/** * Tests that apiStrict forbids authentication as multiple users. * @tags: [requires_auth] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/fail_point_util.js"); load("jstests/libs/parallel_shell_helpers.js"); function runTest(conn) { const db1 = "foo"; const user1 = "alice"; const db2 = "bar"; const user2 = "bob"; const db3 = "foo"; const user3 = "carol"; const pass = "pwd"; conn.getDB(db1).createUser({user: user1, pwd: pass, roles: []}); conn.getDB(db2).createUser({user: user2, pwd: pass, roles: []}); conn.getDB(db3).createUser({user: user3, pwd: pass, roles: []}); { jsTest.log("Testing the rainbow of auth with a vanilla connection"); const vanillaConn = new Mongo(conn.host); assert(vanillaConn.getDB(db1).auth(user1, pass), "Initial authN should succeed"); assert(vanillaConn.getDB(db2).auth(user2, pass), "AuthN on another db should succeed"); assert(vanillaConn.getDB(db1).auth(user1, pass), "Re-authN as first user should succeed"); assert(vanillaConn.getDB(db3).auth(user3, pass), "AuthN as a new user on the first database should succeed"); } { jsTest.log("Testing the rainbow of auth with an { apiStrict: false } connection"); const laxConn = new Mongo(conn.host, undefined, {api: {version: '1', strict: false}}); assert(laxConn.getDB(db1).auth(user1, pass), "Initial authN should succeed"); assert(laxConn.getDB(db2).auth(user2, pass), "AuthN on another db should succeed"); assert(laxConn.getDB(db1).auth(user1, pass), "Re-authN as first user should succeed"); assert(laxConn.getDB(db3).auth(user3, pass), "AuthN as a new user on the first database should succeed"); } { jsTest.log("Testing the rainbow of auth with an { apiStrict: true } connection"); const strictConn = new Mongo(conn.host, undefined, {api: {version: '1', strict: true}}); assert(strictConn.getDB(db1).auth(user1, pass), "Initial authN should succeed"); assert(!strictConn.getDB(db2).auth(user2, pass), "AuthN on another db should fail"); assert(!strictConn.getDB(db1).auth(user1, pass), "Re-authN as first user should fail"); assert(!strictConn.getDB(db3).auth(user3, pass), "AuthN as a new user on the first database should fail"); } { jsTest.log("Testing the rainbow of auth with an { apiStrict: true } connection " + "and the allowMultipleUsersWithApiStrict fail point"); const fp = configureFailPoint(conn, "allowMultipleUsersWithApiStrict"); const strictishConn = new Mongo(conn.host, undefined, {api: {version: '1', strict: true}}); assert(strictishConn.getDB(db1).auth(user1, pass), "Initial authN should succeed"); assert(strictishConn.getDB(db2).auth(user2, pass), "AuthN on another db should succeed"); assert(strictishConn.getDB(db1).auth(user1, pass), "Re-authN as first user should succeed"); assert(strictishConn.getDB(db3).auth(user3, pass), "AuthN as a new user on the first database should succeed"); fp.off(); } } { const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod(); runTest(conn); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); } })();