// this tests that members will stay in RECOVERING state on startup if they have not reached // their stored minvalid // @tags: [requires_replication] var name = "minvalid"; var replTest = new ReplSetTest({name: name, nodes: 1, oplogSize: 1}); var host = getHostName(); var nodes = replTest.startSet(); replTest.initiate(); var master = replTest.getPrimary(); var mdb = master.getDB("foo"); print("1: initial insert"); mdb.foo.save({a: 1000}); print("2. get last op"); var local = master.getDB("local"); var lastOp = local.oplog.rs.find().sort({$natural: -1}).limit(1).next(); printjson(lastOp); print("3: change minvalid"); assert.writeOK(local.replset.minvalid.update( {}, {$set: {ts: new Timestamp(lastOp.ts.t, lastOp.ts.i + 1)}}, {upsert: true})); printjson(local.replset.minvalid.findOne()); print("4: restart"); replTest.restart(0); print("5: make sure it stays in recovering"); var timeout = (new Date()).getTime() + 30000; while ((new Date().getTime()) < timeout) { var status = replTest.nodes[0].getDB("admin").runCommand({isMaster: 1}); assert(!status.secondary && !status.primary, tojson(status)); sleep(2000); } replTest.stopSet(15);