/** * Verify that mirroredReads that pass the slow query threshold set mirrored:true. * * @tags: [ * requires_replication, * requires_fcv_61, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; function setParameter({rst, value}) { return rst.getPrimary().adminCommand({setParameter: 1, mirrorReads: value}); } const kDbName = "test"; const kCollName = jsTestName(); function verifySlowLogsIndicateMirroredReads(rst, cmd) { jsTestLog("Verifying log message indicates mirrored operation for cmd '" + tojson(cmd)); let primaryAdminDb = rst.getPrimary().getDB('admin'); let secondaryAdminDb = rst.getSecondary().getDB('admin'); rst.getPrimary().getDB(kDbName).runCommand(cmd); const logId = 51803; // Check that the primary slow log messages do not print with mirror: true. assert(checkLog.checkContainsWithCountJson(primaryAdminDb, logId, {mirrored: true}, /*expectedCount=*/0, /*severity=*/null, /*isRelaxed=*/true)); assert.soon(() => { // Check that the secondary slow log message is printed with mirrored: true. return checkLog.checkContainsWithCountJson(secondaryAdminDb, logId, {mirrored: true}, /*expectedCount=*/1, /*severity=*/null, /*isRelaxed=*/true); }); assert.commandWorked(secondaryAdminDb.adminCommand({clearLog: "global"})); } { const rst = new ReplSetTest({ nodes: 2, }); rst.startSet(); rst.initiateWithHighElectionTimeout(); // Put in a datum { let ret = rst.getPrimary().getDB(kDbName).runCommand({insert: kCollName, documents: [{x: 1}]}); assert.commandWorked(ret); } // Set the slow query logging threshold (slowMS) to -1 to ensure every query gets logged on the // secondary. rst.getSecondary().getDB('admin').setProfilingLevel(0, -1); // Have every operation be mirrored. assert.commandWorked(setParameter({rst: rst, value: {samplingRate: 1.0}})); verifySlowLogsIndicateMirroredReads(rst, {find: kCollName, filter: {}}); verifySlowLogsIndicateMirroredReads(rst, {count: kCollName, query: {}}); verifySlowLogsIndicateMirroredReads(rst, {distinct: kCollName, key: "x"}); verifySlowLogsIndicateMirroredReads( rst, {findAndModify: kCollName, query: {}, update: {'$inc': {x: 1}}}); verifySlowLogsIndicateMirroredReads( rst, {update: kCollName, updates: [{q: {_id: 1}, u: {'$inc': {x: 1}}}], ordered: false}); rst.stopSet(); } })();