq(1, getAggPlanStages(explain, "$group").length, explain); function assertEngine(pipeline, engine) { const explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline); assert(explain.hasOwnProperty("explainVersion"), explain); assert.eq(explain.explainVersion, engine === "sbe" ? "2" : "1"); } const matchStage = {$match: {a: 1}}; // $group on its own is SBE compatible. assertEngine([groupStage], "sbe" /* engine */); // $group with $match is also SBE compatible. assertEngine([matchStage, groupStage], "sbe" /* engine */); // A $lookup rejected during engine selection should inhibit SBE. assertEngine([lookupStage], "classic" /* engine */); assertEngine([matchStage, lookupStage], "classic" /* engine */); assertEngine([matchStage, lookupStage, groupStage], "classic" /* engine */); // Constructing an index over the foreignField of 'lookupStage' will cause the $lookup to be // pushed down. assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({b: 1})); assertEngine([matchStage, lookupStage, groupStage], "sbe" /* engine */); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndex({b: 1})); // Though the $lookup will not run in SBE, a preceding $group should still let SBE be used. assertEngine([matchStage, groupStage, lookupStage], "sbe" /* engine */); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); }()); (function testHashJoinQueryKnobs() { // Create a new scope and start a new mongod so that the mongod-wide global state changes do not // affect subsequent tests if any. const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({setParameter: {featureFlagSbeFull: true}}); const db = conn.getDB(name); const lcoll = db.query_knobs_local; const fcoll = db.query_knobs_foreign; assert.commandWorked(lcoll.insert({a: 1})); assert.commandWorked(fcoll.insert([{a: 1}, {a: 1}])); // The foreign collection is very small and first verifies that the HJ is chosen under the // default query knob values. runTest(lcoll, [{$lookup: {from: fcoll.getName(), localField: "a", foreignField: "a", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.HJ, null /* indexKeyPattern */, {allowDiskUse: true}); // The fcollStats.count means the number of documents in a collection, the fcollStats.size means // the collection's data size, and the fcollStats.storageSize means the allocated storage size. const fcollStats = assert.commandWorked(fcoll.stats()); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({ setParameter: 1, internalQueryCollectionMaxNoOfDocumentsToChooseHashJoin: fcollStats.count, internalQueryCollectionMaxDataSizeBytesToChooseHashJoin: fcollStats.size, internalQueryCollectionMaxStorageSizeBytesToChooseHashJoin: fcollStats.storageSize })); // Verifies that the HJ is still chosen. runTest(lcoll, [{$lookup: {from: fcoll.getName(), localField: "a", foreignField: "a", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.HJ, null /* indexKeyPattern */, {allowDiskUse: true}); // Setting the 'internalQueryDisableLookupExecutionUsingHashJoin' knob to true will disable // HJ plans from being chosen and since the pipeline is SBE compatible it will fallback to // NLJ. assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({ setParameter: 1, internalQueryDisableLookupExecutionUsingHashJoin: true, })); runTest(lcoll, [{$lookup: {from: fcoll.getName(), localField: "a", foreignField: "a", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ, null /* indexKeyPattern */, {allowDiskUse: true}); // Test that we can go back to generating HJ plans. assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({ setParameter: 1, internalQueryDisableLookupExecutionUsingHashJoin: false, })); runTest(lcoll, [{$lookup: {from: fcoll.getName(), localField: "a", foreignField: "a", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.HJ, null /* indexKeyPattern */, {allowDiskUse: true}); // Setting the 'internalQueryCollectionMaxNoOfDocumentsToChooseHashJoin' to count - 1 results in // choosing the NLJ algorithm. assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({ setParameter: 1, internalQueryCollectionMaxNoOfDocumentsToChooseHashJoin: fcollStats.count - 1 })); runTest(lcoll, [{$lookup: {from: fcoll.getName(), localField: "a", foreignField: "a", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ, null /* indexKeyPattern */, {allowDiskUse: true}); // Reverting back 'internalQueryCollectionMaxNoOfDocumentsToChooseHashJoin' to the previous // value. Setting the 'internalQueryCollectionMaxDataSizeBytesToChooseHashJoin' to size - 1 // results in choosing the NLJ algorithm. assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({ setParameter: 1, internalQueryCollectionMaxNoOfDocumentsToChooseHashJoin: fcollStats.count, internalQueryCollectionMaxDataSizeBytesToChooseHashJoin: fcollStats.size - 1 })); runTest(lcoll, [{$lookup: {from: fcoll.getName(), localField: "a", foreignField: "a", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ, null /* indexKeyPattern */, {allowDiskUse: true}); // Reverting back 'internalQueryCollectionMaxDataSizeBytesToChooseHashJoin' to the previous // value. Setting the 'internalQueryCollectionMaxStorageSizeBytesToChooseHashJoin' to // storageSize - 1 results in choosing the NLJ algorithm. assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({ setParameter: 1, internalQueryCollectionMaxDataSizeBytesToChooseHashJoin: fcollStats.size, internalQueryCollectionMaxStorageSizeBytesToChooseHashJoin: fcollStats.storageSize - 1 })); runTest(lcoll, [{$lookup: {from: fcoll.getName(), localField: "a", foreignField: "a", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ, null /* indexKeyPattern */, {allowDiskUse: true}); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); }()); // Verify that $lookup works in transaction. (function verifyLookupInTransaction() { const rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 1}); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); const primary = rst.getPrimary(); function runTransactionTest(pipeline, aggOptions = {}) { // Clear the collections. primary.getDB(name).getCollection(name).drop(); primary.getDB(name).getCollection(foreignCollName).drop(); // Start a snapshot transaction. const session = primary.startSession({causalConsistency: false}); const db = session.getDatabase(name); const coll = db.getCollection(name); const foreignColl = db.getCollection(foreignCollName); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 0, a: 0})); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.insert({_id: 0, b: 0})); session.startTransaction({readConcern: {level: "snapshot"}}); function verifySingleDoc(cursor) { assert.docEq(cursor.next(), {_id: 0, a: 0, out: [{_id: 0, b: 0}]}); assert(!cursor.hasNext()); } // Transaction starts with single doc. let cursor = coll.aggregate( [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}]); verifySingleDoc(cursor); // Insert a document outside the transaction, should not be visible in the transaction. assert.commandWorked(primary.getDB(name).getCollection(name).insert({_id: "outside_txn"})); cursor = coll.aggregate(pipeline, aggOptions); verifySingleDoc(cursor); assert.commandWorked(session.commitTransaction_forTesting()); } // Basic $lookup should exercise NLJ. runTransactionTest( [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], {allowDiskUse: false}); // $lookup with index on '_id' foreign field should exercise INLJ. runTransactionTest( [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "_id", as: "out"}}], {allowDiskUse: false}); // $lookup with 'allowDiskUse' should exercise HJ. runTransactionTest( [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}]); assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand({ setParameter: 1, internalQuerySlotBasedExecutionHashLookupApproxMemoryUseInBytesBeforeSpill: 1, })); // $lookup with HJ in transaction still works with spilling. runTransactionTest( [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}]); rst.stopSet(); }()); // Sharded cases. const st = new ShardingTest({ shards: 2, mongos: 1, other: {shardOptions: {setParameter: {featureFlagSbeFull: true, allowDiskUseByDefault: false}}} }); db = st.s.getDB(name); // Setup. Here, 'coll' is sharded, 'foreignColl' is unsharded, 'viewName' is an unsharded view, // and 'shardedViewName' is a sharded view. const shardedViewName = "sharded_foreign_view"; coll = db[name]; assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: 1, shardKey: 1})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: 2, shardKey: 10})); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({shardKey: 1})); st.shardColl(coll.getName(), {shardKey: 1}, {shardKey: 5}, {shardKey: 5}, name); foreignColl = db[foreignCollName]; assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.insert({b: 5})); assert.commandWorked(db.createView(viewName, foreignCollName, [{$match: {b: {$gte: 0}}}])); assert.commandWorked(db.createView(shardedViewName, name, [{$match: {b: {$gte: 0}}}])); (function testLookupPushdownAgainstShardedCluster() { // Both collections are unsharded. runTest(foreignColl, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.NLJ /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // Sharded main collection, unsharded right side. This is not expected to be eligible for // pushdown because the $lookup will be preceded by a $mergeCursors stage on the merging shard. runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // Sharded main collection, unsharded right side. Here, we are targeting a single shard, so // there will be no leading $mergeCursors stage. We should still avoid pushing down $lookup. const singleShardPipeline = [ {$match: {shardKey: 1}}, {$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}} ]; runTest(coll, singleShardPipeline, JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // Verify that the above pipeline targets a single shard and doesn't use a $mergeCursors stage. const singleShardExplain = coll.explain().aggregate(singleShardPipeline); assert(!aggPlanHasStage(singleShardExplain, "$mergeCursors", "found $mergeCursors in " + tojson(singleShardExplain))); assert(singleShardExplain.hasOwnProperty("shards"), "should have shards property in explain: " + tojson(singleShardExplain)); assert.eq(Object.keys(singleShardExplain["shards"]).length, 1, "sharded explain should only" + " target one shard " + tojson(singleShardExplain)); // Both collections are sharded. runTest(coll, [{$lookup: {from: name, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // Unsharded main collection, sharded right side. runTest(foreignColl, [{$lookup: {from: name, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // Unsharded main collection, unsharded view right side. runTest(foreignColl, [{$lookup: {from: viewName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); // Unsharded main collection, sharded view on the right side. runTest(foreignColl, [{$lookup: {from: shardedViewName, localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "out"}}], JoinAlgorithm.Classic /* expectedJoinAlgorithm */); }()); st.stop(); }());